Public Domain
Jegenyék alatt: ElbeszélésekJegenyék alatt: ElbeszélésekA harang az Isten nyelve, a ki ezen ltal szl az emberekhez. Htkznapokon reggel, dlben, estve, nnepnap azonban tbbszr, mert olyankor emberek is jobban rrnek. De a hallgatsa is egszen ms akkor. Lassan s mltsggal teljesen mondja el ilyenkor, a mit akar....
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Americans, Drawn by Charles Dana GibsonAmericans, Drawn by Charles Dana GibsonEach book contains eighty-four of Mr. Gibsons best cartoons, and all are uniform in size, shape and binding. Thanks are due Messrs. Mitchell & Miller and Charles Scribners Sons, for their co-operation in making this volume as representative and...
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Elämän langatElämän langatTalo sijaitsi lehmuskujan varrella juuri sill kohtaa, mist tie lhti isolle aukiolle. Viime vuosina oli sen poikki vedetty raitiotielinja, mutta ainoastaan kesisin sunnuntaipivin oli liikenne niin vilkas, ett selvn huomasi pkaupungin lheisyyden. Arkioloissa vallitsi rauha ja hiljaisuus kapealla tiell vanhain jttilislehmusten alla. Lapset...
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Szindbád utazásaiSzindbád utazásaiA podolini kolostorban, gondolta magban egyszer egy szes frfiu, jszaka, szfel, odakint a hztetkn kdbl val kmnyseprk jrtak a nedves holdfnyben, volt, vagy van egy rgi kp, a kpen torzonborz ember, a bajusza boglyasan felfel kunkorod, mint a hsk, a szaklla tmr s...
- €6,16 EUR
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SognandoSognando Io mi rammento di un assai vecchio e assai malinconico libro di Carlo Dickens, intitolato I tempi difficili. Emana dalle pagine di questo romanzo dimenticato una di quelle acute e irrimediabili tristezze a cui neppure la indulgente e assolvente filosofia dell'autore osa trovare,...
- €6,16 EUR
- €6,16 EUR
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A Short Narrative of an Extraordinary Delivery of Rabbets, Perform'd by Mr. John Howard Surgeon at GuilfordA Short Narrative of an Extraordinary Delivery of Rabbets, Perform'd by Mr. John Howard Surgeon at GuilfordWhatever may be the Fate of this Account, I think my self indispensably obliged to relate the Facts that I saw, and transacted my self, as also the...
- €6,16 EUR
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Frank Merriwell's Support Or, A Triple PlayFrank Merriwell's Support; Or, A Triple PlayIt was the seventh inning, Frank Merriwells team had not scored, while the Omaha Stars, who had been putting up a hard game against the boys from the East, had made two runs, one in the first inning...
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Book 1760Discover the Excitement of Hairpin LaceStep 1: Remove cross bar from bottom of hairpin lace loom. Loom is held with round end up (or remaining bar up if adjustable loom). Form a slip loop the width of loom, place left prong through loop (illustration...
- €6,16 EUR
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La Leda senza cignoLa Leda senza cigno Questo mi fu raccontato ieri, prima di sera, sul pontone piatto che la bassa marea lasciava in secco a poco a poco, mentre udivamo intorno bruire la vita nascosta delle sabbie e a quando a quando il chi rammaricarsi nelle...
- €6,16 EUR
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The happy villagersThe happy villagers - Embellished with an engravingMR. JACKSON had been an eminent tradesman in the city of Dublin, where he by trade acquired an independent fortune, and was now retired into the country, to spend the remainder of his days amidst rural retreats,...
- €6,16 EUR
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United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 663Drug Plants Under CultivationTHIS BULLETIN gives general suggestions relative to the culture, harvesting, distillation, yield, marketing, and commercial prospects for drug plants. Specific information is also given concerning the cultivation, handling, and yield of individual species and the demand and prices paid for the...
- €6,16 EUR
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The House of DelightThe House of DelightBetsey was a curly-headed little girl, nine years old, who played with her dolls in the most interesting way you ever saw. Little Mrs. Delight, with her soft brown hair and beautiful brown eyes, was Betseys very dearest doll, and she...
- €6,16 EUR
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Crypt-City of the Deathless OneCrypt-City of the Deathless OneOnly once could a man defy the deathless guardians of the Ancient's tomb-city deep in Ganymede's hell-forest and expect to live. Yet Ed Garth had to return, had to lead men to certain doomto keep a promise to a girl...
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A GentlemanA GentlemanIn offering this little book to that public for which it is intendeda public made up of young men from fifteen to twenty years of agethe author fears that he may seem presumptuous. He intends to accentuate what most of them already know,...
- €6,16 EUR
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Naturaleza de las cosas: Versión en prosa del poema «De rerum natura»Naturaleza de las cosas: Versión en prosa del poema «De rerum natura»Segn los datos ms fidedignos que se han podido reunir, Tito Lucrecio Caro naci, hace ahora 1988 aos, en el 658 de la fundacin de Roma, correspondiente la Olimpiada 171., en ocasin en...
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King MomboKing MomboMy dear Solis,Looking back through the vista of years, and remembering your solicitude when I came to you broken in health, and the care, professional and other, through which your affection and skill restored me to health and permitted the resumption of my...
- €6,16 EUR
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JonahJonah - Christmas 19171.F.3. LIMITED RIGHT OF REPLACEMENT OR REFUND - If you discover a defect in this electronic work within 90 days of receiving it, you can receive a refund of the money (if any) you paid for it by sending a written...
- €6,16 EUR
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Canal ReminiscencesCanal Reminiscences - Recollections of Travel in the Old Days on the James River & Kanawha CanalMy first thought was to print these reminiscences in a newspaper. But our papers are unable to pay for contributions. It was not so in the former days....
- €6,16 EUR
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A Furnace of EarthA Furnace of EarthA group of ragged children tossed up their caps and shouted from the cluster of fishermens huts set further back from the sea; he did not heed them, but seated himself on the tufted panic-grass and turned his eyes seaward. The...
- €6,16 EUR
- €6,16 EUR
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As Netas do Padre EternoAs Netas do Padre Eterno - Romance originalDesde a primavera at ao inverno de 1873, decorre, na historia da moderna Hespanha, um periodo de rubra agitao demagogica, em que tanto a abandonada coroa da velha Monarchia de S. Fernando como o recente barrete phrygio...
- €6,16 EUR
- €6,16 EUR
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