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The Martyrdom of BelgiumThe Martyrdom of Belgium - Official Report of Massacres of Peaceable Citizens, Women and Children by The German ArmyThe Official Belgian Commission of Inquiry, which has been charged with the task of examining into the violation of the rules of International Law and of...
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The Life and Letters of Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, Vol. 2 (of 2)The Life and Letters of Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, Vol. 2 (of 2)In illustrating Busbecqs letters from France reference is frequently made to contemporary writers, and it may be useful to the reader to have some idea of their different characters, and positions, and...
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HK$100.41- HK$50.18
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Canyon de Chelly: The Story of Its Ruins and PeopleCanyon de Chelly: The Story of Its Ruins and PeopleFar up above me, a thousand feet or so, set in a great cavern in the face of the cliff, I saw a little city of stone asleep. It was as still as sculptureand something...
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Der Stechlin: RomanDer Stechlin: RomanIm Norden der Grafschaft Ruppin, hart an der mecklenburgischen Grenze, zieht sich von dem Stdtchen Gransee bis nach Rheinsberg hin (und noch darber hinaus) eine mehrere Meilen lange Seenkette durch eine menschenarme, nur hie und da mit ein paar alten Drfern, sonst...
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The Life and Letters of Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, Vol. 1 (of 2)The Life and Letters of Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, Vol. 1 (of 2)We ask to be allowed to introduce the Reader to a kind and genial cicerone, who can take him back, three centuries deep, into the Past, and show him the Turk as...
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HK$100.41- HK$50.18
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A Historical Account of Useful Inventions and Scientific DiscoveriesA Historical Account of Useful Inventions and Scientific Discoveries - Being a manual of instruction and entertainment.It has been demonstrated that the desire of obtaining knowledge is one of the most natural, and, at the same time, most ennobling attributes of the human mind....
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HK$100.41- HK$50.18
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A Sister to EvangelineA Sister to Evangeline - Being the Story of Yvonne de Lamourie, and how she went into exile with the villagers of Grand PréRevenant la Belle Acadiethe words sang themselves over and over in my brain, but I could get no further than that...
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The Life of Josiah Henson, Formerly a Slave, Now an Inhabitant of CanadaThe Life of Josiah Henson, Formerly a Slave, Now an Inhabitant of CanadaThe following memoir was written from the dictation of Josiah Henson. A portion of the story was told, which, when written, was read to him, that any errors of statement might be...
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HK$100.41- HK$50.18
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The History of Saint Augustine, FloridaThe History of Saint Augustine, FloridaThis brief outline of the history of one of the most interesting portions of our country, together with the sketches of the celebrated characters and memorable events which have rendered the town of St. Augustine famous throughout the world,...
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The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 4 (of 9)The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 4 (of 9) - Being His Autobiography, Correspondence, Reports, Messages, Addresses, and Other Writings, Official and Private Dear Sir,I should have taken time ere this to have considered the observations of Mr. Young, could I at this place...
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Breton Folk: An artistic tour in BrittanyBreton Folk: An artistic tour in BrittanyThe following notes were made during three summer tours in Brittany, in two of which the Author was accompanied by the Artist. Breton Folk is not a description of the antiquities of Brittany, nor even a book of...
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Famous Scots seriesThe Academic GregoriesAs far back as I can remember there hung in my fathers study two prints, the one a mezzotint of Professor James Gregory, and the other, inferior as a picture, but most beautiful in its subject, an engraving of William Pulteney Alison....
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Narrative of Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the 17th Century, Vol. INarrative of Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in the Seventeenth Century, Vol. IThe narrative of an Asiatic traveller, enthusiastically fond of seeing foreign countries, and unwearied in his investigation of their history, condition, and institutions, is in itself so great a singularity, and...
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HK$100.41- HK$50.18
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Tulella ja miekalla: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta. 4Tulella ja miekalla: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta. 4Niin pian kuin hevoset olivat levnneet, lksivt he liikkeelle ja ajoivat niin kiireesti, ett he kuun noustessa aron yli olivat likell Studenkaa, Waladynkan takana. Edellimmisen ratsasti herra Wolodyjowski, tarkoin thystellen joka taholle. Hnen jljessn tuli Zagloba, ratsastaen Helenan...
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HK$100.41- HK$50.18
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John Black, the Apostle of the Red RiverJohn Black, the Apostle of the Red River - Or, How the Blue Banner Was Unfurled on Manitoba PrairiesWe are in the habit of referring to the heroic deeds of our fathers, whether English, Scottish, Irish or French, in the struggles they endured and...
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HK$100.41- HK$50.18
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Tulella ja miekalla: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta. 3Tulella ja miekalla: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta. 3He ratsastivat aivan verkalleen, melkein kytt. Edellimmisen, muutaman kymmenen askeleen etisyydess toisista, kulki kaksi ratsastajaa, iknkuin etuvartiostona, vaikka heill nhtvsti ei ollut mitn syyt vartioimiseen ja silmllpitoon, koska he kaiken aikaa keskustelivat eivtk mitenkn tarkanneet ymprist, vhnpst pidttivt...
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HK$100.41- HK$50.18
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Life in South AfricaLife in South AfricaSafe, safe at last, after twenty-four days of nothing but sea and sky, of white-crested waveswhich made no secret of their intention of coming on board whenever they could or of tossing the good ship Edinburgh Castle hither and thither like...
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HK$100.41- HK$50.18
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Armenia, Travels and Studies (Volume 2 of 2)Armenia, Travels and Studies (Volume 2 of 2) - The Turkish ProvincesOctober 24.The track which we were following winds for some distance along the spine of the range. You cross and cross again from the one to the other watershed, overlooking now the open...
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HK$100.41- HK$50.18
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Bell's English History Source BooksCanada (1535-Present Day)This series of English History Source Books is intended for use with any ordinary textbook of English History. Experience has conclusively shown that such apparatus is a valuablenay, an indispensableadjunct to the history lesson. It is capable of two main uses: either...
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HK$100.41- HK$50.18
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With Rogers on the Frontier: A Story of 1756With Rogers on the Frontier: A Story of 1756The great conflict between England and France for supremacy upon the North American continent was drawing near its final stage. It had been waged for more than a century with varying fortunes, and over a vast...
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