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The Strand Magazine, Vol. 01, Issue 02, February 1891The Strand Magazine, Vol. 01, Issue 02, February 1891 - An Illustrated Monthly The Pistol Shot. A Night with the Thames Police. The Maid of Treppi. Our Money Manufactory. Slap-Bang. Portraits of Celebrities at different times of their Lives. Letters from Artists on Ladies'...
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L'Illustration, No. 0049, 3 Février 1844L'Illustration, No. 0049, 3 Février 1844Courrier de Paris. Vue de la Galerie Lebrun, l'htel Lambert. --Histoire de la Semaine. Portrait de sir Francis Burdett. -- De l'autre ct de l'Eau. Souvenirs d'une promenade, par O. N. (Suite.) Vue extrieure des constructions des nouvelles Chambres...
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Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 107, August 11, 1894Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 107, August 11, 1894And now the climax comes not with tongue-lolling sheep-fleece wolves, ears on top remorselessly pricked for slaughter of the bleating imitated lamb, here a fang pointing to nethermost pit not of stomach but of Acheron,...
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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 108, June 15th, 1895Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 108, June 15th, 1895There is, of course, to be an Eisteddfod in 1896; and it appears that the Llandudno Executive Committee have been making some revolutionary proposals with reference to it. They have resolved that they "respectfully desire...
- HK$50.09
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L'Illustration, No. 0048, 27 Janvier 1844L'Illustration, No. 0048, 27 Janvier 1844Histoire de la Semaine. Portraits de MM. Thiers et Guizot.--Thtres. Le Mnage parisien; Marjolaine; Paris bloqu.--Courrier de Paris. Un Dner de la Saint-Charlemagne; Une Runion d'ouvriers dans les caveaux de Saint-Sulpice; Bouff dans l'Oncle Baptiste.--Approvisionnements de Paris. March Bonne-Nouvelle....
- HK$50.09
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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 108, June 1, 1895Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 108, June 1, 1895It appears that the very excellent proposal of amalgamating all the local branches of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children in one national association is meeting with some opposition in Liverpool. Says...
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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 108, January 19, 1895Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 108, January 19, 1895The island of Seringapatam is without exaggeration one of the fairest jewels in the imperial diadem of our world-wide possessions. Embosomed in the blue and sparkling wavelets of the Pacific Ocean, breathed upon by the...
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Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 108, January 26, 1895Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 108, January 26, 1895It was a pleasant sight, on the premire of King Arthur, to see Mr. Comyns Carr, poet, littrateur, art-critic, theatrical manager, orator, journalist, dramatist, and not a few other things beside, gravely bowing his acknowledgments...
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Punch, or the London Charivari, January 5th, 1895Punch, or the London Charivari, January 5th, 1895It was the luncheon-hour at Lord's. Likewise it was exceeding hot, and Mr. Punch, after an exciting morning's cricket, was endeavouring to cool himself with an iced tankard, a puggreed "straw," and a fragrant whiff. "Willow the...
- HK$50.09
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Punch, or the London Charivari, January 12th, 1895Punch, or the London Charivari, January 12th, 1895Not many living men, and even fewer in the ages that are past, haveif I may use the wordsported with greater assiduity and success than I have during a life which is even now little past its...
- HK$50.09
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Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. 401, March 1849Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, No. 401, March 1849There are three reasons why the second edition of a good book, upon an advancing branch of knowledge, should be better than the first. The author, however conversant he may have been with the subject when he wrote...
- HK$50.09
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Harper's New Monthly Magazine, No. XXIV, May 1852, Vol. IVHarper's New Monthly Magazine, No. XXIV, May 1852, Vol. IVThe person who came in so suddenly to help the boys extinguish the fire under the corn-barn, on the night of the robbery, was Antonio, or Beechnut, as the boys more commonly called him. In...
- HK$50.09
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 02, July 11, 1840The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 02, July 11, 1840Among the many wonders of Ireland, as yet undescribed and little known, even to Irishmen, beyond their immediate localities, the subject of our prefixed illustration has every claim to find a place, and to...
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The Nursery, December 1881, Vol. XXXThe Nursery, December 1881, Vol. XXX - A Monthly Magazine for Youngest ReadersShe had often been there to play with the pretty creatures, and many of them had come to know her well. One large gray parrot had learned her name, and would call...
- HK$50.09
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The Nursery, August 1881, Vol. XXXThe Nursery, August 1881, Vol. XXX - A Monthly Magazine for Youngest ReadersThe little boy was greatly pleased. He had fished often in a tub of water with a pin-hook; but now, for the first time, he had a real fishing-line and pole, and...
- HK$50.09
HK$450.21- HK$50.09
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The Nursery, September 1881, Vol. XXXThe Nursery, September 1881, Vol. XXX - A Monthly Magazine for Youngest ReadersSo said the bluff old captain to his passengers. Up they came, one after another, at the summons. The lady who was so worn down with sea-sickness sat with her head resting...
- HK$50.09
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The Nursery, November 1881, Vol. XXXThe Nursery, November 1881, Vol. XXX - A Monthly Magazine for Youngest ReadersJimmy's papa has about a hundred horses, as many cows, and a great many hundred sheep. He does not keep them in barns, or feed them with hay, but they roam over...
- HK$50.09
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The Nursery, October 1881, Vol. XXXThe Nursery, October 1881, Vol. XXX - A Monthly Magazine for Youngest ReadersEdith was four years old, and had come the day before, for the first time in her life, to stay on a large farm. She had never seen young chickens, except in...
- HK$50.09
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The Nursery, July 1881, Vol. XXXThe Nursery, July 1881, Vol. XXX - A Monthly Magazine for Youngest Readers"No answer. Hark! I hear a noise up in that tree. Can that be Charley? Oh, no! It is a bird. 'Little bird, have you seen a small boy with curly hair?...
- HK$50.09
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Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910Transactions of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. LXVIII, Sept. 1910 - The New York Tunnel Extension of the Pennsylvania Railroad.The section of the Pennsylvania Railroad Tunnel work described in this paper is that lying between Tenth Avenue, New York City, and the...
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