Health & Fitness
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Dash DüŞük Sodyum Tarİflerİ 2022: Şeker Önlemek İçİn Kolay TarİflerDASH diyetinin neden her yıl "En İyi Diyet" seçildiğini biliyor musunuz?Çok basit: DASH diyeti, sağlıklı bir yaşam tarzı oluşturmak için kolay ve sürdürülebilir bir araçtır.Ulusal Sağlık Enstitüleri tarafından yapılan araştırmaya dayanarak ve U.S. News & World Report tarafından Genel Olarak En İyi Diyetler, Sağlıklı...
- HK$426.88
- HK$426.88
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Your Mouth Confessing God's Healing Promises Will Heal Your Disease: I Was Healed of Multiple Myeloma, an Incurable Blood Disease!I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, an incurable blood disease, in February 2019. I looked up God's healing scriptures in the Bible and confessed them daily, and my disease began to disappear.After a few months of speaking these healing promises out loud, the disease...
- HK$144.44
- HK$144.44
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What's In Your Diet?: What does God say? Is there a connection between Natural and Spiritual? And has Diet altered the course of humanity?In this groundbreaking and thought-provoking book, gospel recording artist Maurice Jackson examines how the Natural diet intertwines with the Spiritual aspects of our lives, and how our purpose and destiny can be forever changed with one dietary choice.The diet common in the African American...
- HK$252.64
- HK$252.64
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Energize!: Go from Dragging Ass to Kicking It in 30 DaysUnleash the energy you need to achieve your dreams through this revolutionary, science-based wellness program by a renowned sleep expert and a SoulCycle founding instructor. Are you desperately seeking more energy? Dr. Breus and Stacey heard it every day from their clients, so they...
- HK$211.77
- HK$211.77
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New Mama Celebration PlannerStep into motherhood feeling empowered! Let the New Mama Celebration Planner guide you to connect with the most important person in your life: YOU! This 4 month, undated planner is your cheerleader as you step into this next chapter. Prepare for postpartum with prompts...
- HK$418.12
- HK$418.12
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The Muscle Ladder: Get Jacked Using ScienceThe Muscle Ladder: Get Jacked Using Science is the best all-in-one science-based guide for building a strong and muscular physique. Jeff Nippard, professional natural bodybuilder and coach, has developed a clear blueprint for anyone at any level to achieve their fitness goals. Having architected...
- HK$724.44
- HK$724.44
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Higher: The Lore, Legends, and Legacy of CannabisA mind-blowing visual journey through the legends, legacy, and lore of marijuana, including fun facts, engrossing stories, and 100 mouthwatering portraits of the most popular strains out there. Higher breaks through the cloud of confusion around marijuana with a clear, concise, and comprehensive breakdown...
- HK$446.19
- HK$446.19
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Pendulum: How to Use Truth Testing for Clarity and Peace of Mind (Tips and Tricks to Unlock Your Inner Magic and Enhance Your LiThis book explores the supernatural practice of using a pendulum to find missing objects, underground bodies of water, and hidden treasures, as well as answers to virtually any pressing questions you may have. This guide explains pendulum dowsing in a way that's easy to...
- HK$222.50
- HK$222.50
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The Ketogenic Diet: Your ultimate guide to lose weight, boost health and live the keto lifestyle. Includes a 28-day meal plan and deliciouThe Ketogenic diet has taken the world by storm because it's one of the best diets to help you stay young, fit, and healthy!Would you like to: Be full of energy and zest for life?Burn fat without depriving yourself?Enjoy a delicious and healthy diet?Yes?...
- HK$256.48
- HK$256.48
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Keto Pour Les Femmes de Plus de 50 ANS 2022: La Sélection La Plus Délicieuse de Recettes Pour Perdre Du Poids Et Obtenir Plus d'ÉnergieVoulez-vous avoir plus d'énergie?Souhaitez-vous perdre du poids rapidement et facilement et souhaitez-vous conserver votre nouveau poids sur le long terme sans avoir faim?La solution s'appelle le régime cétogénique!La nutrition cétogène est basée sur le régime alimentaire de nos ancêtres de l'âge de pierre, lorsque...
- HK$490.66
- HK$490.66
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Quantum Healing: Discover The Power Of Self-healing And Laws Of Quantum (Passing Through The Eye Of The Needle Into Self-actualization)Do you suffer from energy levels which are unstable, volatile or simply inadequate? Would you like to spend plenty of energy to reinvent yourself, mentally and physically, and change the way you live your life? Quantum healing differs from other healing methods because it...
- HK$222.50
- HK$222.50
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The Importance of VitaminsIt's a daunting shift, but this beginner's guide shows how simple it is to get relief with only one week of low FODMAP diet. Explore hundreds of easy recipes and a full 7-day meal plan that make it simple to grasp how the diet...
- HK$553.20
- HK$553.20
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Gyulladásgátló Receptek 2022: Gyors Receptek a Gyulladás CsökkentéséreKészen állsz, hogy javíts az egészségeden, és felgyorsítsd az anyagcseréd az íz és a kényelem feláldozása nélkül?Akkor olvass tovább...A gyulladáscsökkentő étrend segíthet az elhízásban, az asztmában, a gyulladásos bélbetegségben és a magas vérnyomásban szenvedőknek.Ez a szakácskönyv sok egyszerű, könnyű és finom receptet tartalmaz, amelyek...
- HK$501.84
- HK$501.84
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Bólgueyðandi Maðrabók 2022: Flýtiuppskriftir Fyrir ByrjendurErtu tilbúinn til að b ta heilsu ína og auka efnaskipti án ess að fórna bragði og gindum?Haltu svo áfram að lesa...Bólgueyðandi matar ði getur hjálpað fólki sem jáist af offitu, astma, bólgusjúkdómum og háum blóð rýstingi. essi matreiðslubók inniheldur margar einfaldar, auðveldar og...
- HK$535.33
- HK$535.33
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Miracles Overcome Rare IssuesWilda Mae Schooley, at age seventy, almost fell with a hot Crock-Pot. Since she lived alone, she started wearing a medical alert necklace. In a short time, she experienced very strange and painful sensations. After about three months, she took the necklace off and...
- HK$141.10
- HK$141.10
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111 Kettlebell Workouts Book for Men and Women: With only 1 Kettlebell. Workout Journal Log Book of 111 Kettlebell Workout Routines to Build Muscle. WIf you have one kettlebell and you are getting bored with doing only kettlebell swings, this book is for you. With this workout journal notebook, you can work out wherever you are with 1 kettlebell. To help you get fit, here is our book...
- HK$237.77
- HK$237.77
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Attention deficits in people with Alzheimer's type MCI and dementia of healthy agingIntroduction Cognitive deterioration has been a regressing process in neurosciences. It affects almost all age group of population. The onset of cognitive deterioration has been reported in late 20s. The deterioration seen in late adolescence in making decision, remembering unrelated information, problem in concentrating...
- HK$446.09
- HK$446.09
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Winning with Diabetes: Inspiring Stories from Athletes to Help You ThriveDon't let diabetes send you to the bench. These motivational stories of top athletes with diabetes will inspire you to live your best life.An ultra-marathoner, a three-time Olympic gold medalist, a major league pitcher, and an NFL star. What do these elite athletes have...
- HK$244.76
- HK$244.76
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Dementia Prevention: Using Your Head to Save Your BrainWorried about memory loss and dementia risk? This new book will show you easy-to-follow steps to keep your brain healthy.Emily Clionsky, MD, and Mitchell Clionsky, PhD, are a physician and neuropsychologist couple who have cared for their own parents with dementia, created a test...
- HK$278.25
- HK$278.25
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Unexpected: Finding Resilience Through Functional Medicine, Science, and FaithIn Unexpected, Dr. Jill Carnahan shares her story of facing life-altering illness, fighting for her health, and overcoming sickness using both science and faith so that others can learn to live their own transformative stories. There have probably been times in your life when...
- HK$290.07
- HK$290.07
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