Public Domain
Bellingrath Gardens, Mobile, AlabamaBellingrath Gardens, Mobile, AlabamaThe world-famed Bellingrath Gardens unfold their acres of glowing, brilliant colors along the winding banks of the Isle-Aux-Oies River about twenty miles from the town of Old Mobile, and about one mile from famous Mobile Bay. No gardens these that have...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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The Vanished Pomps of YesterdayThe Vanished Pomps of Yesterday - Being Some Random Reminiscences of a British Diplomat The account of the boating accident at Potsdam on page 75, differs in several particulars from the story as given in the original edition. These alterations have been made at...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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Fiction, Fact, and Fancy SeriesMerry TalesThe projector of this Series has had in mind the evident desire of our people, largely occupied with material affairs, for reading in a shape adapted to the amount of time at their disposal. Until recently this desire has been satisfied chiefly from...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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Mary Jane Married: Tales of a Village InnMary Jane Married: Tales of a Village InnA very entertaining autobiography.... Mary Jane has a faculty for observing character, and a power of delineating its movements and development, not distantly related to those of Mr. Sims himself. Mary Jane has so full a fund...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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The Spanish seriesSculpture in SpainThe Spanish character has expressed itself in sculpture more forcibly than in painting. In no other country, perhaps, do we find a people whose native taste for carving in wood and stone is so deep-rooted, so essentially an outgrowth of the strong...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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The Non-Electronic BugThe Non-Electronic BugWhat I am is a genius, and I give you a piece of advice: Do not ever play cards with a stranger. The stranger might be me. Where there are degenerate card players around, I sometimes get a call. Not diceI don't...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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Le petit-neveu de Grécourt, ou, Étrennes gaillardesLe petit-neveu de Grécourt, ou, Étrennes gaillardes - Recueil de Contes en vers, réimprimés sur l'édition de 1782On ne s'attend pas de longues recherches bibliographiques sur ce lger recueil de gaiets: ce serait faire trop d'honneur un petit vagabond, sans feu ni lieu, et...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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Charles Stewart Parnell: His Love Story and Political LifeCharles Stewart Parnell: His Love Story and Political Life Of all the love stories in history possibly none had more intense reactions upon politics than that of Charles Stewart Parnell and Katharine O'Shea, which is unfolded with candour so compelling in this record of...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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Crofton ChumsCrofton ChumsHuh! Poke folded them carefully and then tossed them in the general direction of the closet. Id hate to tell you, Gil, what they stood me. But theyre good for ten years; anyhow, thats what the tailor man said. Those[4] trousers, Gil, will...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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Lippincott Educational Series, Vol. 1Thinking and learning to thinkFor a number of years it has been the authors duty as well as privilege to lecture at county institutes on the difficult art of teaching pupils to think. This led to the request that the lectures be thrown into...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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Le SylpheLe Sylphe - ou, Songe de Mme de R***, écrit par elle-même à Mme de S*** by CrébillonVous vous plaignez tort de mon silence, Madame, & ce n'est pas assez pour accuser les gens de paresse d'tre une fois sorti de la sienne. Que...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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Le monde tel qu'il seraLe monde tel qu'il seraLes voyez-vous, accouds leur fentre de mansarde, au milieu des girofles en fleurs et du gazouillement des oiseaux nichs sous les tuiles? La main de Marthe est pose sur l'paule de Maurice, et tous deux regardent au-dessous d'eux, vers l'abme...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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The Sportsman's Club in the SaddleThe Sportsman's Club in the SaddleWhich is the pleasantest season of the year, boy reader? No doubt you have written more than one composition on the subject, and perhaps you will say, as most boys do, that you like winter best. If you live...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 03 [Supplement]The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 03 [Supplement]The peculiar proceedings of the Curators, Bodleian Library, Oxford, of which full particulars shall be given in due time, have dislocated the order of my volumes. The Prospectus had promised that Tome...
- HK$50.14
HK$160.50- HK$50.14
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Handbuch der Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst. Zweiter TeilHandbuch der Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst. Zweiter Teil - Wiedererwachen und neue Blüte der Kunst. 1751-1882.Indem ich den Schlussteil meines Handbuches der Geschichte der Buchdruckerkunst etwas spter und nicht unwesentlich umfangreicher, als es in der ursprnglichen Absicht lag, der ffentlichkeit bergebe, geschieht es, trotz der...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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Harper's Round Table, March 9, 1897Harper's Round Table, March 9, 1897Tom Rodman was only fifteen years old; but like most Yankee boys of his age, he was pretty quick at getting news. He knew that the French Emperor had declared war against the Germans; he knew that soldiers were...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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Time PaymentTime PaymentSlick Tennant had a hunch. The sixth sense that had made him king of the local rackets, that had warned him in time when three of his men fell to the machine guns of a rival gang, now told him that the Feds...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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The Fair RewardsThe Fair RewardsCOPYRIGHT, 1922, BY ALFRED A. KNOPF, Inc. Published, February, 1922 Set up and electrotyped by the Vail-Ballou Co., Binghamton, N.Y. Paper furnished by S. D. Warren & Co., Boston, Mass. Printed and bound by the Plimpton Press, Norwood, Mass. MANUFACTURED IN THE...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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Segundo tomo del ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la ManchaEl Quijote apócrifo SEGVNDO TOMO DEL INGENIOSO HIDALGO DON QVIXOTE DE LA MANCHA, que contiene su tercera salida: y es la quinta parte de sus auenturas. Compuesto por el Licenciado Alonso Fernandez de Auellaneda, natural de la Villa de Tordesillas. Al Alcalde, Regidores, y...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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Sketches in Prison Camps: A Continuation of Sketches of the WarSketches in Prison Camps: A Continuation of Sketches of the WarThere come the tug-boats, Colonel, says an officer, as I stand on the deck of the Alice Counce, waiting for my regiment. I am a stranger to it, and only assume command to-day. From...
- HK$50.14
HK$100.33- HK$50.14
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