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Jilted! Or, My Uncle's Scheme, Volume 2Jilted! Or, My Uncle's Scheme, Volume 2My uncle Dick amply vindicated his brothers eulogium of his conversational powers. When, at the bank, I had beheld the stout, big form of my relative, and heard his bluff and highly familiar language, I believed him to...
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Jilted! Or, My Uncle's Scheme, Volume 1Jilted! Or, My Uncle's Scheme, Volume 1It has been found hard to describe man by an adequate definition. Some philosophers have called him a reasonable animal; but others have considered reason as a quality of which many creatures partake. He has been termed likewise...
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The theory and practice of argumentation and debateThe theory and practice of argumentation and debateThe object of this book is to furnish practical directions for the preparation and presentation of oral and written arguments. Teachers of Argumentation and Debate have come to realize that interest can best be stimulated and practical...
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American Negro monographs, no. 4The social evolution of the Black SouthDr. W. E. BURGHARDT DUBOIS is a native of Great Barrington, Mass. After receiving an education in the schools of his native city he entered Fisk University, Tennessee, from which he graduated with the degree of A. B....
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Les condamnés politiques en Nouvelle-Calédonie: Récit de deux évadésLes condamnés politiques en Nouvelle-Calédonie: Récit de deux évadésA la fin de mai 1871, aprs l'crasement de la Rvolution de Paris, quand l'arme de Versailles fut lasse de huit jours de massacre, quarante ou cinquante mille prisonniers restaient encore entre ses mains. Entasss dans...
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Quest's EndQuest's EndThig's quest was not yet finished, for the Hordes of Ortha had sent another ship across the Void. Only he could halt Earth's destructionwith a weapon that was but a thought in his mind. "I was a fool," gritted Thig. His eye crowded...
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Il DiavoloIl Diavolo Non , a dir proprio, una storia ordinata e compiuta del diavolo, perch non credo si possa fare di tale storia un libro popolare; e un libro popolare appunto intesi far io, un libro cio che si potesse leggere senza fatica, ma...
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Dhoula Bel: Ein Rosenkreuzer-RomanDhoula Bel: Ein Rosenkreuzer-RomanUm die Mitte des vorigen Jahrhunderts, das so ungewhnlich viele in okkulter Hinsicht bemerkenswerte Menschen hervorgebracht hat, lebte in den Sdstaaten Amerikas ein Mann, der sich P. B. Randolph nannte, in seiner Jugend Friseur war, spter alle mglichen kleinen Berufe ausbte...
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Rämeen Paavo; Antti Heimosen taloudenvaiheitaRämeen Paavo; Antti Heimosen taloudenvaiheita - Kaksi kertomusta maatalouden alaltaKorkealla vaaralla oli Honkalan talo it-Savossa. Monta miespolvea oli sama suku tt taloa hallinnut. Talo oli aina pysynyt, mikli muistettiin, jotenkin vankkana. Poika oli aina seurannut isn jlki. Kaikki talon tavatkin olivat pysyneet melkein muuttumattomina...
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TintaTintaz a nap, melyen megtudtuk, hogy hboru lesz, krlbell olyan a klssgekben, mint a tbbi. Tlttt paprikt ebdeltek az emberek a nyri vendglk vadszlvel befuttatott tornczn, vilgos srrel s nagyon-nagyon fehr kenyrrel. Milyen fehr volt ez a kenyr. Soha mg a kpzeletnkben sem lmodoztunk...
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Nebel der AndromedaNebel der Andromeda - Das merkwürdige Vermächtnis eines Irdischen Es ist zwar ein befremdlicher und dem Anscheine nach ungereimter Anschlag, nach einer Idee, wie der Weltlauf gehen mte, wenn er gewissen vernnftigen Zwecken angemessen sein sollte, eine Geschichte abfassen zu wollen; es scheint, in...
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A guerrilha de Frei Simão: romance historicoA guerrilha de Frei Simão: romance historicoPassei o dia 9 de setembro de 1894, em Cezr, na casa onde nasceu frei Simo de Vasconcellos, o protagonista deste romance. A amavel hospedagem com que alli me recebeu o sr. Alfredo Praa de Vasconcellos, bacharel em...
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The Edge of the DesertThe Edge of the DesertIt was cold, but a glorious morning when I left by motor for Kairouan. Soon the white houses of Tunis were left behind. The sun was rising as we flung its outskirts behind us, and the car headed for open...
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MiltonMiltonThe original text was not separated in chapters. For the only purpose of facilitating the navigation on the HTML version and hand-held devices chapters were added to the transcribed text. The addition of those chapters was arbitrary and did not follow any particular logic....
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Wellington's Men: Some Soldier AutobiographiesWellington's Men: Some Soldier AutobiographiesThis volume is an attempt to rescue from undeserved oblivion a cluster of soldierly autobiographies; and to give to the general reader some pictures of famous battles, not as described by the historian or analysed by the philosopher, but as...
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DrawingsDrawingsSOME time ago I was spending a driven but happy forenoon among those shops where guns, and fishing tackle, and tents, and all the various necessities of a Western holiday are found. My time was crowded, and against the column of items on my...
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The Monster MakerThe Monster MakerSuddenly, it was there. There wasn't time to blink or speak or get scared. Click Hathaway's camera was loaded and he stood there listening to it rack-spin film between his fingers, and he knew he was getting a damned sweet picture of...
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Stories from SwitzerlandStories from SwitzerlandBoys and girls who have learned to read, are able to examine the Holy Bible, which is the book that tells us about God, and from which we learn about our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Mr. Williams was one day walking...
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Japanilainen satakieliJapanilainen satakieliI. Myrskytanssi. II. Nainen kosii ja saa rukkaset. III. Muuan sopimus. IV. Mies kosii ja saa myntvn vastauksen. V. It ja lnsi yhtyvt. VI. Seikkailijatar. VII. Vaimoni. VIII. Yukin koti. IX. Mikadon syntympiv. X. Huono enne. XI. Satakieli. XII. Taro Burton. XIII. Sisaren...
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Hra Kenosen harha-askel eli mitä huono seura voi matkaansaattaaHra Kenosen harha-askel eli mitä huono seura voi matkaansaattaaTmn jlkeen vallitsi sekunnin pituinen kaamea hiljaisuus, niinkuin tulivuoren ensimmisen purkauksen jlkeen. Sitten otti hra Kenonen nenliinan taskustaan ja prskhteli ja pristeli viel hetken aikaa, niinkuin merell, kun myrsky on tauonnut, mainingit viel kotvasen pitvt vesimassoja...
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