Public Domain
Drug Smuggling and Taking in India and BurmaDrug Smuggling and Taking in India and BurmaAt a time when the drug-evil, as it is called, is attracting so much attention all over the world, it does not seem out of place to tell the public something about how conditions in regard to...
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Juicio razonado sobre los acontecimientos de Europa, situacion del Sumo Pontífice, y tambien sobre la ventajosa posicion en que se encuentra la España, respecto del resto de EuropaJuicio razonado sobre los acontecimientos de Europa, situacion del Sumo Pontífice, y tambien sobre la ventajosa posicion en que se encuentra la España, respecto del resto de EuropaLa revolucion poltica que se verifica en esa porcion de Europa y que ha conmovido hasta los...
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Witch of the GlensWitch of the GlensCopyright 1962 by Sally Watson All rights reserved First published in 1962 by The Viking Press, Inc. 625 Madison Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. Published simultaneously in Canada by The Macmillan Company of Canada Limited Each uisghe. Water horse (mythical...
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France from Behind the Veil: Fifty Years of Social and Political LifeFrance from Behind the Veil: Fifty Years of Social and Political LifeWhile this volume has been passing through the press certain of the personages still living at the time Count Vassili was at work on the manuscript of France from Behind the Veil have...
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A History of England, Period I. Mediaeval MonarchyA History of England, Period I. Mediæval MonarchyThe history of civilization can be traced in great lines which have more or less followed a similar direction throughout all Europe. The interest of a national history is to observe the course which these lines have...
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Coins de ParisCoins de ParisPetit-fils et fils de deux artistes d'un rare mrite et d'une juste clbrit: P.-J. Mne et Auguste Cain; mon excellent ami Georges Cain a suffisamment prouv qu'il est le digne hritier de leur talent. Il veut constater aujourd'hui qu'il sait, comme disaient...
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Juhannustulilla: Laulunsekainen kansanpilaJuhannustulilla: Laulunsekainen kansanpila Ja pojat ne metshn lksivt, ne lksivt, pyypyssyt olalla hilyi, tytt kaivolla kauan nykkyivt, ne nykkyivt, ja silmiss kyynel pilyi. Ei meill' ole ikv ollenkaan, ei ollenkaan, vain halli se oravaa itkee, tytt luhdin solassa nauraa vaan, ne nauraa vaan ja...
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The Abandoned of YanThe Abandoned of YanShe did not do this immediately. She stayed up for the better part of the night, hoping that he would come back. She could not bring herself to believe that he would really walk out on her and leave her available...
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Die fünf Waldstädte: Ein Buch für Menschen, die jung sindDie fünf Waldstädte: Ein Buch für Menschen, die jung sindDa war in der Gegend zwischen Frankreich und Ruland ein Wald, der war so gro, da ein lahmer Mann an die dreiviertel Stunden brauchte, ehe er um ihn herum war. In diesem Walde lagen die...
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Saline SolutionSaline SolutionConsul-General Magnan gingerly fingered the heavily rubber-banded sheaf of dog-eared documents. "I haven't rushed into precipitate action on this claim, Retief," he said. "The Consulate has grave responsibilities here in the Belt. One must weigh all aspects of the situation, consider the ramifications....
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The Case Against Spirit PhotographsThe Case Against Spirit PhotographsSPIRIT photographs have long been a source of controversy and discussion, and signs are not lacking that public interest in them is at least as keen as ever. A Society for the Study of Supernormal Pictures has, for example, been...
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La leçon d'amour dans un parcLa leçon d'amour dans un parcIl a t tir de cet ouvrage: Trois exemplaires sur Chine, hors commerce et quinze exemplaires numrots, savoir: Trois exemplaires sur Japon, de 1 3 et douze exemplaires sur vlin des Papeteries du Marais fabriqu spcialement pour les ditions...
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Frank Merriwell, Jr., in Arizona or, Clearing a Rival's RecordFrank Merriwell, Jr., in Arizona; or, Clearing a Rival's RecordThere were two of them, and they had been tramping wearily through a defile known as Bitter-root Caon. The stage trail leading from Ophir, Arizona, to Gold Hill, followed the caon, and the two lads...
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Life of Edwin Forrest, the American Tragedian. Volume 1 (of 2)Life of Edwin Forrest, the American Tragedian. Volume 1 (of 2)The Author of the following work apologizes for the delay of its publication on the ground of long-continued ill health which unfitted him for mental labor. He has tried to make amends by sparing...
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Socialism and the familySocialism and the familyThese are two papers written by Mr. H. G. Wells. The first was read to the Fabian Society in October, 1906, under the title of Socialism and the Middle Classes. The second appeared first in the Independent Review. Together they state...
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The Boy Travellers in MexicoThe Boy Travellers in Mexico - Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey to Northern and Central Mexico, Campeachey, and Yucatan, With a Description of the Republics of Central America and of the Nicaragua CanalUntil within the past few years, Mexico was a country...
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Companionable BooksCompanionable BooksMany books are dry and dusty, there is no juice in them; and many are soon exhausted, you would no more go back to them than to a squeezed orange; but some have in them an unfailing sap, both from the tree of...
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The Happy IslesThe Happy IslesAt eight months of age his only experience of life had been one of well-being. [Pg 1]He was fed when hungry; he slept when sleepy; he woke when he had slept enough. When bored or annoyed or uneasy he could cry. If...
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Pohjanmaan helmi: Romantillinen kertomus 1808 vuoden sodastaPohjanmaan helmi: Romantillinen kertomus 1808 vuoden sodastaTuon pienen Alajrven-joen rannalle, joka yhdist Lappa- ja Ala-jrvet Pohjanmaalla, tahdomme vied lukijan ern kauniina kesaamuna v. 1808. Pitkin tuon monissa mutkissa juoksevan joen rantoja levi tummat metst tai niiden vlill suon tapaiset seudut ja kankaat, joilla ainoastaan...
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