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Botany: The Science of Plant LifeBotany: The Science of Plant LifeTHIS book is for those who want some general knowledge of the plant world, without necessarily caring for the technical details upon which such knowledge is based. If it leaves the reader with an impulse to follow the subject...
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Rudiments of ConchologyRudiments of Conchology - Intended as a familiar introduction to the science."This box and its contents are the gifts of my cousin Jane," replied Lucy: "she said that I might have her whole collection, if I could find any pleasure in looking at shells...
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Stellar Evolution and Its Relations to Geological TimeStellar Evolution and Its Relations to Geological TimeThere are two, and only two, conceivable sources from which the prodigious amount of energy possessed by our sun and solar system can possibly have been derived. Not only are these two sources radically distinct in their...
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Elements of PhysiophilosophyElements of PhysiophilosophyCONCEPTION OF THE SCIENCE. 1. Philosophy, as the science which embraces the principles of the universe or world, is only a logical, which may perhaps conduct us to the real, conception. 2. The universe or world is the reality of mathematical ideas,...
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The Life and Letters of George John Romanes, M.A., LL.D., F.R.SThe Life and Letters of George John Romanes, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. [Pg 1] GEORGE JOHN ROMANES George John Romanes was born at Kingston, Canada, on May 20, 1848, the third son of the Rev. George Romanes, D.D., then Professor of Greek in the University...
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Cavity-Nesting Birds of North American ForestsCavity-Nesting Birds of North American Forests - Agriculture Handbook 511This Handbook is the result of a cooperative effort between the Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Department of the Interior. Authors Scott and Stone are wildlife research...
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Life of a Scotch Naturalist: Thomas Edward, Associate of the Linnean SocietyLife of a Scotch Naturalist: Thomas Edward, Associate of the Linnean Society. - Fourth EditionThe history of the humblest human life is a tale of marvels. Dr. Johnson said that there was not a man in the street whose biography might not be made...
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Nuclear ClocksNuclear Clocks - RevisedHow old is a rock? How old is man? How old is the earth? It would be difficult to find a reason why anyone would really have to know the answers to these questions, yet they have been asked over and...
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A Year at the ShoreA Year at the ShoreHow grandly those heavy waves are rolling in upon this long shingle-beach! Onward they come, with an even deliberate march that tells of power, out of that lowering sky that broods over the southern horizon; onward they come, onward! onward!each...
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The Old Humanities and the New ScienceThe Old Humanities and the New ScienceIn writing a prefatory note to an American reprint of this notable address there are three things to considerthe writer, his subject, and the occasion. The greatly beloved author had a multitude of friends in all lands, and...
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Essays on DarwinismEssays on DarwinismThe opinions of Mr. Darwin have now been for many years before the world. His own book on The Origin of Species by means of Natural Selection, unfolds and supports them with admirable clearness of argument. Far from being an abstruse and...
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Dissection of the Platana and the FrogDissection of the Platana and the FrogOwing to the fact that some of the types of animals available for the study of Zoology in South Africa differ from those described in text books for students in other countries, it has been found necessary to...
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Fauna der Nassauischen MolluskenFauna der Nassauischen MolluskenDie Weichthierfauna unseres Vereinsgebietes, obwohl literarisch besser bedacht, als die vieler anderer deutschen Bezirke, ist noch weit davon entfernt, ganz erforscht zu sein; vielmehr ist der grsste Theil von Nassau in malacologischer Beziehung noch eine vollstndige terra incognita. Es muss dies...
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The Bird HospitalThe Bird HospitalThe study of birds (and a most delightful study too) is steadily on the increase, and a great deal of good is being done. A great deal more might be done if older people would take more pains in impressing upon all...
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Outings at Odd TimesOutings at Odd TimesOften, during a long and dusty walk in midsummer, I have chanced suddenly upon a wayside spring, and stooping drank directly from the bosom of Mother Earth. Filled with the pleasant recollections of such moments, how tame is all other tipple,...
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Account of the Skeleton of the MammothAccount of the Skeleton of the Mammoth - A non-descript carnivorous animal of immense size, found in AmericaReceive, Sir, as a small testimony of my high respect for a Character rendered illustrious in the paths of Science, this plain recital of Facts, and first...
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The Growth of a CrystalThe Growth of a Crystal - Being the eighteenth Robert Boyle lectureWhen this date was fixed by your Secretary for the delivery of the Boyle Lecture, I discovered that it happened to be the fifteenth anniversary of the very day on which I was...
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Outlines of CreationOutlines of CreationThe foregoing descriptions refer to the great works of God as seen in those creations which possess not that most wonderful attributelife. There is no limit in extent, in quality, or in number, to these works; their extension appears to be infinite;...
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The Story of Captain, the Horse with the Human BrainThe Story of Captain, the Horse with the Human BrainEarly in the year 1915 I was called to lecture on California and the West in the beautiful Sunset Theater of the Southern Pacific Building at the San Francisco Exposition. In taking a survey of...
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Mein buntes Buch: NaturschilderungenMein buntes Buch: NaturschilderungenMitten durch die Feldmark zieht sich ein Rain neben dem Koppelwege hin. Wenn ich nicht Zeit habe, den fernen Wald aufzusuchen, gehe ich hierhin. Gestrt werde ich von Menschen nicht. Die ziehen die Anlagen vor. So kann ich, gegen die Bschung...
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