Explore a wide selection of religion books, including the best books on Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and More
De wijzen van het OostenDe wijzen van het Oosten - Brahmanisme, Boeddhisme, Chineesche philosophie, MazdeïsmeDe andere is, dat men een of anderen godsdienst, laten wij zeggen den Christelijken godsdienst, als den eenig waren, door God zelf geopenbaarden beschouwt en van uit dit standpunt met een meelijdende glimlach op...
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Manuel de la politesse des usages du monde et du savoir-vivreManuel de la politesse des usages du monde et du savoir-vivreFaire connatre les usages, les convenances, tous les gards de politesse que les hommes se doivent rciproquement dans la socit,c'est le but de ce livre. Son titre l'annonce assez clairement pour dispenser de tous...
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A Review of the Systems of Ethics Founded on the Theory of EvolutionA Review of the Systems of Ethics Founded on the Theory of EvolutionTwenty years ago, any one about to deal with moral science from the standpoint of the Theory of Evolution, might have deemed it necessary to preface his work with a statement of...
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A Letter to the Right Hon. Lord BexleyA Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Bexley - containing a statement to the committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society, as to the relations of that institution, with France, the valleys of Piedmont, Switzerland and GermanyThe circumstances which have given rise to...
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Life and Character of Richard CarlileLife and Character of Richard CarlileWhen I first entered London, one Saturday evening in 1842, I was not known personally to half a dozen persons in it. On reaching the office of the Oracle of Reason, I found an invitation (it was the first...
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Voltaire: A Sketch of His Life and WorksVoltaire: A Sketch of His Life and WorksHe would be a bold person who should attempt to say something entirely new on Voltaire. His life has often been written, and many are the disquisitions on his character and influence. This little book, which at...
- €6,09 EUR
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The Christian Creed or, What it is Blasphemy to DenyThe Christian Creed; or, What it is Blasphemy to DenyA struggle has began, which promises to be one of the fiercest that this century has seen, between the bigots and persecutors on the one hand and the supporters of free speech on the other....
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Salvation Syrup Or, Light On Darkest EnglandSalvation Syrup; Or, Light On Darkest EnglandTwenty years ago the Hallelujah Band spread itself far and wide, but soon spent itself like a straw fire. Then arose the Salvation Army, doing the same kind of work, and indulging in the same vagaries. These were...
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Satires and ProfanitiesSatires and ProfanitiesBelieving as I do that James Thomson is, since Shelley, the most brilliant genius who has wielded a pen in the service of Freethought, I take a natural pride and pleasure in rescuing the following articles from burial in the great mausoleum...
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The Blessed Hope: A Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Francis CunninghamThe Blessed Hope: A Sermon on the Death of Mrs. Francis Cunninghamp. iiiThe substance of the following Sermon was preached at St. Peters, Lowestoft, on Sunday, the 19th of August, 1855, after the death and funeral of Mrs. Francis Cunningham, the beloved wife of...
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The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, Volume 1, July 1865The Irish Ecclesiastical Record, Volume 1, July 1865In all the habits of social life many of the early English settlers in Ireland soon became more Irish than the Irish themselves. In the vigorous tenacity of their attachment to the Catholic religion some of these...
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The Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman EmpireThe Conflict of Religions in the Early Roman Empire A large part of this book formed the course of Dale Lectures delivered in Mansfield College, Oxford, in the Spring of 1907. For the lecture-room the chapters had to be considerably abridged; they are now...
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The Five Great Philosophies of LifeThe Five Great Philosophies of LifeWhen asked why some men with moderate talents and meagre technical equipment succeed, where others with greater ability and better preparation fail; why some women with plain features and few accomplishments charm, while others with all the advantages of...
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Hegel's Philosophy of MindHegel's Philosophy of Mind 377. The knowledge of Mind is the highest and hardest, just because it is the most concrete of sciences. The significance of that absolute commandment, Know thyselfwhether we look at it in itself or under the historical circumstances of its...
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Ecce Homo! Or, A Critical Inquiry into the History of Jesus of NazarethEcce Homo! Or, A Critical Inquiry into the History of Jesus of Nazareth - Being a Rational Analysis of the Gospels ALTHOUGH the writings of the New Testament are in the hands of every one, nothing is more uncommon than to find the professors...
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Manners and Rules of Good Society or, Solecisms to be AvoidedManners and Rules of Good Society; or, Solecisms to be Avoided"Manners and Rules of Good Society" contains all the information comprised in the original work, "Manners and Tone of Good Society," but with considerable additions. In a volume of this nature it is necessary...
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Wat is het dat eene zondaar zaligmaakt?Wat is het dat eene zondaar zaligmaakt? - zamenspraak tusschen een kappersknecht, Methodisten predikant en den heer Easterman met een antwoord op die gewichtige vraagOverduidelijke druk- en spelfouten in het origineel zijn gecorrigeerd; deze zijn voorzien van een dunne rode stippellijn, waarbij de Brontekst...
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The Dramatization of Bible StoriesThe Dramatization of Bible Stories - An experiment in the religious education of childrenBy Edward Scribner Ames This book is its own best commendation, for it is a most convincing record of an important experiment in education. It is the more interesting because it...
- €6,09 EUR
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OphiolatreiaOphiolatreia - An Account of the Rites and Mysteries Connected with the Origin, Rise, and Development of Serpent Worship in Various Parts of the World[Pg vi] [Pg vii] CONTENTS. [Pg 1] OPHIOLATREIA. Ophiolatreia, the worship of the serpent, next to the adoration of the...
- €6,09 EUR
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Outline Studies in the Old Testament for Bible TeachersOutline Studies in the Old Testament for Bible TeachersThis book has been prepared at the request of the New York State Sunday School Association, through its Normal Committee. The desire was expressed for a teacher-training course to include two years in the Bible: one...
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