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Das österreichische Antlitz: EssaysDas österreichische Antlitz: EssaysEin wunderschner Tag ist das heute gewesen. Voller Sonnenglanz und Wrme, und in den Straen hat es berall nach Veilchen geduftet. Da ich heute gerade sechzig Jahre alt geworden bin, mchte mich freilich herabstimmen. Aber ich kann mir nicht helfen, ich...
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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Tacoma and VicinityTacoma and VicinityTacoma has well been called the City of Destiny, for never in the history of our great republic has the finger of destiny so unerringly pointed to the location of a large commercial and manufacturing metropolis as it did to the shores...
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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Peter Moors Fahrt nach Südwest: Ein FeldzugsberichtPeter Moors Fahrt nach Südwest: Ein FeldzugsberichtAls ich ein kleiner Junge war, wollte ich Kutscher oder Brieftrger werden; das gefiel meiner Mutter sehr. Als ich ein groer Junge war, wollte ich nach Amerika; da schalt sie mich. So um die Zeit, als die Schuljahre...
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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Life and public services of Martin R. DelanyLife and public services of Martin R. Delany - Sub-Assistant Commissioner Bureau Relief of Refugees, Freedmen, and of Abandoned Lands, and late Major 104th U.S. Colored TroopsAt the close of every revolution in a country, there is observed an effort for the gradual and...
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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Anzeiger für Kunde der deutschen Vorzeit, 27. Band, 1880Anzeiger für Kunde der deutschen Vorzeit, 27. Band, 1880 - Organ des Germanischen MuseumsDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1880 erschienenen Ausgabe der Zeitschrift so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Zeichensetzung und offensichtliche typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche sowie inkonsistente Schreibweisen wurden beibehalten,...
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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GallipoliGallipoliTHE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK BOSTON CHICAGO DALLAS ATLANTA SAN FRANCISCO Oliver said ... "I have seen the Saracens: the valley and the mountains are covered with them; and the lowlands and all the plains; great are the hosts of that strange people; we...
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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The Life and Letters of Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, Volumes 1 and 2The Life and Letters of Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, Volumes 1 and 2We ask to be allowed to introduce the Reader to a kind and genial cicerone, who can take him back, three centuries deep, into the Past, and show him the Turk as...
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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Sketches in Crude-oilSketches in Crude-oil - Some accidents and incidents of the petroleum development in all parts of the globeLife is too short to compile a book that would cover the subject fully, hence this work is not a detailed history of the great petroleum development....
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri: or, Memoirs of Jahangir (Volume 1 of 2)The Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri: or, Memoirs of Jahangir (Volume 1 of 2)Mr. Rogers translated the Memoirs of Jahngr several years ago from the edition which Sayyid Amad printed at Ghazipur in 1863 and at Allyghur in 1864. Orientalists are greatly indebted to the Sayyid for his...
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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A Sketch of Assam: With some account of the Hill TribesA Sketch of Assam: With some account of the Hill TribesTo those accustomed only to the comforts of civilized life, or to the traveller who is indifferent to the beauties of scenery, the monotony, silence, and loneliness of the vast forests of Assam, will...
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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The Song of Hugh GlassThe Song of Hugh GlassIf the average student of Western American History in our schools were asked to recall those names which loom large for him during the four decades from the purchase of the Louisiana Territory to the coming of the settlers, he...
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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Ein Volk in WaffenEin Volk in Waffen[S. 2] Dieses den tapferen deutschen Soldaten und ihren Angehrigen gewidmete Bchlein ist ein Auszug aus dem gleichnamigen Werk Sven Hedins, das im Mrz 1915 erscheinen wird. Diese groe Ausgabe umfat etwa 500 Seiten mit ungefhr 250 Abbildungen und kostet geheftet...
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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Horace Walpole: A memoirHorace Walpole: A memoir - With an appendix of books printed at the Strawberry Hill PressThe Walpoles of Houghton.Horace Walpole born, 24 September, 1717.Lady Louisa Stuart's Story.Scattered Facts of his Boyhood.Minor Anecdotes.'La belle Jennings.'The Bugles.Interview with George I. before his Death.Portrait at this time.Goes...
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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America and the World WarAmerica and the World WarIn the New York Evening Post for September 30, 1814, a correspondent writes from Washington that on the ruins of the Capitol, which had just been burned by a small British army, various disgusted patriots had written sentences which included...
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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Anthropology and the ClassicsAnthropology and the Classics - Six Lectures Delivered Before the University of OxfordAnthropology and the Humanitieson verbal grounds one might suppose them coextensive; yet in practice they divide the domain of human culture between them. The types of human culture are, in fact, reducible...
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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Trip to the West and TexasTrip to the West and Texas - comprising a journey of eight thousand miles, through New-York, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, Louisiana and Texas, in the autumn and winter of 1834-5.The author of this work, unknown to fame, and unacquainted with the art of book-making, has...
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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Historical Characters in the Reign of Queen AnneHistorical Characters in the Reign of Queen AnneTHE reign of Queen Anne is one of the most illustrious in English history. In literature it has been common to call it the Augustan age. In politics it has all the interest of a transition period,...
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, Volume 3 (of 15)Collection complète des oeuvres de l'Abbé de Mably, Volume 3 (of 15)Tant que le gouvernement fodal avoit t en vigueur, et que le roi, born recevoir lhommage et les secours que lui devoient ses vassaux immdiats, nexeroit aucune autorit dans leurs terres, lhonneur de...
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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Last Words on Evolution: A Popular Retrospect and SummaryLast Words on Evolution: A Popular Retrospect and SummaryIn the beginning of April, 1905, I received from Berlin a very unexpected invitation to deliver a popular scientific lecture at the Academy of Music in that city. I at first declined this flattering invitation, with...
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HK$100.38- HK$50.17
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