Public Domain
Hiljaisina hetkinä: Toinen kokoelma laulurunojaHiljaisina hetkinä: Toinen kokoelma laulurunojaYpurjehtija. Tuulen tupia. Laulu pilville. Korven poika. Ma lammen lysin. Vihre oksa. Toisen oma. Uskotulleni. Olla mullai Ailin koivulle.. Idylli. Pikku Inkerin laulu. Heisi nuori. Huokaus. Rantakoivulleni. Kotoa pois. Thtiyn. Inarin immelle. Iltataulu Pohjanmaalla. Pappilan tiell. Majan muutto. Keslaulu. Kuin...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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Yksin elämässä: NovellejaYksin elämässä: NovellejaHerra Launola istui yksin arkkitehtitoimistossaan ja kumartui sit lhemms piirustuksiaan kuta sankempana syksymyhisen iltapivn hmr tunkeusi isoruutuisista ikkunoista sisn. Vaikka hnen edessn laajan typydn nurkalla oli viherikupuinen shklamppu, ei hn nyttnyt joutavan hellittmn kyn kdestn niin kauaksi ett olisi sen palamaan vntnyt,...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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IgnatzIgnatzGlenn Wheelan stepped back out of the way as the water came hissing up across the quiet night beach. He rolled his pants cuffs a turn higher and looked back at Karen Wylie. "And the whole thing is worse. Teachers, you know, look forward...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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La petite Ville PaysagesLa petite Ville; PaysagesLa petite ville est agrable contempler. On la voit de partout et c'est toujours la mme le de pierres accumules mergeant d'une mer de verdure. D'entre les pierres il surgit quelques rocs sveltes et dentels, ce sont les flches de ses...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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The Sheriff of PecosThe Sheriff of Pecos I. Jack Robinson II. Exit Matt Brady III. Robinsons Partner IV. Buck Lays Plans V. Bucks Lucky Day VI. Proof VII. Masks Off VIII. Exit Mr. P. Brady IX. Fisher Rides North X. The Last Stake XI. The Trap Is...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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The Second MateThe Second Mate The Sulu Queen was steaming south at an eight-knot clip, which for her was exceedingly good, bound for Macassar, Singapore and way ports, according to the dispensation of Providence. Her tail shaft was likely to go at any minute; she had...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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Arizona ArgonautsArizona Argonauts I. Two Palms II. Shipwrecked Men III. Bill Hobbs Arrives IV. Sandy Invests Twice V. Clairedelune VI. Deadoak Feels Remorse VII. Stung! VIII. Doctor Scudder IX. The News Story X. Flight XI. The Sun Strikes XII. Scudder Comes XIII. Untangled Piute Tompkins,...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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The Story of the Typewriter, 1873-1923The Story of the Typewriter, 1873-1923Local pride in achievement is not only pardonable, but, when that achievement marks a real contribution to human progress, it may even be laudable. It is with no apology, therefore, that the Herkimer County Historical Society presents to the...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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Bible Pictures and Stories in Large PrintBible Pictures and Stories in Large PrintGod made the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, the sea and all the beasts, birds, insects, plants and fishes. After that He made man, then woman. Adam was the first man, Eve the first woman. He...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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Adam and Eve and Pinch MeAdam & Eve & Pinch MeSet up and printed by the Vail-Ballou Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Paper furnished by W. F. Etherington & Co., New York, N. Y. Bound by the H. Wolff Estate, New York, N. Y. In the great days that are...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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The War with Russia; Its Origin and CauseThe War with Russia; Its Origin and Cause - A Reply to the Letter of J. Bright, Esq., M.P.Amid the din of arms and the fierce contest of battle, the less harmful, but, perhaps, not the less potent war of opinion, the clash of...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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The Spanish seriesThe Spanish Royal TapestriesIn point of size, scope and general interest, this little book is perhaps the least considerable of the score of volumes comprised in The Spanish Series, but the collection would have lacked something of the completeness I have endeavoured to secure...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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Storia dei musulmani di Sicilia, vol. III, parte IIStoria dei musulmani di Sicilia, vol. III, parte II Trapasserei di molto i limiti chio mi proposi mettendo mano a questopera, sio continuassi a trattare per filo e per segno la storia della Sicilia fino al tempo che vi rimasero abitatori musulmani. Nel presente...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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Storia dei musulmani di Sicilia, vol. III, parte IStoria dei musulmani di Sicilia, vol. III, parte I Facendomi a pubblicare questo mio III volume dieci anni dopo il II e non presentandolo pur compiuto, debbo scolparmi di un ritardo che parrebbe tanto meno perdonabile, quanto egli noto che da lungo tempo aveva...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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Old ShagOld ShagMaybe a guy shouldn't believe everything he hears, but the trouble with some people is that they don't even believe a true story. Let me buy you a beer and tell you about it. After working some years in the baggage room of...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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History of Greece, Volume 12 (of 12)History of Greece, Volume 12 (of 12)State of Greece at Alexanders accession dependence on the Macedonian kings. Unwilling subjection of the Greeks influence of Grecian intelligence on Macedonia. Basis of Alexanders character not Hellenic. Boyhood and Education of Alexander. He receives instruction from Aristotle....
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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Ollin-Mikko, Aapon-Ulla ja Ullan-Eino: Kertomus kylän takalistoltaOllin-Mikko, Aapon-Ulla ja Ullan-Eino: Kertomus kylän takalistoltaPanteen ja kinosten peittmin olivat viel Repo-ojan myllyt siihen aikaan, kun ennen jo kevtt iloisesti pyrivt, sauvakat kilpaa hypellen. Paksuina jtikkin olivat viel myllyjen edustatkin Repovaaran laidassa, ja jn alta kuului vain heikkoa, huokailevaa veden lirin iknkuin kuolevan...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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Sanomalehtimiehen seikkailuja: Ranskalainen kertomusSanomalehtimiehen seikkailuja: Ranskalainen kertomusNm sanat saivat talonmiehen nopeasti jalkeille. Hn avasi kaikki ikkunat, jotka valaisivat kytv. Vhitellen tukahduttava kaasunhaju laimentui, niin ett Trublet saattoi tutkia kaikki johdot. Niiss ei ollut pienintkn vuotoa. Kuitenkin kaasunhaju silyi edelleen viidennen kerroksen kohdalla, kuten ers vuokralainen huomautti, joka...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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The House of Quiet: An AutobiographyThe House of Quiet: An AutobiographyI have been reading this morning a very pathetic and characteristic document. It is a paper that has lurked for years in an old collection of archives, a preface, sketched by a great writer, who is famous wherever the...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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Beside the Fire: A collection of Irish Gaelic folk storiesBeside the Fire: A collection of Irish Gaelic folk storiesIrish and Scotch Gaelic folk-stories are, as a living form of literature, by this time pretty nearly a thing of the past. They have been trampled in the common ruin under the feet of the...
- HK$50.74
HK$101.52- HK$50.74
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