Public Domain
Les oiseaux s'envolent et les fleurs tombentLes oiseaux s'envolent et les fleurs tombentBien moins habile que le clbre Ismnias, mais comme lui, indpendant de la faveur des hommes, je me promets qu' son exemple, je chanterai toujours, selon le dicton: pour moi et pour les Muses. Je me suis fait,...
- HK$50.30
HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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The Woman MovementThe Woman MovementThe first woman movement was Eves gesture when she reached for the fruit of the Tree of Knowledgea movement symbolic of the entire subsequent womans movement of the world. For the will to pass beyond established bounds has constantly been the motive...
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HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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A Pride of IslandsA Pride of IslandsAlyar grinned down at him, then looked toward the front of their own beast. "I think so," he said. "Our eyestalks are up and signaling. The pincers aren't active, though. It must be a friend-beast." "He doesn't care when we're this...
- HK$50.30
HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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Rod and gun seriesThe Rod and Gun ClubThe speaker was Mr. Brigham. As he uttered these words he placed his hat and gloves on the table, and looked down at his son Lester, who had just entered the library in obedience to the summons he had received,...
- HK$50.30
HK$161.03- HK$50.30
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MatchmakerMatchmakerJasso grinned, a flashing grin in a dark face. He sank into a chair, pulled out a cigarette pack and offered one to Tern. The older man shook his head, fishing in his pocket for an old-fashioned pipe. Jasso clicked out a cigarette and...
- HK$50.30
HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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Geschichten aus den vier WindenGeschichten aus den vier WindenBerlin war ein Feuerbrand von Sonne. Die Dcher der Huser und die Fenster zitterten vor Junihitze, so wie die Hitzeluft ber Steinwsten zittert. Es war, als heizten die Scharen der Autos mit ihren Benzindmpfen die Straen, wie fliegende fen. Und...
- HK$50.30
HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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Suomalaisia kohtaloitaSuomalaisia kohtaloita - Historiallisia kertomuksia III1. Itsen etsiv vanhus. 2. Jns Maununpojan uroty. 3. Pivtyn pttyess. 4. Vallanpitj. 5. Sukuhaaransa viimeinen. 6. Hakkapeliitat. 7. Kaupunkitulijainen. 8. Karoliinin korvapuusti. 9. Neljntoista sadan retki. 10. Viimeiseen mieheen. 11. Hvin jlkeen. 12. Revontulten alla. 13. Poloinen papintytr....
- HK$50.30
HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 2, March 1836)The Yale Literary Magazine (Vol. I, No. 2, March 1836)The worst as well as the best of us in this world, sometimes love to stop and think. The bad man, wanting every fine feeling, and mostly giving his passions the rein, and suffering them...
- HK$50.30
HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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The Birds of Australia, Vol. 4 of 7The Birds of Australia, Vol. 4 of 7The description of Pitta versicolor given by Mr. Swainson in the Zoological Journal agrees so accurately with the description and figure of Pitta strepitans in the Planches Colories, that not the slightest doubt exists in my mind...
- HK$50.30
HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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International Education Series, Vol. 17Essays on Educational ReformersWhen I was a young man (i.e., nearly forty years ago), I once did what those who know the ground would declare a very risky, indeed, a fool-hardy thing. I was at the highest point of the Gemmi Pass in Switzerland,...
- HK$50.30
HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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Between Heathenism and ChristianityBetween Heathenism and Christianity - Being a translation of Seneca's De Providentia, and Plutarch's De sera numinis vindicta, together with notes, additional extracts from these writers and two essays on Graeco-Roman life in the first century after Christ.It is admitted by students of history...
- HK$50.30
HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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How to Study ArchitectureHow to Study ArchitectureThe author gratefully acknowledges the critical assistance given to him on certain points by Professor William H. Goodyear, W. Harmon Beers and William Warfield; and his indebtedness to Caroline Caffin for compiling the index and to Irving Heyl for several architectural...
- HK$50.30
HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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The Upside-Down CaptainThe Upside-Down CaptainStarbuck rocked back on his heels and set his spacebag down on the loading platform. He angled his head up at the spire of the inter-atmosphere ship, the Gorgon. This was only a sample of what he could expect once he canted...
- HK$50.30
HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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Du suffrage universel et de la manière de voterDu suffrage universel et de la manière de voterParmi les lois que va faire l'Assemble nationale, l'une des premires et la plus importante est certainement celle qui concerne les lections. Comment seront nomms les dputs de l'Assemble future?Sur cette question capitale, il est utile...
- HK$50.30
HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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Aline et Valcour, ou Le Roman Philosophique. Tome 3Aline et Valcour, ou Le Roman Philosophique. Tome 3N'est-ce donc point une chose odieuse, mon cher Valcour, qu'un malheureux jeune homme, uniquement coupable du sentiment qui fait natre les vertus. . . . Aprs avoir parcouru la terre, aprs avoir brav tous les prils...
- HK$50.30
HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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The art of life seriesHow to Face LifeHow to face life, how to prepare for life, are questions that must be answered by those who believe, as Lecky put it, 10that the map of life must be marked out, that in the words of Emerson there is such...
- HK$50.30
HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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The Convent School Or, Early Experiences of a Young FlagellantThe Convent School; Or, Early Experiences of a Young FlagellantThe dicta of the Wise Man concerning discipline have been the source of inexpressible dolour to children for very many centuries; and it has only been within the last sixty years that ferocity in the...
- HK$50.30
HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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Künstler-Monographien: IRaffaelEinige Abbildungen wurden zwischen die Abstze verschoben und zum Teil sinngem gruppiert, um den Textfluss nicht zu beeintrchtigen. Der Abschnitt Lesung und bersetzung der Verse aus der Disputaskizze zu Wien wurde im Original mit einem Trennstrich vom laufenden Text abgetrennt. Diese Anmerkung wurde in...
- HK$50.30
HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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Harper's Round Table, March 2, 1897Harper's Round Table, March 2, 1897General Sheridan, despite the reputation he had gained for dashing, reckless bravery, was withal a cautious commander. He did not believe in making long forced marches and hurling tired troops at an intrenched enemy. The success of a charge,...
- HK$50.30
HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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Studies on Epidemic Influenza: Comprising Clinical and Laboratory InvestigationsStudies on Epidemic Influenza: Comprising Clinical and Laboratory InvestigationsThis report is based upon a series of investigations carried on during the epidemic of influenza at Pittsburgh. This epidemic reached Pittsburgh about the last week of September, 1918, rapidly spreading through the community during the...
- HK$50.30
HK$100.66- HK$50.30
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