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Biblia Lee Y Comparte: Más de 200 Historias Bíblicas Favoritas = Read and Share BibleEs grande y brillante con muchas p ginas donde aprender acerca de la Palabra de Dios.La Biblia Lee y Comparte es nica en su formato y est bien fundamentada en la ense anza de la Biblia. Con 200 historias que son contadas de manera...
- €30,54 EUR
- €30,54 EUR
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El Maestro Inolvidable: Jesus, el Mayor Formador de Pensadores de la Historia = Unforgettable Teacher = Unforgettable TeacherDescubra la dignidad, fraternidad y abnegaci n encarnadas por la persona de Jesucristo.En El Maestro inolvidable, el quinto y ltimo libro de la colecci n An lisis de la Inteligencia de Cristo, Augusto Cury estudia el aspecto de Jes s como maestro, educador y...
- €18,52 EUR
- €18,52 EUR
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El Maestro de Maestros: Jesús, El Educador Más Grande de Todos Los TiemposHaga un viaje por los misterios de la mente del Maestro de maestros. En El Maestro de maestros, primer volumen de la colecci n An lisis de la Inteligencia de Cristo, el doctor Augusto Cury hace un original abordaje de la vida de ese...
- €20,26 EUR
- €20,26 EUR
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The Ante-Nicene Fathers: The Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325 Volume I - The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus"One of the first great events in Christian history was the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, convened to organize Christian sects and beliefs into a unified doctrine. The great Christian clergymen who wrote before this famous event are referred to as the Ante-Nicenes...
- €67,71 EUR
- €67,71 EUR
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Puritan HeroesWho were the Puritans, and why are they important? What can we learn from them today? The Puritan movement began in England during the sixteenth century and continued all the way into the early eighteenth century. Although the Church of England was formed as...
- €44,57 EUR
- €44,57 EUR
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A Goodly Heritage: The Secession of 1834 and Its Impact on Reformed Churches in the Netherlands and North AmericaIn A Goodly Heritage , Cornelis Pronk surveys the history of the Secession of 1834, beginning with the events leading up to this important spiritual movement and subsequently following its long journey through the Netherlands and North America until 1892. He then focuses on...
- €62,38 EUR
- €62,38 EUR
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A Tender Lion: The Life, Ministry, and Message of J.C. RyleJohn Charles Ryle became the undisputed leader and spokesman of the evangelical party within the Church of England in the last half of the nineteenth century, and his works continue to be read by evangelicals of various denominational stripes more than a century after...
- €53,47 EUR
- €53,47 EUR
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Complete in Him: A Guide to Understanding and Enjoying the GospelNothing is more basic to spiritual life and growth than understanding and enjoying the fundamental truths of the gospel of saving grace that center directly and uniquely in Jesus Christ. This book is a back-to-basics approach to Christian living. For Christians, everything--both their eternal...
- €31,19 EUR
- €31,19 EUR
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Beginning at Moses: A Guide to Finding Christ in the Old TestamentFor many Christians today, the Old Testament is difficult to understand, seems outdated, and has questionable relevance. But, as Old Testament scholar Michael Barrett points out, all Scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit and we must read it by faith, seeing that Christ...
- €31,19 EUR
- €31,19 EUR
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Salvation: A Bible Study Wordbook for KidsPerfect for use in Sunday school, Bible clubs, midweek programs, and even at home with a parent, this wordbook study on salvation introduces children to God's grace.Clarifying some of the difficult questions surrounding salvation, this wordbook helps children see how they have fallen short...
- €12,21 EUR
- €12,21 EUR
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The Anti-ChristThe Anti-Christ is a work originally published in 1895 and written by philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. This is a book which is seen as an assault by Nietzsche on the institution of Christianity and focuses on the "slave morality" and the apathy of Western Christianity....
- €13,34 EUR
- €13,34 EUR
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Letting Go of Your Past: Take Control of Your Future by Addressing the Habits, Hurts, and Attitudes That Remain from Previous RelationshipsThe third book in The Transformation Series, this sequel to Transforming the Inner Man and God's Power to Change focuses on relationships and events that disable us from being able to relate and communicate with others effectively. By applying the scriptural principles for healing...
- €25,38 EUR
- €25,38 EUR
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Passion for Jesus: Cultivating Extravagant Love for GodFor all those who want to feel love, acceptance, forgiveness, peace, rest, and freedom from the past, Mike Bickle's timeless message will break open and restore any heart. Many men and women struggle with what they've done and who they are. They have never...
- €25,95 EUR
- €25,95 EUR
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Alfred Edersheim: Jewish Scholar for the Mormon ProphetsPerhaps the most influential non-LDS scholar was a man named Alfred Edersheim. Born in 1825 to Jewish parents, he became an Anglican minister, a prolific writer, and a gifted linguist. His works have been studied and quoted by Church authorities and scholars for more...
- €26,71 EUR
- €26,71 EUR
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Is the Mormon My Brother?: Discerning the Differences Between Mormonism and Christianity"The is one of the most illuminating updates on the current state of Mormonism that I have ever seen. It brings Mormonism's unstable, changeable truth clearly into view, and provides a convincing warning against the most polytheistic religion ever offered to the modern world."...
- €35,65 EUR
- €35,65 EUR
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Jesus Loves the Church and So Should You: Studies in Biblical ChurchmanshipEarl Blackburn has served the Lord in the Church since December 27th, 1976. He has served seven years in Utah, twenty-two years in California, and now four years in Louisiana. Over the past several years brother Earl has battled with cancer which has caused...
- €22,81 EUR
- €22,81 EUR
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El Poder de Su SangreReconozco haber le do este Libro con la avidez de alguien que ama a Dios y que con sincero deseo escudri a, lo que se escribe acerca de l. Entiendo que la obra de Dios est revelada por su Santo Esp ritu en las...
- €26,72 EUR
- €26,72 EUR
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Christ and CreationThe relation, the connection, between Christ and creation is the subject of this book, which author Colin Gunton describes as a summary dogmatic christology. Central to Gunton's christology are a strong incarnation-creation link and the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. Constituting the published version...
- €29,41 EUR
- €29,41 EUR
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Called to Believe: A Brief Introduction to Christian DoctrineCalled to Believe is an abridgment and condensation of the more comprehensive text, Called to Believe, Teach, and Confess. It offers an accessible, introductory overview of the major doctrines of Christianity. Written from a Lutheran Christian perspective, this book is a helpful resource for...
- €53,47 EUR
- €53,47 EUR
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Against Pure ReasonThe figure of Johann Gottfried Herder looms increasingly important not only for his prescient contributions to many fields - biblical criticism, philosophy of language, literary criticism, philosophy of history - but also for his pivotal position between the impulses of the Enlightenment and Romanticism....
- €46,79 EUR
- €46,79 EUR
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