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EnchantmentEnchantmentSo much depended upon every one's utter lack of nervousness and embarrassment that Shaw, the stage manager, decided that my presence at the final rehearsal would only add to the tension, and was therefore unnecessary. The "star" complained that her efforts to interpret my...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Torquemada en el purgatorioTorquemada en el purgatorioCuenta el Licenciado Juan de Madrid, cronista tan diligente como malicioso de los Dichos y Hechos de D. Francisco Torquemada, que no menos de seis meses tard Cruz del guila en restablecer en su casa el esplendor de otros das, y...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Athelings or, the Three Gifts. CompleteThe Athelings; or, the Three Gifts. Complete Book I.Chapter I., II., III., IV., V., VI., VII., VIII., IX., X., XI., XII., XIII., XIV., XV., XVI., XVII., XVIII., XIX., XX., XXI., XXII., XXIII., XXIV., XXV., XXVI., XXVII., XXVIII., XXIX., XXX., XXXI., XXXII., XXXIII., XXXIV. One...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Athelings or, the Three Gifts. Vol. 3/3The Athelings; or, the Three Gifts. Vol. 3/3 Book III.Chapter I., II., III., IV., V., VI., VII., VIII., IX., X., XI., XII., XIII., XIV., XV., XVI., XVII., XVIII., XIX., XX., XXI., XXII., XXIII., XXIV., XXV., XXVI., XXVII., XXVIII., XXIX., XXX., XXXI., XXXII., XXXIII., XXXIV....
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The City of Pleasure: A Fantasia on Modern ThemesThe City of Pleasure: A Fantasia on Modern Themes One of the three richly-uniformed officials who were in charge of the captive balloon, destined to be a leading attraction of the City of Pleasure, murmured this name warningly to his companions, as if to...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Teresa of Watling Street: A Fantasia on Modern ThemesTeresa of Watling Street: A Fantasia on Modern Themes Since money is the fount of all modern romantic adventure, the City of London, which holds more money to the square yard than any other place in the world, is the most romantic of cities....
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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17 histoires de marinsDix-sept histoires de marinsDaignez m'excuser d'abord: je sais merveille que vous ne lisez jamais de prface. Mais ne vous y trompez point: ceci n'a pas la vanit d'en tre une. Je serais fort embarrass d'avoir vous vanter, comme il faudrait, le poil de mon...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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ErdgeistErdgeist Ein Tierbndiger tritt, nachdem der aufgezogene Vorhang einen Zelteingang hat sichtbar werden lassen, in zinnoberrotem Frack, weier Krawatte, langen schwarzen Locken, weien Beinkleidern und Stulpstiefeln, in der Linken eine Hetzpeitsche, in der Rechten einen geladenen Revolver, unter Zimbelklngen und Paukenschlgen aus dem Zelt:...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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PoemsPoems Copyright, 1917, 1918, by Daniel E. Hudson; Copyright, 1917, 1918, by The Sisters of Mercy; Copyright, 1917, 1919, by The Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostle in the State of New York. Copyright, 1919, by Frederick A. Stokes Company All Rights Reserved...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Bahama Bill, Mate of the Wrecking Sloop Sea-HorseBahama Bill, Mate of the Wrecking Sloop Sea-HorseThe brig lay in four fathoms of water on the edge of the Great Bahama Bank. She had been a solid little vessel, built for the fruit trade, and she was about two hundred tons register. Her...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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La dame qui a perdu son peintreLa dame qui a perdu son peintreIl a t tir de cet ouvrage: 20 exemplaires sur papier de Chine, numrots de 1 20; 10 exemplaires sur papier du Japon, numrots de 21 30; 70 exemplaires sur papier de Hollande, numrots de 31 100. Le...
- HK$50.10
HK$742.95- HK$50.10
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La PucheraLa PucheraQuin de los dos empuj primero, yo no lo s. Quizs fuera el mar, acaso fuera el ro. Avergelo el gelogo, si es que le importa. Lo indudable es que el empuje fu estupendo, dirale quien le diera; es decir, el ro para...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Airiselän tukinajossa: Kuvaus Lapin rajoiltaAiriselän tukinajossa: Kuvaus Lapin rajoiltaJrvi oli jo vahvassa jss. Pounikot ja jnkt olivat kylmettyneet hevosen kantaviksi, niin ett kivelin asukaskin psi liikkumaan. Tn syksyn nytti pehmeillekin maille tulevan luja pohja, kun ennen lumen tuiskuamista piti nin kovia ja pitkllisi pakkasia. Oli jo ollut kaksi...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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De Sobremesa crónicas, Segunda Parte (de 5)De Sobremesa; crónicas, Segunda Parte (de 5)El seor ministro de la Gobernacin ha propuesto el mejor remedio para evitar conflictos en la Plaza de Toros; que el pblico se abstenga de asistir las corridas si tanto le disgustan. El remedio es excelente, pero ya...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Poems of ProgressPoems of ProgressBOSTON: WILLIAM WHITE AND COMPANY, BANNER OF LIGHT OFFICE, 158 Washington Street. NEW YORK AGENTSTHE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY, 119 Nassau Street. 1871. {2} Entered, according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1871, By MISS ELIZABETH DOTEN, In the Office of...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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October, and Other Poems with Occasional Verses on the WarOctober, and Other Poems; with Occasional Verses on the WarThis miscellaneous volume is composed of three sections. The first twelve poems were written in 1913, and printed privately by Mr. Hornby in 1914. The last of these poems proved to be a war poem,...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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L'Holocauste: Roman ContemporainL'Holocauste: Roman ContemporainAiles qui hsitent, ailes qui insistent, ailes qui se glacent au bois glac de ma porte comme les ailes des mouettes se caressent au froufrou rid de la mer, ailes qui se mouillent, qui se glent, qui se blessent dlicieusement un ocan...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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The Diary of Dr. John William Polidori, 1816, Relating to Byron, Shelley, etcThe Diary of Dr. John William Polidori, 1816, Relating to Byron, Shelley, etc.A person whose name finds mention in the books about Byron, and to some extent in those about Shelley, was John William Polidori, M.D.; he was Lord Byron's travelling physician in 1816,...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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Gloria MundiGloria Mundi The meeting of the man and the womanit is to this that every story in the world goes back for its beginning. At noon on a day late in September the express train from Paris rested, panting and impatient, on its brief...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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March HaresMarch Hares On the morning of his thirtieth birthday, Mr. David Mosscrop lounged against the low stone parapet of Westminster Bridge, and surveyed at length the unflagging procession of his fellow-creatures plodding past him northward into the polite half of London town. He had...
- HK$50.10
HK$450.29- HK$50.10
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