Public Domain
Montessori childrenMontessori childrenAs a student of child psychology and always most deeply interested in the welfare problems that confront us in connection with the upbringing of little children, I went to Rome in 1913 to study, first-hand, the results of the Montessori system of education....
- HK$50.08
HK$100.22- HK$50.08
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Umé San in JapanUmé San in JapanJapan is a paradise of flowers and of treasure-flowers, as the Japanese mothers call their babies. In no other country in the world do they both form so large a part of the daily life of the people. From the first...
- HK$50.08
HK$100.22- HK$50.08
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A Short List of Scientific Books Published by E. & F. N. Spon, Limited. February 1914A Short List of Scientific Books Published by E. & F. N. Spon, Limited. February 1914Spons' Architects' and Builders' Pocket Price-Book and Diary, 1913. Edited by Clyde Young. Revised by Stanford M. Brooks. Forty-first ed., viii + 308 pp., 16mo, green leather cloth (size...
- HK$50.08
HK$100.22- HK$50.08
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Havahtuneita: Kuvaus nykyaikaisesta haaremielämästäHavahtuneita: Kuvaus nykyaikaisesta haaremielämästäTosin hn ei niinkn pivin ollut tyytyvinen, joina kirjeenkantaja toi hnelle niit vhemmn, hn kun silloin katsoi olevansa eristetty muusta maailmasta. Useimmat noista kirjeist olivat naisilta, toiset allekirjoitetut, toiset allekirjoitusta vailla, mutta kaikki hulmahduttivat kirjailijalle rakastettavan henkisen ihailun suitsutusta. Melkein kaikki...
- HK$50.08
HK$100.22- HK$50.08
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La Caravana PasaLa Caravana Pasa - Obras Completas Vol. INota del Transcriptor: Se ha respetado la ortografa y la acentuacin del original. Errores obvios de imprenta han sido corregidos. Pginas en blanco han sido eliminadas. La portada fue diseada por el transcriptor y se considera dominio...
- HK$50.08
HK$100.22- HK$50.08
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Ennustus y.m. novellejaEnnustus y.m. novellejaLhell Bozenia, pienell kukkulalla, aivan metsn peitossa ja maantielle nkymttmn on vapaaherra von Schotteneggen pieni linna. Ers ystvni, joka jo kymmenen vuotta on asunut Meranissa lkrin ja jonka min syksyll siell jlleen tapasin, oli esittnyt minut vapaaherralle. Vapaaherra von Schottenegg oli silloin...
- HK$50.08
HK$100.22- HK$50.08
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Harper's Round Table, June 30, 1896Harper's Round Table, June 30, 1896The only way to prove whether this story is true or not is to find the Professor (who could tell you all about it) and the Quartermaster (who claims to have been an eyewitness), and ask them; or to...
- HK$50.08
HK$100.22- HK$50.08
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Le Università italiane nel Medio EvoLe Università italiane nel Medio Evo AVVERTENZA Pag. VII INTRODUZIONE Origine delle universit Importanza degli studii relativi alle universit Gli storici delle universit antiche Opinione nostra sulla vera origine delle universit Il risorgimento della civilt moderna Influenza del Cristianesimo Profonda ignoranza nei primi secoli...
- HK$50.08
HK$160.32- HK$50.08
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Chin-Chin Or, The Chinaman at HomeChin-Chin; Or, The Chinaman at HomeThe friendly welcome accorded by the English Public to my Chinese Painted by Themselves has encouraged me to publish this translation of my last work. Old Epicurus summed up his philosophy in pleasures well understood. The peoples of the...
- HK$50.08
HK$100.22- HK$50.08
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The Boy from Green Ginger LandThe Boy from Green Ginger LandI know its my turn really, Kitty, but gentlemen always let ladies choose, said eight-year-old Micky with dignity. Id very much advise Swiss Family Robinson, because it seems such a splendid opportunity, now the curtain-rods are down, to use...
- HK$50.08
HK$100.22- HK$50.08
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Tuen, Slave and EmpressTuen, Slave and EmpressThis story is founded upon facts in the life of the Empress-dowager of China, the mother of the present Emperor. She was sold as a slave by her father to a renowned government official, who after a few years adopted her...
- HK$50.08
HK$100.22- HK$50.08
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Samlade dikterSamlade dikterVrdroppen. bo Slott. Veteranens jul. Vid Schillersfesten i Helsingfors. Svenskan och finskan. Finska vikens klippor. Har du mod? Italienaren. Studentsng. I en artists album. I en konstlskares album. Fogeln. Rusen i skogen. Demanten p Marssnn. Det frtorkade trdet. Stjernorna. fver en afplockad ros....
- HK$50.08
HK$100.22- HK$50.08
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Lightning Rod ConferenceLightning Rod Conference - Report of the Delegates from the Following Societies, Viz.: Meteorological Society, Royal Institute of British Architects, Society of Telegraph Engineers and of Electricians, Physical Society. With a Code of Rules for the Erection of Lightning Conductors; and Various AppendicesAlthough France...
- HK$50.08
HK$100.22- HK$50.08
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Les aventures du jeune Comte Potowski, Vol. 2 (of 2)Les aventures du jeune Comte Potowski, Vol. 2 (of 2) - Un roman de coeur par Marat, l'ami du peupleRien n'est plus sacr aucun des partis: ils s'exterminent sans quartier. Ils courent par troupes effrnes, le glaive et le flambeau la main. Tout se...
- HK$50.08
HK$100.22- HK$50.08
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Künstler-Monographien: XIIFranz HalsPassagen in Antiquaschrift werden im vorliegenden Text kursiv dargestellt. Abhngig von der im jeweiligen Lesegert installierten Schriftart knnen die im Original gesperrt gedruckten Passagen gesperrt, in serifenloser Schrift, oder aber sowohl serifenlos als auch gesperrt erscheinen. veranstaltet, von der nur 100 Exemplare auf...
- HK$50.08
HK$100.22- HK$50.08
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The Wreck of the "Royal Charter"The Wreck of the "Royal Charter" - Compiled from Authentic Sources, with Some Original MatterThis little book is prepared under the conditions of saving the Mail which leaves England on the 12th, and of being a complete narrative of the Wreck. The one condition...
- HK$50.08
HK$100.22- HK$50.08
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Sketches of Indian CharacterSketches of Indian Character - Being a Brief Survey of the Principal Features of Character Exhibited by the North American Indians; Illustrating the Aphorism of the Socialists, that "Man is the creature of circumstances"In order to complete the history of the human mind, and...
- HK$50.08
HK$100.22- HK$50.08
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Les aventures du jeune Comte Potowski, Vol. 1 (of 2)Les aventures du jeune Comte Potowski, Vol. 1 (of 2) - Un roman de coeur par Marat, l'ami du peupleL'authenticit de cet ouvrage indit de Marat est incontestable: le manuscrit original, entirement autographe, est rest, pendant plus d'un mois, expos dans les bureaux du...
- HK$50.08
HK$100.22- HK$50.08
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Armenia: A year at Erzeroom, and on the frontiers of Russia, Turkey, and PersiaArmenia: A year at Erzeroom, and on the frontiers of Russia, Turkey, and PersiaAlmost from time immemorial a border warfare has been carried on between the Koordish tribes on the confines of Turkey and Persia, in the mountainous country beginning at Mount Ararat toward...
- HK$50.08
HK$100.22- HK$50.08
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A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainments, Now Entituled the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 10 (of 17)A Plain and Literal Translation of the Arabian Nights Entertainments, Now Entituled the Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night, Volume 10 (of 17)Limited to one thousand numbered sets, of which this is During the last dozen years, since we first met at...
- HK$50.08
HK$160.32- HK$50.08
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