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Aërial NavigationAërial Navigation - A Popular Treatise on the Growth of Air Craft and on Aëronautical MeteorologyHow beautiful! May we hope ever to journey thus, on wings actuated by human power? It is an old question, once dear to the philosopher and fool alike, but...
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Papierprüfung: Eine Anleitung zum Untersuchen von PapierPapierprüfung: Eine Anleitung zum Untersuchen von PapierDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1902 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und heute nicht mehr gebruchliche Schreibweisen bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert; fremdsprachliche Passagen wurden nicht korrigiert. Einige...
- €6,13 EUR
- €6,13 EUR
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Spices, Their Histories: Valuable Information for GrocersSpices, Their Histories: Valuable Information for Grocers4 Allspice is the dried unripe berries of a tree of the myrtle family, the pimento, known botanically as Eugenia pimenta, or Pimenta officinalis. Its an evergreen tree some 20 to 30 ft. high, with a slender, straight,...
- €6,13 EUR
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Culinary ChemistryCulinary Chemistry - The Scientific Principles of Cookery, with Concise Instructions for Preparing Good and Wholesome Pickles, Vinegar, Conserves, Fruit Jellies, Marmalades, and Various Other Alimentary Substances Employed in Domestic Economy, with Observations on the Chemical Constitution and Nutritive Qualities of Different Kinds of...
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I filtrati dolciI filtrati dolci - Monografia della filtrazione dei mosti e della preparazione dei cosidetti "filtrati dolci" e "lambiccati". Nel linguaggio enotecnico e commerciale chiamasi oggi in Italia filtrato dolce o semplicemente filtrato o lambiccato, il mosto di uva fresca, appena spremuto, ovvero gi fermentato...
- €6,13 EUR
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Tunneling: A Practical TreatiseTunneling: A Practical Treatise.A tunnel, defined as an engineering structure, is an artificial gallery, passage, or roadway beneath the ground, under the bed of a stream, or through a hill or mountain. The art of tunneling has been known to man since very ancient...
- €6,13 EUR
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Miss Leslie's Complete CookeryMiss Leslie's Complete Cookery - Directions for Cookery, in Its Various BranchesIn preparing a new and carefully revised edition of this, my first work on general cookery, I have introduced improvements, corrected errors, and added new receipts, that I trust will, on trial, be...
- €6,13 EUR
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South Kensington Museum art handbooks no. 1Textile FabricsThese Handbooks are reprints of the prefaces or introductions to the large catalogues of the chief divisions of works of art in the Museum at South Kensington; arranged and so far abridged as to bring each into a portable shape. The Lords of...
- €6,13 EUR
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Comparison of Methods of Sewage PurificationComparison of Methods of Sewage PurificationTHIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE THESIS PREPARED UNDER MY SUPERVISION BY Theodore Clifford Phillips and Edward John Schneider ENTITLED Comparison of Methods of Sewage Purification IS APPROVED BY ME AS FULFILLING THIS PART OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE...
- €6,13 EUR
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United States Department of Agriculture. Agriculture Information Bulletin 410Canning, Freezing, Storing Garden ProduceThis is a reprint of Part 4 from the 1977 Yearbook of Agriculture, Gardening for Food and Fun. The Yearbook may be purchased at government bookstores or ordered from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402....
- €6,13 EUR
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Butchers', Packers' and Sausage Makers' Red BookButchers', Packers' and Sausage Makers' Red Bookfor every 100 lbs. of small hams and rub same well into the hams. The standard weight of a tierce is 285 lbs. Do not pack any more meat in a tierce than you need, about 15 gallons...
- €6,13 EUR
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Practical Cooking and Dinner GivingPractical Cooking and Dinner Giving - A Treatise Containing Practical Instructions in Cooking; in the Combination and Serving of Dishes; and in the Fashionable Modes of Entertaining at Breakfast, Lunch, and DinnerThe aim of this book is to indicate how to serve dishes, and...
- €6,13 EUR
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The Century World's Fair Book for Boys and GirlsThe Century World's Fair Book for Boys and Girls - Being the Adventures of Harry and Philip with Their Tutor, Mr. Douglass, at the World's Columbian Exposition Whats he found out now, I wonder? said Harry to Philip, in a low tone. I dont...
- €6,13 EUR
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Die Säge: Ein Rückblick auf vier JahrtausendeDie Säge: Ein Rückblick auf vier JahrtausendeWo der Mensch vor vielen hundert Jahrtausenden seine werkttige Laufbahn begann, nahm er den Dorn des Waldes, den spitzigen Stein und den scharf gebrochenen Knochen eines verendeten Tieres, um zu schaben, zu bohren, zu gltten. Es gab keine...
- €6,13 EUR
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Ten Luscious New Cakes, Made by Spry's Amazing New One-Bowl Method10 Luscious New Cakes, Made by Spry's Amazing New One-Bowl MethodSIFT flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt into mixing bowl.... DROP in Spry.... ADD about 2/3 of milk, then vanilla, and beat 150 strokes.... SCRAPE bowl and spoon often throughout entire mixing.... ADD eggs...
- €6,13 EUR
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Salt ... or No Salt ..Salt ... or No Salt ...A new trend in food and nutrition is the fast-increasing use of fresh lemon juice as an all-purpose table seasoning. Fresh lemons have long been recognized as an indispensable flavoring for pies, tomato juice, tea, fish and seafood. Now...
- €6,13 EUR
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Rake Knitting PatternsRake Knitting PatternsWho does not remember the spool-knitter of his childhood, perhaps a home made affaira large empty spool with four wire brads driven in around the opening at one endon which one made an endless rope of colored yarns, to use, maybe, for...
- €6,13 EUR
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United States Department of Agriculture Farmers' Bulletin No. 2202Simple Plumbing Repairs for the Home and FarmsteadFaucets and globe valves, the type of shutoff valves commonly used in home water systems, are very similar in construction (fig. 1) and repair instructions given below apply to both. Your faucets or valves may differ somewhat...
- €6,13 EUR
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Miscellaneous publication (United States. Department of Agriculture) no. 579Building with LogsThe art of log construction is relatively simple, once a few basic principles are understood. The pioneers who opened the lands beyond the eastern seaboard did not have boards with which to build such shelter as they needed. Logs were so plentiful...
- €6,13 EUR
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United States Department of Agriculture Farmers' Bulletin No. 1279Plain Concrete for Farm UsePORTLAND CEMENT concrete is the mass formed by mixing Portland cement, sand, gravel (or particles of other suitable materials), and water. The quality of concrete may be made to conform to certain requirements which vary with the purpose of the...
- €6,13 EUR
- €6,13 EUR
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