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Frank Reade, Jr., Fighting the Terror of the CoastFrank Reade, Jr., Fighting the Terror of the CoastHe was a middle-aged man, with dark, swarthy features, piercing black eyes, a black mustache and dark hair. His slender figure was clad in the costume of a native Mexican, and he rode like an expert....
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXV, No. 2, August 1849Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXV, No. 2, August 1849Everybody called Mr. Humphreys a good man. To have found any fault with the deacon would have been to impugn the church itself, whose most firm pillar he stood. No one stopped to analyze his goodnessit was...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXV, No. 1, July 1849Graham's Magazine, Vol. XXXV, No. 1, July 1849In the commencement of the seventeenth century, there stood among the woody hills and romantic gorges which sweep southwardly down from the bleak expanse of Dartmoor, one of those fine old English halls, which, dating from the...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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FlemingtonFlemingtonTHIS book has no claim to be considered an historical novel, none of the principal people in it being historic characters; but the taking of the ship, as also the manner of its accomplishment, is true. MR. DUTHIE walked up the hill with the...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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My Lattice, and Other PoemsMy Lattice, and Other PoemsEntered according to the Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four, by William Briggs, Toronto, in the office of the Minister of Agriculture, at Ottawa. Dion, of Syracuse (408-353 B.C.), philosopher, was...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Lone Inn: A MysteryThe Lone Inn: A MysteryIf there be aught in presentiments I was well warned by that first glimpse of the inn. The monstrous bulk of gables, sloping roofs, and lean chimneys, hunched blackly against the sky, would have scared a bolder spirit than mine....
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Scaring off of Teddy Dawson: A Comedy in One ActThe Scaring off of Teddy Dawson: A Comedy in One Act Living room of a small house in an East End sidestreet. Door direct to street back centre. Next it, window. Door to house l. Kitchen range R. Dresser with crockery l. Centre is...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Graft: A Comedy in Four ActsGraft: A Comedy in Four Acts A small room on the first floor, awkwardly overcrowded with the entire furniture of a cottage, a pile of which is stacked in the left corner and covered with a sheet; the plain iron bed is right, the...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Garside's Career: A Comedy in Four ActsGarside's Career: A Comedy in Four Acts Interior of an artisan cottage. Door centre, leading direct to street, door right to house. Fireplace with kitchen range left. Table centre, with print cloth. Two plain chairs under it, one left, one centre, facing audience. Rocking-chair...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Dealing in Futures: A Play in Three ActsDealing in Futures: A Play in Three Acts The Scene is laid in an outlying Lancashire village and the action of the play takes place within a space of twenty-six hours. The dining-room of Jabez Thompson's; the room is luxuriously furnished and combines comfort...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Hepplestall'sHepplestall's RUMMAGING at a bargain-counter, I came across an object which puzzled me, and, turning to the shopman, I asked him what it was. He took it up contemptuously. That, he said. Dear me, I thought Id put it in the dust-bin. Its fit...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Price of CoalThe Price of Coal - A Play The Price of Coal came from a Manchester author; it was in Lancashire dialect, but was freely translated into that of Lanarkshire, before its first production on Monday, November 15th, 1909. The whole week was foggy, dense,...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Three Lancashire Plays: The Game The Northerners ZackThree Lancashire Plays: The Game; The Northerners; Zack In another age than ours play-books were a favourite, if not the only, form of light reading, and the novel, now almost universally preferred, is the development of the last century. But a writer of plays...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Reminiscences of Leo Nicolayevitch TolstoiReminiscences of Leo Nicolayevitch TolstoiReminiscences of Leo Nicolayevitch Tolstoi, by Maxim Gorky, was originally published in Russian in Petrograd in 1919. The first half of the book, consisting of notes, had been written between 1900 and 1901, when Tolstoi, Gorky, and Tchekhov were living...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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13 Years of a Busy Woman's LifeThirteen Years of a Busy Woman's LifeExistence became utterly unendurable, he continued, worries heaped upon one another until the strain was unbearable, and then, to crown all, a terrible disease took possession of me. I knew I could not live. It might be a...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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La porte des rêvesLa porte des rêvesLa tempte nous avait pousss trs loin des ctes o nous avions accoutum de faire la course. Pendant de longues journes sombres, le navire avait plong, le nez en avant, travers les masses d'eau verte crteles d'cume. Le ciel noir semblait...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Metsäherran herjaajaMetsäherran herjaajaSiell, koskemattomassa korvessa, ihminen kyskentelee kuni salaperisess, pyhnviiless temppeliss, jossa korkeat, solakat pilarit kannattavat kaikkeuden sinikaartuvaa holvikattoa. Siell on rauhaisaa ja lohdullista, siell tuskan krki taittuu ja suru suurinkin suloisesti hivelee. Sammal niin pehmoinen koskettaa, kanerva niin kaunis katsoa, pihkan tuoksu ja lehvin...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Why Frau Frohmann Raised Her Prices, and Other StoriesWhy Frau Frohmann Raised Her Prices, and Other StoriesIF ever there was a Tory upon earth, the Frau Frohmann was a Tory; for I hold that landed possessions, gentle blood, a gray-haired butler behind ones chair, and adherence to the Church of England, are...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Prophecy of Merlin, and Other PoemsThe Prophecy of Merlin, and Other PoemsBY JOHN READE. MONTREAL: Published by Dawson Brothers. 1870. Entered according to Act of Parliament, in the year 1870, by John Reade, in the Office of the Minister of Agriculture. MONTREAL: PRINTED BY THE MONTREAL PRINTING AND PUBLISHING...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 10Œuvres complètes de Guy de Maupassant - volume 10NOUS tions sept dans le break, quatre femmes et trois hommes, dont un sur le sige ct du cocher, et nous montions, au pas des chevaux, la grande cte o serpentait la route. Partis dtretat ds...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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