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Sairaanhoitajan maailmastaSairaanhoitajan maailmastaKun kauan eprityni ptin julkaista nm vaatimattomat muistot, tein sen pasiallisesti ajatellen sit ahtaampaa piiri, jolle ne ovat omistetut. Niille ihmisille, joiden elm kuluu sairaalan seinien sispuolella, nytt nimittin elm ilmiineen jonkun verran toisenlaiselta kuin sellaisille, jotka elvt ulkopuolella. Heille on kuolema usein...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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Rebels and Reformers: Biographies for Young PeopleRebels and Reformers: Biographies for Young PeopleThis book is intended for young people who are beginning to take an interest in historical subjects, and it may also be acceptable to those who are too busy with their daily work to find much time or...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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Les Rues de Paris, tome deuxièmeLes Rues de Paris, tome deuxième - Biographies, portraits, récits et légendesL'orthographe de l'original a t conserve; seules les erreurs videntes de typographie ou d'impression ont t corriges. Les mots corrigs sont souligns en pointills; placez le curseur sur le mot pour voir l'orthographe...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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U.S. Department of Agriculture circular no. 363The Migration of North American Birds (1935)Where do the birds go each fall that have nested in our dooryards and frequented the neighboring woods, hills, and marshes? Will the same ones return again to their former haunts next spring? What dangers do they face...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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Discipline in School and CloisterDiscipline in School and CloisterThe subject dealt with in the present work touches one of the dark patches of our social life. Flogging as an aid to education, a mode of discipline, or a means of repression is universal in time and space. The...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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Les Aspirans de marine, volume 2Les Aspirans de marine, volume 2Au moment mme o, pour pargner la coupable tte de notre ancien chef, je mentais ma conscience devant le conseil de guerre, un instinct secret, plus sr que lexprience que jai acquise depuis, mavait dit assez que je venais...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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The Fritz Straffers [sic]The Fritz Strafers: A Story of the Great War"QUITE right for once, Moke. Young brothers are unmitigated nuisances," declared Hugh Holcombe. "If I hadn't been such a silly owl to let my young brother try his luck with my motor-bike, I wouldn't be sitting...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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Mediæval Military Architecture in England, Volume 2 (of 2)Mediæval Military Architecture in England, Volume 2 (of 2)DOLFORWYN, or The Maidens Meadow, is a name evidently transposed from the meads of the adjacent Severn to the ridge occupied by the castle, which rises 500 feet or 600 feet above, and half a mile...
- HK$49.39
HK$158.12- HK$49.39
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The Physical Training of ChildrenThe Physical Training of ChildrenNothing is more to be regretted than the fact that the females of this country grow up to womanhood in entire ignorance of all that relates to their future condition as parents, and the physical and mental development of the...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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Early English Water-Colour Drawings of the Great MastersEarly English Water-Colour Drawings of the Great MastersTurner was one of the greatest artists this country has produced, and much of his best workand nearly all the work by which he has endeared himself to his fellow-countrymen, was done in water-colour; yet water-colour painting,...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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God Hath SpokenGod Hath SpokenEach author has his own individual literary style and critics of literature can identify the work of an author by the construction and diction of his writing. The Holy Spirit is the author of the Bible and he has a literary style...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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Carillon Park bookletsMilestones in the Mighty Age of Steam: The Grasshopper and the CorlissSouth Station is a modest little building, representing in its style of construction a typical railroad station in the days when the railroad first came to the Miami Valley. However, its function is...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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The Memoirs of Lieut. Henry Timberlake (Who Accompanied the Three Cherokee Indians to England in the Year 1762)The Memoirs of Lieut. Henry Timberlake (Who Accompanied the Three Cherokee Indians to England in the Year 1762) - Containing Whatever He Observed Remarkable, Or Worthy of Public Notice, During His Travels to and from That Nation; Wherein the Country, Government, Genius, and Customs...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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Waiting for an Omnibus in the Lowther Arcade on a Rainy Day: A Farce, in One ActWaiting for an Omnibus in the Lowther Arcade on a Rainy Day: A Farce, in One Act Away with Melancholy, From Village to Court, Whitebait at Greenwich, To Paris and Back for Five Pounds, The Woman I Adore, A Capital Match, The Two Bonnycastles,...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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We're Off to Mars!We're Off to Mars!"Just a minute!" Joe laid his magazine aside, rolled to the edge of the bed, and pulled on his trousers. Rising, he poked his feet into frayed slippers and, walking to the door, swung it open. "Sign here, please!" A little,...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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A Handbook of Modern JapanA Handbook of Modern JapanTHIS book, as its title indicates, is intended to portray Japan as it is rather than as it was. It is not by any means the purpose, however, to ignore the past, upon which the present is built, because such...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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CapturesCapturesIts psychic origin, like that of most human loves and hates, was obscure, and yet, like most human hates and loves, had a definite point of physical departurethe moment when Bowdens yellow dog bit Steers ungaitered leg. Even then it might not have got...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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Decimal Classification. Tables géographiquesDecimal Classification. Tables géographiques You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days of receipt of...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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Recipes Used in the Cooking Schools, U. S. ArmyRecipes Used in the Cooking Schools, U. S. ArmyTake 3 pounds beans and soak overnight in about 2 quarts of water. When ready to make the soup add 2 quarts of boiling water and let boil for about 2 hours, or till done. Add...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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The Observations of Professor MaturinThe Observations of Professor MaturinIT was never my good fortune actually to meet Professor Maturin, or even to see him, although in the latter case I should instantly have recognized him, so familiar have I been through my minds eye, at least, with his...
- HK$49.39
HK$98.84- HK$49.39
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