Public Domain
Two PoetsTwo Poets Two Poets is part one of a trilogy and begins the story of Lucien, his sister Eve, and his friend David in the provincial town of Angouleme. Part two, A Distinguished Provincial at Paris is centered on Luciens Parisian life. Part three,...
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The Kingdom of the BlindThe Kingdom of the Blind Lady Anselman stood in the centre of the lounge at the Ritz Hotel and with a delicately-poised forefinger counted her guests. There was the great French actress who had every charm but youth, chatting vivaciously with a tall, pale-faced...
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The Story of an African FarmThe Story of an African Farm I have to thank cordially the public and my critics for the reception they have given this little book. Dealing with a subject that is far removed from the round of English daily life, it of necessity lacks...
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Woman and LabourWoman and Labour It is necessary to say a few words to explain this book. The original title of the book was Musings on Woman and Labour. It is, what its name implies, a collection of musings on some of the points connected with...
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DreamsDreams All day the soft wind played with her hair, and the young, young face looked out across the water. She was waitingshe was waiting; but she could not tell for what. All day the waves ran up and up on the sand, and...
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No NameNo Name The main purpose of this story is to appeal to the readers interest in a subject which has been the theme of some of the greatest writers, living and deadbut which has never been, and can never be, exhausted, because it is...
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JuanaJuana Notwithstanding the discipline which Marechal Suchet had introduced into his army corps, he was unable to prevent a short period of trouble and disorder at the taking of Tarragona. According to certain fair-minded military men, this intoxication of victory bore a striking resemblance...
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A Voyage to AbyssiniaA Voyage to AbyssiniaThe following relation is so curious and entertaining, and the dissertations that accompany it so judicious and instructive, that the translator is confident his attempt stands in need of no apology, whatever censures may fall on the performance. The Portuguese traveller,...
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Miscellaneous PapersMiscellaneous PapersMr. Chauncey Hare Townshend died in London, on the 25th of February 1868. His will contained the following passage: In pursuance of the foregoing injunction, the Literary Executor so appointed (not previously aware that the publication of any Religious Opinions would be enjoined...
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EssaysEssaysOne can hardly be dull possessing the pleasant imaginary picture of a Municipality hot in chase of a wild cropat least while the charming quarry escapes, as it does in Rome. The Municipality does not exist that would be nimble enough to overtake the...
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The Red InnThe Red Inn In I know not what year a Parisian banker, who had very extensive commercial relations with Germany, was entertaining at dinner one of those friends whom men of business often make in the markets of the world through correspondence; a man...
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SeraphitaSeraphita As the eye glances over a map of the coasts of Norway, can the imagination fail to marvel at their fantastic indentations and serrated edges, like a granite lace, against which the surges of the North Sea roar incessantly? Who has not dreamed...
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Trooper Peter Halket of MashonalandTrooper Peter Halket of Mashonaland (A photographic plate at the front of the book shows three people hanging from a tree by their necks. Around them stand eight men, looking not at all troubled by their participation in the scene. Of this event all...
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Beautiful Stories from ShakespeareBeautiful Stories from Shakespeare It may be said of Shakespeare, that from his works may be collected a system of civil and economical prudence. He has been imitated by all succeeding writers; and it may be doubted whether from all his successors more maxims...
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The Garden Party, and Other StoriesThe Garden Party, and Other Stories Very early morning. The sun was not yet risen, and the whole of Crescent Bay was hidden under a white sea-mist. The big bush-covered hills at the back were smothered. You could not see where they ended and...
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La GrenadiereLa Grenadiere La Grenadiere is a little house on the right bank of the Loire as you go down stream, about a mile below the bridge of Tours. At this point the river, broad as a lake, and covered with scattered green islands, flows...
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A Drama on the SeashoreA Drama on the Seashore Nearly all young men have a compass with which they delight in measuring the future. When their will is equal to the breadth of the angle at which they open it the world is theirs. But this phenomenon of...
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The RecruitThe Recruit On an evening in the month of November, 1793, the principal persons of Carentan were assembled in the salon of Madame de Dey, where they met daily. Several circumstances which would never have attracted attention in a large town, though they greatly...
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El VerdugoEl Verdugo The clock of the little town of Menda had just struck midnight. At that moment a young French officer, leaning on the parapet of a long terrace which bordered the gardens of the chateau de Menda, seemed buried in thoughts that were...
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Castle RackrentCastle Rackrent The Prevailing taste of the public for anecdote has been censured and ridiculed by critics who aspire to the character of superior wisdom; but if we consider it in a proper point of view, this taste is an incontestable proof of the...
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