Public Domain
The Mikado JewelThe Mikado JewelFrom the main thoroughfare of Bayswater, where the shops display their goods and the tides of life run strongly, Crook Street extends its long line of ugly dwellings to a considerable distance. Its shape suggests a shepherd's crook,--hence undoubtedly the name--as it...
- HK$50.54
HK$454.25- HK$50.54
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The Gates of DawnThe Gates of DawnThe caravan rolled slowly along the dusty road with creakings and groanings and jingling of horse-bells. It was painted a dark-green colour, with white-curtained windows picked out in rose pink, and bright red shafts and wheels. The corrugated iron roof showed...
- HK$50.54
HK$454.25- HK$50.54
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The Indian BangleThe Indian Bangle"By this time you will have received my previous epistle, in which I announced the apoplectic seizure and subsequent demise of my beloved husband, Joshua Ezekiel Purcell, lately a faithful and distinguished servant in the Indian Civil Service of her Most Gracious...
- HK$50.54
HK$454.25- HK$50.54
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Virkistysmatka: 3-näytöksinen pilaVirkistysmatka: 3-näytöksinen pilaELPYV. No ei, Jumala paratkoon! Ajatelkaas, tuommoinen nuori hulivili! Mit hn on kokenut syvllist elmssn? Onko hn koskaan vaivannut itsen synkill ajatuksilla, onko hn koettanut ykaudet syventy suurten runoilijain teoksiin? Lausun tmn vaan esimerkiksi. Onko hn koskaan itse koettanut panna kokoon pienintkn...
- HK$50.54
HK$749.50- HK$50.54
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Festländer und Meere im Wechsel der ZeitenFestländer und Meere im Wechsel der ZeitenDie Gesellschaft Kosmos will die Kenntnis der Naturwissenschaften und damit die Freude an der Natur und das Verstndnis ihrer Erscheinungen in den weitesten Kreisen unseres Volkes verbreiten. Dieses Ziel glaubt die Gesellschaft durch Verbreitung guter naturwissenschaftlicher Literatur zu...
- HK$50.54
HK$454.25- HK$50.54
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Deerfoot on the PrairiesDeerfoot on the PrairiesEach contains seven half-tone engravings and color frontispiece. They make more real the fortunes and adventures of the heroic little band that journeys through the wilderness and prairies from the Ohio to the Pacific. It was in the time of daring...
- HK$50.54
HK$454.25- HK$50.54
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The Pink ShopThe Pink ShopMadame Coralie was a magician. Emulating the dark-browed Medea, she restored the aged to their pristine youth; but her methods were more painless and less thorough than those of the lady from Colchis. That enchantress chopped up the senile who sought her...
- HK$50.54
HK$454.25- HK$50.54
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Treasure of the SeasTreasure of the Seas - IllustratedThe aged Schooner.The Ancient Mariner.The Waste of Waters.Perplexity.Solomon and the Saw-dust Soup.The decrepit Compass.The baffled, Navigator.The despondent Boys.A sudden Squall.The Sails come to Grief.Captain Corbet to the Rescue.No Use! Too far gone!The Antelope at the Mercy of the Winds...
- HK$50.54
HK$454.25- HK$50.54
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Picked up AdriftPicked up Adrift - Illustrated A new Acquaintance,The Islands of the Sea,Making Friends,The Natives,A Festival,Efforts at Conversation in an unknown Tongue,Corbets Baby Talk,Experiments of Bart and Tim,Pat comes to Grief.Overthrow of the French,Arrival of the Skipper on the Scene,He means Business. The third Day.A...
- HK$50.54
HK$454.25- HK$50.54
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Fire in the WoodsFire in the Woods - Illustrated The Island in the Falls.A Discovery of a startling Kind.The sullen Boar.A mad Risk.The Struggle for Life.On the Verge of Ruin.A last Effort.Over the Falls.Ingulfed and drawn down by the Vortex.Where is Pat! The Loss of Phil.Deep Gloom...
- HK$50.54
HK$454.25- HK$50.54
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The Purple FernThe Purple FernThe train to Crumel was late. Due at four o'clock, it failed to reach its destination, until ten minutes past the hour. This was not the fault of the branch-line authorities. The London express had been behind time at Werry Junction, whereby...
- HK$50.54
HK$454.25- HK$50.54
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The Boys of Grand Pré SchoolThe Boys of Grand Pré School - Illustrated The Wonders of the upper Air.Mr. Long calls upon the Boys for Help.All Hands at hard Labor.Captain Corbet on a Fence.The Antelope comes to Grief.Captain Corbet in the Grasp of the Law. Mr. Long to the...
- HK$50.54
HK$454.25- HK$50.54
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The "B. O. W. C.": A Book For BoysThe "B. O. W. C.": A Book For Boys - Illustrated Exploring.A wild Walk.On the Lookout for Prey.What is it?Is it a wild Goose?Tremendous Sensation, the Explorers being as much astounded as Robinson Crusoe was when he discovered the human Footprints in the Sand....
- HK$50.54
HK$454.25- HK$50.54
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The Amethyst CrossThe Amethyst CrossTHE blackbird knew. He had paired for the fifth time in as many years, and esteemed himself wise in the matters, of love. Therefore, from the budding chestnut wherein his nest was built, did he sympathetically watch the bachelor and maid who...
- HK$50.54
HK$454.25- HK$50.54
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The Young Wireless Operator—With the Oyster FleetThe Young Wireless Operator—With the Oyster Fleet - How Alec Cunningham Won His Way to the Top in the Oyster BusinessThis book is dedicatedto the late DR. JULIUS NELSON,sometime biologist for New Jersey,and to DR. THURLOW C. NELSON,his son and successor, who have done...
- HK$50.54
HK$454.25- HK$50.54
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PoemsPoemsThanks are due to The New York Observer, The Churchman, Zion's Herald, Christian Register, The Standard, Outing, Boston Transcript, Portland Transcript, The New England Home Magazine, and others, for permission to re-print poems of mine that have appeared in their columns. CORA C. BASS....
- HK$50.54
HK$454.25- HK$50.54
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The Bath ComedyThe Bath Comedy Dedicated to our Sister Mrs. Francis Blundell of Crosby ("M. E. Francis") who, over the MS. of this frivolous drama, was the first to give us the kindly criticism of laughter The precise year, however, may not be given. A sufficient...
- HK$50.54
HK$454.25- HK$50.54
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Conrad in Quest of His Youth: An Extravagance of TemperamentConrad in Quest of His Youth: An Extravagance of Temperament "How we laughed as we laboured together! How well I remember, to-day, Our 'outings' in midsummer weather, Our winter delights at the play! We were not over-nice in our dinners; Our 'rooms' were up...
- HK$50.54
HK$454.25- HK$50.54
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Hajamietteitä kapinaviikoilta 1/3Hajamietteitä kapinaviikoilta 1/3 - Ensimmäinen ja toinen viikkoMaanantaina 28 p:n tammikuuta. Vaikutelmia kadulta. Oikeutta ei voida jakaa. Senaatti turvassa. Lakkojulistus. Raskas taival. Lopun loppu. Isketty iskee. Eduskunta ei kokoonnu. Huhuja. Telefoonisensuuriko? "Tymies" vain. Kaduilla ammutaan. Ei tst mitn tule. Sosialismin hvi. Tmn tytyy ptty...
- HK$50.54
HK$454.25- HK$50.54
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Rooman keisareita marmorihahmossaRooman keisareita marmorihahmossaJos nousette Kapitoliumille nhdksenne Julius Cesarin ja miss hnet kohtaisi, ellei siell? niin lk odottako saavanne katsella Sullan "huolettomasti vytetty poikaa", jonka olento on hillitn, eleet houkuttelevat, tukka kihara, silmt mustat ja vilkkaat ja jsenet kauniisti pyristyneet ja solakat! Se Cesar, Afroditen...
- HK$50.54
HK$749.50- HK$50.54
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