Public Domain
Murder Beneath the Polar IceMurder Beneath the Polar IceWavelets of cigarette smoke drifted across the comfortably lounging enlisted men in the air-conditioned compartment of the Fleet Ballistic Missile submarine, as they sat watching Barney. Sweat streaming from his swollen-veined forehead, hurried and grotesque in his black rubber diving...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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VassiVassiThe apartment is called a single. It contains a Murphy bed, a chest of drawers, an overstuffed chair, a sofa, a coffee table, a seventeen-inch television set, a bookcase partially filled with the volumes A through F of an encyclopedia from the supermarket, assorted...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Opettaja: RomaaniOpettaja: RomaaniSill tm Yl-Karjala, jonne hn nyt asettuisi opettajana vaikuttamaan, oli vetnyt hnt puoleensa kuin Lapin kes joutsenta. Siihen olivat syyn syvt, sielulliset vaikuttimet. Itse luontoa ja sen kansaa ei hn ollut koskaan ennen nhnytkn. Mutta sen hn tiesi, ett tm osa isnmaata oli...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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With Axe and Rope in the New Zealand AlpsWith Axe and Rope in the New Zealand AlpsThis short work contains the story of five seasons climbing and exploring in the New Zealand Alps. Most of the material embodied in it has already appeared from time to time, in rather a different form,...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Le Canapé couleur de feuNo titleUn Procureur qui avoit consum toute sa jeunesse runer de pauvres Plaideurs, voulant, comme l'on dit, faire une fin, rsolut de consacrer l'himen quelques annes qui lui restoient vivre. Il jetta, pour cet effet, les yeux sur la veuve d'un de ses Confreres:...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Dialogue between John and Thomas, on the Corn Laws, the Charter, Teetotalism, and the Probable Remedy for the Present DistressesDialogue between John and Thomas, on the Corn Laws, the Charter, Teetotalism, and the Probable Remedy for the Present DisstressesT. Deed John Im truly at a loss mysel to ken what would be the best remedy, but it is plain we would need some...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Dostoïevsky (Articles et Causeries)Dostoïevsky (Articles et Causeries)La masse norme de Tolsto encombre encore l'horizon; maisainsi qu'il advient en pays de montagnes o l'on voit, mesure que l'on s'en loigne, par-dessus la plus proche cime, la plus haute, que la plus voisine cachait, reparatrequelques esprits avant-coureurs peut-tre remarquent-ils...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Discourses on Various Subjects, Vol. 1 (of 2)Discourses on Various Subjects, Vol. 1 (of 2)The following discourses were preached in the united Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter, in the City of Philadelphia, of which the author was appointed assistant minister in the year 1759, and to the rectorship of...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Prometheus IllboundPrometheus IllboundThe work of art is the exaggeration of an idea, says Gide in the epilogue of the Prometheus Illbound. This is really the explanation of the whole book and of many other books of Gide. His world is a world of abstract ideas,...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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A Matter of TasteA Matter of TasteI arrived on the fourth planet of Sunder's Pride stark naked and stood comfortably in the snow, listening to the wind howl by, while waiting for the Expedition Manager to approach from the edge of the small clearing and welcome me....
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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On the Training of ParentsOn the Training of ParentsNo man has the right to dedicate to another what is not his own. All that is mine in this little book is its infelicities. These I dedicate to oblivion. The rest belongs to those two women from whom I,...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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The Wonderland of TrinidadThe Wonderland of TrinidadIn the name Trinidad is embodied all the romance and beauty and wonder of a tropical island. In the native language it is called Iere, the land of the humming bird. Quite in accordance with the luxurious abundance of life and...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Iltakellot: RunojaIltakellot: RunojaMa karille laskin elmni purren. Sa menet pois Yn hmr-kellot rinnassa soi Ikvni. Yn yhden ma valvoin. Nin unta. Laineen laulu. Kutsuu valtiaat ja orjat Ylsnousemus. Huokaus. Ma vannon. Jo luovutko luotani ainoa armas. Hmy lankee. Nuorena tein min lemmen valan. Vanki. Jo...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Kulkurin laulujaKulkurin laulujaLht. Ulos maailmaan! Kulkurin kannel. Itkisit joskus illoin. Mustalaistaikoja. Suvisia suruja. Keinulaulu. Kulkijaneito. Synnyinmaja. Pilvi kaitsemassa. Mustalaislaulu. Elon kulku. Kevisi sointuja. Ne pitkn matkan kulkijat. Arpasilla. Hn kulkee niinkuin kuningas. Juomalaulu. Maantiell. Maailman turulla. Sua etsin. Maailman-Matti. Laivat ne seilaa. Pahajrven pitjss. Lemmen...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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A Diary from DixieA Diary from Dixie - As written by Mary Boykin Chesnut, wife of James Chesnut, Jr., United States Senator from South Carolina, 1859-1861, and afterward an Aide to Jefferson Davis and a Brigadier-General in the Confederate ArmyIn Mrs. Chesnuts Diary are vivid pictures of...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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AssassinAssassinI deliberately dug my heels into the concrete floor of the corridor of the Pentagon. The steel plates on the heels of my black uniform boots heralded my approach with sharp anvil sounds as I marched confidently toward the unmarked door five hundred feet...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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SapphoSapphoIt is hardly possible to realise and judge of Sappho without realising her environment. The picture must have its background, and the background is Lesbos about the year 600 B.C. One may well regret never to have seen the island now called Mytilini, but...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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L'ultima primavera: romanzoL'ultima primavera: romanzo Alta, di forme decise, tendenti alla maest del tipo giunonico. Bionda, d'un biondo acceso, quasi fulvo. Fattezze armoniche, regolarissime, un bello palese, non mutevole, invariabilmente sereno. Se Marina avesse avuto dei nemici, questi, parlando di lei, avrebbero potuto insistere su quell'eccessiva...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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A BookA BookAs he moved, small twigs snapped, fell and were silent. His knees were green from wounded shrubbery and grass, and his outspread hands tore unheeded plants. His wrists hurt him and he rested from time to time, always caring for his hat and...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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Secret service, Old and Young King Brady, detectives, no. 84The Bradys' Race for Life; or, Rounding Up a Tough Trio: A Detective Story of LifeIssued WeeklyBy Subscription $2.50 per year. Entered as Second Class Matter at the New York, N. Y., Post Office, March 1, 1899. Entered according to Act of Congress, in...
- HK$50.02
HK$100.08- HK$50.02
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