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Colección de Documentos Inéditos Relativos al Descubrimiento, Conquista y Organización de las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas de Ultramar. Tomo 1, Isla de CubaColección de Documentos Inéditos Relativos al Descubrimiento, Conquista y Organización de las Antiguas Posesiones Españolas de Ultramar. Tomo 1, Isla de CubaEn las cifras en nmeros romanos impresas en versalita en el original, el tamao de la letra U (1000) es mayor al del...
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HK$447.14- HK$49.75
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Cleopatra: A StudyCleopatra: A StudyNous venons de recevoir votre chque, et nous vous envoyons en change, par la prsente lettre, tant en notre nom quau nom de lauteur, lautorisation exclusive de publier aux Etats-Unis, une traduction de ltude de Mr. Henry Houssaye sur Cloptre. Nous saisissons...
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HK$447.14- HK$49.75
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Castillo de San MarcosCastillo de San Marcos - A Guide to Castillo de San Marcos National Monument, FloridaCastillo de San Marcos National Monument is located in the longest continuously inhabited community founded by Europeans in the United States. This handbook tells the intercultural story of the long...
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HK$447.14- HK$49.75
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Rock-climbing in the English Lake DistrictRock-climbing in the English Lake District - Third EditionSome eight years ago chance led me to the Lake District for the first time, and a kindly acquaintance whom I then met at Wastdale taught me something of the joys of rock-climbing. Since that occasion...
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HK$447.14- HK$49.75
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Port Arthur: A Monster HeroismPort Arthur: A Monster HeroismThe sea attack on Port Arthur began on February 9th, 1904, at noon. The land isolation occurred on May 26th, when the Second Army, under General Oku, took Nanshan Hill. Four grand series of Russian defenses from Nanshan down the...
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Lincoln's Plan of ReconstructionLincoln's Plan of ReconstructionSo closely blended with the essential principles of our federal system of government were the causes of the Civil War that a clear understanding of its results appears to require some account of the origin, the independence and the permanent union...
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HK$447.14- HK$49.75
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The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 7 (of 9)The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 7 (of 9) - Being His Autobiography, Correspondence, Reports, Messages, Addresses, and Other Writings, Official and Private (final form sigma) in the middle of a word has been normalized to . Greek diacritics were normalized to be all...
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Old Virginia and Her Neighbours, Vol. 2 (of 2)Old Virginia and Her Neighbours, Vol. 2 (of 2)These things that follow in this ensuing relation are certified by divers letters from Virginia, by men of worth and credit there, written to a friend in England, that for his own and others satisfaction was...
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HK$447.14- HK$49.75
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The Romance of the HaremThe Romance of the Harem"Truth is often stranger than fiction," but so strange will some of the occurrences related in the following pages appear to Western readers, that I deem it necessary to state that they are also true. Most of the stories, incidents,...
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HK$447.14- HK$49.75
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The Achievement of the British Navy in the World-WarThe Achievement of the British Navy in the World-WarWhen King George returned from the visit he paid to the Grand Fleet in June, 1917, he sent a message to Admiral Sir David Beatty, who had succeeded Sir John Jellicoe in the command, in which...
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Vienna 1683Vienna 1683 - The History and Consequences of the Defeat of the Turks before Vienna, September 12, 1683, by John Sobieski, King of Poland, and Charles Leopold, Duke of LorraineThe historical scholar will find nothing new in the following pages; but I have thought...
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HK$447.14- HK$49.75
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Ein Sommer im OrientEin Sommer im OrientDas Original wurde in Frakturschrift gesetzt; diese wird hier in Normalschrift dargestellt. Antiquaschrift wird in der vorliegenden Ausgabe kursiv dargestellt. Abhngig von der im jeweiligen Lesegert installierten Schriftart knnen die im Original gesperrt gedruckten Passagen gesperrt, in serifenloser Schrift, oder aber...
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HK$447.14- HK$49.75
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Old Virginia and Her Neighbours, Vol. 1 (of 2)Old Virginia and Her Neighbours, Vol. 1 (of 2)In the series of books on American history, upon which I have for many years been engaged, the present volumes come between "The Discovery of America" and "The Beginnings of New England." The opening chapter, with...
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HK$447.14- HK$49.75
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Marsena, and Other Stories of the WartimeMarsena, and Other Stories of the WartimeIt was not alone his flowing black hair, and his broad shirt-collars turned down after the ascertained manner of the British poets, which stamped him in our humble minds as a living brother to "The Corsair," "The Last...
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Studies in Greek Scenery, Legend and HistoryStudies in Greek Scenery, Legend and History - Selected from His Commentary on Pausanias' 'Description of Greece,'The Englishman in Greece who pays any heed to the remains of classical antiquity is apt, if he be no scholar, to wonder who a certain Pausanias was...
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An Illustrated Handbook of Mount Vernon, the Home of WashingtonAn Illustrated Handbook of Mount Vernon, the Home of WashingtonPortrait of George Washington By Chas. Wilson Peale Bequeathed to the Mount Vernon Ladies Association by the late Miss Jane Boudinot, in whose familys possession the portrait has been since 1788, when it was painted...
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Reminiscences of Prince Talleyrand, Volume 2 (of 2)Reminiscences of Prince Talleyrand, Volume 2 (of 2)You have begun, malgr vous, said I to C., the next time we met tte--tte, the vie anecdotique of the prince, which I have always felt sure would prove so full of interest. Your strange story of...
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HK$447.14- HK$49.75
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Névtelen vár (2. rész)Névtelen vár (2. rész) - Történelmi regénygy tett Drvakereszturi Grmblyi Bernt alispn r s, a midn a megye rendei rszrl ktelessgv ttetett, hogy az 1808-ki orszggyls 2-ik trvnyczikkelye 1. -nak s az azt kvet paragrafusoknak szemlyes megjelensvel is rvnyt szerezni sernykedjk. A feladat ez...
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HK$447.14- HK$49.75
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Névtelen vár (1. rész)Névtelen vár (1. rész) - Történelmi regényAz utcza egszen res, a minek taln csak az az oka, hogy a prisi nem szeret a hessben kborolni. Lehet, hogy mg egyb oka is van. A rue des Ours klnben sem igen jrt hely, s maga a...
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HK$447.14- HK$49.75
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A History of Troop A Cavalry, Connecticut National Guard and Its Service in the Great War as Co. D, 102d Machine Gun BattalionA History of Troop A Cavalry, Connecticut National Guard and Its Service in the Great War as Co. D, 102d Machine Gun BattalionIt is hoped that this book will serve as a reminder to all D Company men and their descendants of the serious...
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HK$447.14- HK$49.75
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