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The Two Maps of Europe, and Some Other Aspects of the Great WarThe Two Maps of Europe, and Some Other Aspects of the Great WarThe six chapters of this little book discuss and explain six separate and most important phases of the present war. Every effort has been made to deal with the headings selected as...
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HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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The British Interned in SwitzerlandThe British Interned in SwitzerlandIn giving the following pages to the public, I do so in the hope that a plain statement of the life and activities of British soldiers whilst interned in Switzerland may prove of interest to those at home who have...
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HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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Jääkärin muistelmiaJääkärin muistelmiaI. Nietostuneet jljet. 1. Tilinteko. 2. Matka. II. Lockstedtin leirill. 1. Vastaanotto. 2. Ensiminen piv. 3. Sunnuntai. 4. Marssiharjoitus. 5. Sairaana. 6. Nhty ja tunnettua. 7. Valmistuksia. III. Misse-joella. 1. Tittelmndeen. 2. Marssi rintamalle. 3. Hykkys. 4. Tyt ja nlk. 5. Rumputulessa. 6....
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HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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Shout Treason: The Trial of Aaron BurrShout Treason: The Trial of Aaron BurrThe story of Aaron Burr has been treated exhaustively by many writers in many ways. Oddly enough, aside from the stenographic report of the proceedings and a small volume which appeared nearly a century ago, there seems to...
- HK$49.75
HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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The Great Lord Burghley: A study in Elizabethan statecraftThe Great Lord Burghley: A study in Elizabethan statecraftFor nearly half a century William Cecil, Lord Burghley, exercised greater influence over the future fortunes of England than ever fell to the share of a statesman before or since. It was a period when Medival...
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HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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Führende Denker: Geschichtliche Einleitung in die PhilosophieFührende Denker: Geschichtliche Einleitung in die Philosophienunmehr ber 700 Bndchen umfassend, dient seit ihrem Entstehen (1898) den Gedanken, auf denen die heute sich so mchtig entwickelnde Volkshochschulbewegung beruht. Sie will jedem geistig Mndigen die Mglichkeit schaffen, sich ohne besondere Vorkenntnisse an sicherster Quelle, wie...
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HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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National Park Service History SeriesJohn Brown's RaidNational Park Handbooks are published to support the National Park Services management programs and to promote understanding and enjoyment of the more than 350 National Park System sites, which represent important examples of our countrys natural and cultural inheritance. Each handbook is...
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HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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Walks about WashingtonWalks about Washington THIS is not a history. It is not a guide-book. It is not an encyclopedia. It is nothing more ambitious than the title would indicate: a stroll about Washington with my arm through my readers, and a bit of friendly chat...
- HK$49.75
HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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Ten years of missionary work among the Indians at Skokomish, Washington Territory, 1874-1884Ten years of missionary work among the Indians at Skokomish, Washington Territory, 1874-1884THE Indians are in our midst. Different solutions of the problem have been proposed. It is evident that we must either kill them, move them away, or let them remain with us....
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HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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The Gallery of Portraits: with Memoirs. Volume 7 (of 7)The Gallery of Portraits: with Memoirs. Volume 7 (of 7)Engraved by J. Posselwhite.GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS.From a Print by Paul Pontius, after a Picture by Van Dyck.Under the Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.London, Published by Charles Knight & Co. Ludgate Street....
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HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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An American Diplomat in ChinaAn American Diplomat in ChinaThrough recent developments China has been put in the forefront of international interest. The world is beginning to have an idea of its importance. Those who have long known it, who have given attention to its traditions and the sources...
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HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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Riverside Biographical Series, number 7John MarshallThe writer has drawn with entire freedom from an address delivered by him at Cambridge on February 4, 1901, before the Harvard Law School and the Bar Association of the City of Boston, and from an article on John Marshall in the Atlantic...
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HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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De Soto, Coronado, Cabrillo: Explorers of the Northern MysteryDe Soto, Coronado, Cabrillo: Explorers of the Northern MysteryAmerican history begins not with the English at Jamestown or the Pilgrims at Plymouth but with Spanish exploration of the border country from Florida to California in the 16th century. This handbook describes the expeditions of...
- HK$49.75
HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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Notes Geographical and Historical, Relating to the Town of Brooklyn in Kings County on Long-IslandNotes Geographical and Historical, Relating to the Town of Brooklyn in Kings County on Long-IslandThe Compiler offers these notes to the inhabitants of his native town, in the hope that they may be in some small degree useful and entertaining in discussions relating to...
- HK$49.75
HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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Travels in Southern Europe and the Levant, 1810-1817Travels in Southern Europe and the Levant, 1810-1817 - The Journal of C. R. Cockerell, R.A.My father, Charles Robert Cockerell, whose travels the following pages record, was the second son of Samuel Pepys Cockerell, a man of some means, architect to the East India...
- HK$49.75
HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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La vie privée d'autrefois Arts et métiers, modes, moeurs, usages des parisiens du XIIe au XVIIIe siècle. Les soins de toilette Le savoir-vivreLa vie privée d'autrefois; Arts et métiers, modes, moeurs, usages des parisiens du XIIe au XVIIIe siècle. Les soins de toilette; Le savoir-vivreJusqu'au milieu du dix-septime sicle, tout barbier tait en mme temps chirurgien. Dans sa boutique, obscure et sale, il rasait et saignait,...
- HK$49.75
HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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In Tamal LandIn Tamal Land To the average tourist there are few states in the Union which offer more attractions than California. Though its mild climate, fertile valleys, and scenic beauties are counted among its chief assets, still they are not its sole possessions, for, linked...
- HK$49.75
HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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Old Crosses and LychgatesOld Crosses and Lychgates IN pursuance of the Christian policy of instituting an innocent practice to take the place of each of the old, vicious customs of heathendomthe substitution of the festival of Christmas for the former orgies of the Saturnalia is perhaps the...
- HK$49.75
HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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Les trois mousquetaires, Volume 1 (of 2)Les trois mousquetaires, Volume 1 (of 2)Se souvient-on encore, dans le monde o tu es, des choses de notre monde, ou cette seconde vie, ternelle, nexiste-t-elle que dans notre imagination, enfante, au milieu de nos reproches lexistence, par notre terreur de ne plus tre?...
- HK$49.75
HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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Jewish PortraitsJewish PortraitsThe papers which form this volume have already appeared in the pages of Good Words, Macmillans Magazine, The National Review, and The Spectator, and are reprinted with the very kindly given permission of the editors. The Frontispiece is reproduced through the kindness of...
- HK$49.75
HK$447.17- HK$49.75
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