Explore a wide selection of religion books, including the best books on Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and More
Libres de La Esclavitud a la Manera de Dios / Free from Bondage God's Way (New Inductive Study Series)Libres de la Esclavitud a la Manera de Dios - (G latas, Efesios) - (G latas es 6 semanas; Efesios es 7 semanas) - por Kay Arthur Atrapado en haz esto, no hagas lo otro? Atrapado en un pecado? Seducido por el mundo? Hay...
- €12,02 EUR
- €12,02 EUR
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Manteniendose Firme En Estos Ultimos Dias / Standing Firm in These Last DaysManteniEndose Firme En Estos Ultimos DIas JesUs viene pronto Te llena esto de gozo o temor - o un poco de ambos? Te preguntas cOmo debes ordenar tu vida a la luz de Su venida? Primera y Segunda de Tesalonicenses te mostrarA cOmo ordenar...
- €13,37 EUR
- €13,37 EUR
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The Psalms of David: Translated from the Septuagint Greek"In this rendering, the Psalms become once again what they were for Christian believers from the very beginning: the hymnal of the Church. They remain, certainly, the songs of Israel: from its cries of lamentation to its shouts of exultation. But for the Christian...
- €38,80 EUR
- €38,80 EUR
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The Baker's Dozen Coloring Book: A Grayscale Adult Coloring Book and Children's Storybook Featuring a Christmas Legend of Saint Nicholas"Definitely the best grayscale coloring book I've ever seen . . . I think it will be my favorite coloring book for Christmastime." -- Coloring with Alena, YouTube, June 19, 2018 "Probably the most lovely grayscale coloring book I have ever seen." -- Simple...
- €36,33 EUR
- €36,33 EUR
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Radically Open: Transcending Religious Identity in an Age of AnxietyDescription: America stands in the throes of an anxiety epidemic, yet Americans live in one of the most religious countries in the world? Shouldn't people with deep spiritual roots be less vulnerable to emotional suffering? Such an enigma stands at the center of this...
- €29,44 EUR
- €29,44 EUR
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The Grace of Giving: Money and the GospelIn The Grace of Giving, John Stott takes you through the Apostle Paul's teaching on giving. He'll help you answer questions about when to give, what to give, and in what spirit. These 10 principles of Christian giving offer sound guidelines for you as...
- €7,96 EUR
- €7,96 EUR
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If I Perish, I Perish: Challenge and Encouragement from the Book of EstherIf I Perish, I Perish examines the Christian life through the lens of an allegorical interpretation of the Old Testament book of Esther. The character of Esther, representative of the human spirit, depicts that the call of the Lord Jesus on the Christian is...
- €15,60 EUR
- €15,60 EUR
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The PatternThere are some things God is not willing to leave to the mind of men, and building His Kingdom is certainly one of those things. God has always intended for HIS WORK to be done on HIS TERMS and by HIS STRATEGY. This book...
- €28,52 EUR
- €28,52 EUR
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Tao Te ChingHaving masterfully translated a wide range of ancient Chinese poets and philosophers, David Hinton is uniquely qualified to offer the definitive contemporary English version of Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching. Like all of his translations, Hinton's translation of the Tao Te Ching is mind-opening,...
- €24,90 EUR
- €24,90 EUR
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Defending Marriage: Twelve Arguments for SanityDefending Marriage: Twelve Arguments for Sanity is a rousing, compelling defense of traditional, natural marriage. Here, Anthony Esolen-professor at Providence College and a prolific writer uses moral, theological, and cultural arguments to defend this holy and ancient institution, bedrock of society-and to illuminate the...
- €26,67 EUR
- €26,67 EUR
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C.S. Lewis and the Catholic ChurchC. S. Lewis, the great British novelist and Christian apologist, has been credited by many-including the author-for aiding their journey to the Catholic Church. For this reason, it is often perplexing that Lewis himself never became Catholic. In C. S. Lewis and the Catholic...
- €25,91 EUR
- €25,91 EUR
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The Gospel of the Holy Spirit: Meditations and Commentary on the Acts of the ApostlesWritten by St. Luke, Acts of the Apostles is often referred to as the Gospel of the Holy Spirit. In our new title, The Gospel of the Holy Spirit: Meditations and Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, Fr. Alfred McBride guides the reader...
- €15,53 EUR
- €15,53 EUR
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The Westminster Shorter CatechismIn 1643 when the Long Parliament of England called the Westminster Assembly to produce the Westminster Confession, it also asked for a directory of "catechising". The Assembly asked Herbert Palmer to produce a draft of the Larger Catechism. Robert Baillie and other Scottish delegates...
- €16,93 EUR
- €16,93 EUR
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A Catholic Family Advent: Prayers and ActivitiesFor many families, the four weeks leading up to Christmas can be a time of great stress, unrealized dreams, a commercial blur, and a financial burden. Susan Hines-Brigger, the mother of four children, knows well that the days counting down to Christmas can easily...
- €21,18 EUR
- €21,18 EUR
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A Humanist Funeral Service and CelebrationFirst published in 1940, this book has been helpful for over half a century to people not comfortable with the religious format of typical funeral services. The author, renowned humanist Corliss Lamont, last revised the text in 1977. Now, from her own experience as...
- €23,19 EUR
- €23,19 EUR
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Sin AbidesThis book has been written to enlighten the minds of all regarding sin. The author's philosophy is to remind the people that sin does exist. There is a price to pay when men, women, boys and girls fail to obey the Word of God....
- €22,29 EUR
- €22,29 EUR
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Buddhahood Without Meditation, 2The revelations of Düdjom Lingpa, a highly influential mystic of 19th century Tibet, translated by B. Alan Wallace. The practice of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection, is the pinnacle of the nine vehicles of practice taught in the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism. The highly...
- €31,13 EUR
- €31,13 EUR
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The Good Heart: A Buddhist Perspective on the Teachings of JesusThis landmark of interfaith dialogue will inspire readers of all faiths. In The Good Heart, The Dalai Lama provides an extraordinary Buddhist perspective on the teachings of Jesus. His Holiness comments on well-known passages from the four Christian Gospels, including the Sermon on the...
- €31,13 EUR
- €31,13 EUR
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The Six Lamps: Secret Dzogchen Instructions of the Bön TraditionEsteemed Tibetologist Jean-Luc Achard contextualizes and provides a clear translation of highly secret precepts on Dzogchen practice unlike anything published. The Instructions on the Six Lamps is a profound and important work from the B n Dzogchen tradition and is one of the root...
- €24,90 EUR
- €24,90 EUR
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Zen Echoes: Classic Koans with Verse Commentaries by Three Female Chan MastersThe voices of three female Zen masters reverberate in this much-needed collection. Too often the history of Zen seems to be written as an unbroken masculine line: male teacher to male student. In this timely volume, Beata Grant shows us that women masters do...
- €26,45 EUR
- €26,45 EUR
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