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Die Welt der PlanetenDie Welt der PlanetenDie Gesellschaft Kosmos will die Kenntnis der Naturwissenschaften und damit die Freude an der Natur und das Verstndnis ihrer Erscheinungen in den weitesten Kreisen unseres Volkes verbreiten. Dieses Ziel glaubt die Gesellschaft durch Verbreitung guter naturwissenschaftlicher Literatur zu erreichen mittels des...
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HK$99.04- HK$49.50
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Letters and Discussions on the Formation of Colored RegimentsLetters and Discussions on the Formation of Colored Regiments, - and the Duty of the Colored People in Regard to the Great Slaveholders' Rebellion, in the United States of AmericaAt the beginning of the great struggle between the Government of the United States and...
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Washington the Model of Character for American YouthWashington the Model of Character for American Youth - An Address Delivered to the Boys of the Public SchoolsThe address which forms this little book was not intended for publication. It was prepared to be delivered at the celebration of the Public Schools on...
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Elements of Trench Warfare: Bayonet TrainingElements of Trench Warfare: Bayonet TrainingWith a view to securing a wide distribution of the book I desire to secure a representative in every organization in the Army. I have an attractive proposition to make to competent parties. Chapter X.Service in the Trenches: Preparations...
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In Pursuit of SpringIn Pursuit of SpringSo far the life of men moving to and fro across the bridges was like the old life that I knew, though down below upon the sparkling waters many birds were alighting, or were already seated like wondrous blossoms upon the...
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Anatomy of the CatAnatomy of the CatAlthough the cat has long been in common use for the practical study of mammalian anatomy, a clear, correct, not too voluminous account of its structure, such as should be in the hands of students in the laboratory, has remained a...
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The Mirror of AlchimyThe Mirror of Alchimyn times past the Philosophers spake afters diuers and sundrie manners throughout their writings, sith that as it were in a riddle and cloudie voyce, they haue left vnto vs a certaine most excellent and noble science, but altogither obscure, and...
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The Babees' Book: Medieval Manners for the YoungThe Babees' Book: Medieval Manners for the YoungIN this present day, when chivalry has achieved at last its perfect bloom, it is hard to realize that but a scant four centuries ago the children of even the very best families in England had to...
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The Engineer's Sketch-BookThe Engineer's Sketch-Book - Of Mechanical Movements, Devices, Appliances, Contrivances and Details Employed in the Design and Construction of Machinery for Every Purpose Classified & Arranged for Reference for the Use of Engineers, Mechanical Draughtsmen, Managers, Mechanics, Inventors, Patent Agents, and All Engaged in...
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Breaking the WildernessBreaking the Wilderness - The Story of the Conquest of the Far West, From the Wanderings of Cabeza de Vaca, to the First Descent of the Colorado by Powell, and the Completion of the Union Pacific Railway, With Particular Account of the Exploits of...
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Alkuperäisiä kertomuksia entisiltä ajoilta IAlkuperäisiä kertomuksia entisiltä ajoilta I"Jos talonpojat kuleksivat rahaa pyytmss ympri maailmaa, niin jvt tekemtt sek hovin, ett omatkin tyt. Mutta jos he tyllns saavat suorittaa veronsa, niin tekevt he siin sivussa omatkin tyns ja oppivat, hovista saadulla kytnnll, jrjellisesti maata viljelemn", saneli tuo ymmrtvinen...
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Colored Branches of the Louisville Free Public LibraryColored Branches of the Louisville Free Public LibraryAn illustrated description of the buildings together with some interesting figures concerning their cost, equipment and use. Issued to mark the Tenth Anniversary of the opening of the first free public library in America exclusively for colored...
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Death to the Inquisitive! A story of sinful loveDeath to the Inquisitive! A story of sinful loveA piercing shriek echoed throughout the entire length and breadth of the gloomy passage, hushed as it was in the brief hour of repose that usually intervened between the vice-rampant hour of midnight and the ever...
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The Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy (New Series, No. 47 and 48, January 1909)The Journal of Prison Discipline and Philanthropy (New Series, No. 47 and 48, January 1909)No person who is not an official visitor of the prison, or who has not a written permission, according to such rules as the Inspectors may adopt as aforesaid, shall...
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The American Apiculturist. Vol. III. No. 6, June 15, 1885The American Apiculturist. Vol. III. No. 6, June 15, 1885 - A Journal Devoted to Scientific and Practical BeekeepingThis subject may be regarded from two standpointsthat of the man who, with income assured from other sources, pursues beekeeping for its pleasure; and that of...
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The Wigmaker in Eighteenth-Century WilliamsburgThe Wigmaker in Eighteenth-Century Williamsburg - An Account of His Barbering, Hair-dressing, & Peruke-Making Services, & Some Remarks on Wigs of Various Styles.Richard Gamble, barber and perukemaker of Williamsburg in the middle years of the eighteenth century, appears to have remained a bachelor all...
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Anthony TrollopeIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Anthony Trollope This story, "An Old Man's Love," is the last of my father's novels. As I have stated in the preface to his Autobiography, "The Landleaguers" was written after this book, but was never fully completed....
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Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Hugh WalpoleIndex of the Project Gutenberg Works of Hugh Walpole ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 58382 Author: Walpole, Hugh Release Date: Nov 30, 2018 Format: eBook Language: English Contributors Editor: Widger, David, 1932-
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The Aeroplane Boys Series, no. 6Battling the Bighorn; or, The Aeroplane in the RockiesBut what good does that do? exclaimed the one addressed as Frank. It was dark when we came about and we didnt know our course then. By dead reckonin Id say we ought to head more...
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A Short List of Scientific Books Published and Sold by E. & F. N. Spon, Limited. September 1909A Short List of Scientific Books Published and Sold by E. & F. N. Spon, Limited. September 1909 MYRON C CLARK, NEW YORK THE BUSINESS CODE COMPANY, CHICAGO SPON & CHAMBERLAIN, NEW YORK NOTE: The Prices in this Catalogue apply to books sold in...
- HK$49.50
HK$99.04- HK$49.50
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