Public Domain
Greetings from Crater Lake National Park, OregonGreetings from Crater Lake National Park, Oregon - 7 Framing-Size Photo Reproductions in Natural COlor You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is...
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The Manufacture of Tomato ProductsThe Manufacture of Tomato Products - Including whole tomato pulp or puree, tomato catsup, chili sauce, tomato soup, trimming pulpThe past ten years have seen revolutionary changes made in the tomato product manufacturing business. Old methods of making tomato pulp, catsup, chili sauce, etc....
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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Prairie Farmer, Vol. 56: No. 5, February 2, 1884Prairie Farmer, Vol. 56: No. 5, February 2, 1884. - A Weekly Journal for the Farm, Orchard and FiresideAgricultureSelection of a Site for a Park, Page 65; Fresh Meat for the Farm, 65-66; Farmers Communicative Society, 66; Botany for Farm Boys, 66; Diogenes in...
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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Music and Life: A study of the relations between ourselves and musicMusic and Life: A study of the relations between ourselves and musicDuring the last twenty or thirty years there has been an enormous increase in the United States of what may be called institutional music. We have built opera houses, we have formed many...
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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Massasoit's Town Sowams in Pokanoket, Its History Legends and TraditionsMassasoit's Town Sowams in Pokanoket, Its History Legends and TraditionsA peculiar interest centres about everything pertaining to the great Wampanoag sachem Massasoit. Massasoit has always, and justly, been regarded as one of the most remarkable of that group of illustrious aboriginal chieftains with whom...
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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The Friendly KillersThe Friendly Killers"The first hint the FedGov had of their existence was the sudden appearance of their strange silver globeships off Cadar. Sweeping down with not even an effort to communicate with the helpless inhabitants, the Kel desolated the entire planet. Other outlying worlds...
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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Double IdentityDouble IdentityHe demonstrated again that rangey reach of his and slammed a fistful of hard knuckles into the putty face in front of him. Mario went down on the thick carpet, his fat nose spurting blood like a drinking fountain for vampires. He was...
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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AaveAavePimen ja synkkn lokakuun iltana vyryivt vanhan-aikaiset vaunut rappeutuneella maantiell, joka eriskummaisesti kaartaen ja kkijyrkkn johtaa ylmaalta suuriin Nrrekjaerin luona oleviin metsiin ja soihin. Korvia myten valkoiseen sadetakkiin puettuna, josta ainoastaan pitk, punainen nen pistytyi esiin, istui ajuri kumarruksissa sateen thden, jota lakkaamatta tulvi...
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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Borgia: A Period PlayBorgia: A Period PlayIt is dead midnight: lights are burning. Lord Cardinal Cesare, in the black satin dress of a Spanish gentleman, with jewelled poignard, reclines on a couch. He appears to be sleeping, except that now and again he slowly rolls from hand...
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 13, Vol. I, March 29, 1884Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 13, Vol. I, March 29, 1884In this age of International Exhibitions, which, when usefully directed, form what the newspapers pleasantly call a wholesome mania, it is well to inquire into the causes, more...
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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A Tract on Monetary ReformA Tract on Monetary ReformWe leave Saving to the private investor, and we encourage him to place his savings mainly in titles to money. We leave the responsibility for setting Production in motion to the business man, who is mainly influenced by the profits...
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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Die Pest zu LondonDie Pest zu LondonEs war 1664, um den Anfang des September, als ich gesprchsweise von meinen Nachbarn hrte, da die Pest in Holland von neuem ausgebrochen wre. Sie war dort im vorhergehenden Jahre sehr heftig aufgetreten, besonders in Amsterdam und Rotterdam, wohin sie nach...
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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A History of SculptureA History of SculptureMuch that might properly occur in the preface of this book will be found in its opening chapter. I there set out the ground to be covered, and define the point of view from which I have treated my facts. These...
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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Le second enfer d'Etienne DoletLe second enfer d'Etienne Dolet - Suivi de sa traduction des deux dialogues platoniciens l'Axiochus et l'Hipparchus; notice bio-bibliographique par un bibliophileDe toutes les malheureuses victimes de lintolrance farouche du seizime sicle, il nen est pas dont le nom rveille des souvenirs aussi tristes...
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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Chance, Love, and Logic: Philosophical EssaysChance, Love, and Logic: Philosophical EssaysMany and diverse are the minds that form the philosophic community. There are, first and foremost, the great masters, the system builders who rear their stately palaces towering to the moon. These architectonic minds are served by a varied...
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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Les quinze joyes de mariageLes quinze joyes de mariage - Conforme au manuscript de la bibliothèque publique de RouenParmi les ouvrages sans nombre inspirs aux crivains satiriques par les malices du sexe et les inconvnients plus ou moins rels du lien conjugal, les QUINZE JOYES DE MARIAGE doivent...
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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The Hunt PackThe Hunt PackIn hilarious Happy Camp, on the north side of Chilkoot Pass, inbound stampeders traveling laden and outbound packers traveling light, rested by night from the toil of the trail. Foregathered in the Saxon Saloon they relaxed their muscles, their throats and their...
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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Gloria at Boarding SchoolGloria at Boarding SchoolNo one heard her, the little clock on the corner shelf ticked away and never let on, for new girls coming to that room were no novelty to the clock. They came and went yearly, sometimes oftener, and what difference did...
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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Bob Taylor's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 1, April 1905Bob Taylor's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 1, April 1905One of the most brilliant civilizations that ever flourished in the history of the world staggered and fell with broken sword and shattered shield on that dark day when the flag of Southern hope and glory...
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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The Ice Crop: How to Harvest, Store, Ship and Use IceThe Ice Crop: How to Harvest, Store, Ship and Use IceAn attempt is made, in this volume, to record some of the more prominent features regarding Ice as it affects the health, convenience and industry of the people. The development of the ice industry...
- HK$49.53
HK$99.11- HK$49.53
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