Public Domain
Oat Meal: The War WinnerOat Meal: The War WinnerAt the present time when every one is being urged to bend every energy toward the conservation of food supplies, it is surprising to me that so little has been written in behalf of the extraordinary value of oatmeal as...
- HK$50.46
HK$453.51- HK$50.46
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Bertha's Christmas Vision: An Autumn SheafBertha's Christmas Vision: An Autumn SheafAs I turn over the pages of this my first book, and mark here and there a name which use has made familiar, I feel the more, that, but for your sympathy and encouragement, much would still remain unwritten....
- HK$50.46
HK$453.51- HK$50.46
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Backwater: Pilgrimage, Volume 2Backwater: Pilgrimage, Volume 2 A swarthy turbaned face shone at Miriam from a tapestry screen standing between her and the ferns rising from a basket framework in the bow of the window. Consulting it at intervals as the afternoon wore on, she found that...
- HK$50.46
HK$1,234.67- HK$50.46
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Historical record of the Seventh Regiment, or the Royal FusiliersHistorical record of the Seventh Regiment, or the Royal Fusiliers - Containing an Account of the Formation of the Regiment in 1685, and of Its Subsequent Services to 1846.The natives of Britain have, at all periods, been celebrated for innate courage and unshaken firmness,...
- HK$50.46
HK$453.51- HK$50.46
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I. Origen de los indios de América. II. Origen y civilizaciones de los indígenas del PerúI. Origen de los indios de América. II. Origen y civilizaciones de los indígenas del Perú.Antes de entrar en materia sobre la antropogenia del Hombre, es oportuno formarse una idea de las causas creadoras productoras del Universo, para lo cual precisa exponer algunas hiptesis...
- HK$50.46
HK$453.51- HK$50.46
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Following the Sun-Flag: A Vain Pursuit Through ManchuriaFollowing the Sun-Flag: A Vain Pursuit Through ManchuriaAfter a long still-hunt in Tokio, and a long pursuit through Manchuria, following that Sun-Flag of Japan, I gave up the chase at Liao-Yang. Not being a military expert, my purpose was simply to see under that...
- HK$50.46
HK$453.51- HK$50.46
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San Francisco Relief Survey the organization and methods of relief used after the earthquake and fire of April 18, 1906San Francisco Relief Survey; the organization and methods of relief used after the earthquake and fire of April 18, 1906The San Francisco earthquake and resultant fire ranks with the great catastrophes of the worlds history. Comparatively insignificant as was the list of the killed...
- HK$50.46
HK$453.51- HK$50.46
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Rodney, the OverseerRodney, the Overseer"I don't say that you fellows played the part of cowards by firing into that unarmed boat, but you acted like born idiots, and it would serve you just right if the citizens of Baton Rouge should come out here in a...
- HK$50.46
HK$725.65- HK$50.46
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The School FourThe School FourThe School Four is a story of football and rowing, its scene laid in a private school in an Eastern city. As in the Phillips Exeter books, the aim has been to keep the athletics practical and technically correct, and at the...
- HK$50.46
HK$453.51- HK$50.46
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Im schwarzen Walfisch zu Askalon: RastliederIm schwarzen Walfisch zu Askalon: Rastlieder Wem das Kloster Maulbronn bekandt, der hat's knnen mit seinen Augen sehen, wie in dem Vorhoff selbiger schnen erbauten Kirchen oben im Schwibbogen unter anderen Gemlden auch eine Gans abgemahlt steht, an welcher eine Flsch, Bratwrst, Bratspi und...
- HK$50.46
HK$453.51- HK$50.46
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- HK$50.46
HK$453.51- HK$50.46
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Comme quoi Napoléon n'a jamais existéComme quoi Napoléon n'a jamais existé - ou, Grand erratum source d'un nombre infini d'errata à noter dans l'histoire du XIXe siècleNapolon Bonaparte, dont on a dit et crit tant de choses, n'a pas mme exist. Ce n'est qu'un personnage allgorique. C'est le soleil...
- HK$50.46
HK$453.51- HK$50.46
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Recollections of Rifleman Harris, (Old 95th.)Recollections of Rifleman Harris, (Old 95th.) - with anecdotes of his officers and his comradesThe following pages, describing the chequered life of a private soldier, who served during the most glorious period of our military history, speak so plainly for themselves, as scarcely to...
- HK$50.46
HK$453.51- HK$50.46
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The Lincoln Country in PicturesThe Lincoln Country in PicturesThe story of Abraham Lincoln is ever fresh. It appeals to the imagination and grips the vision of many people in various ways. Perhaps that is why millions of visitors make pilgrimages to the humble abodes in which he lived...
- HK$50.46
HK$453.51- HK$50.46
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National Park Service Historical Handbook Series #9Gettysburg National Military Park, PennsylvaniaThis publication is one of a series of handbooks describing the historical and archeological areas in the National Park System, administered by the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior. It is printed by the Government...
- HK$50.46
HK$453.51- HK$50.46
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Philip Hale's Boston Symphony Programme NotesPhilip Hale's Boston Symphony Programme NotesWagner, with his theatrical sense, was right: this music is not so impressive when it is performed, no matter how well, outside of the Bayreuth theater consecrated to the music dramas. We heard Parsifal the year it was produced...
- HK$50.46
HK$748.28- HK$50.46
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Strive and Succeed or, The Progress of Walter ConradStrive and Succeed; or, The Progress of Walter ConradStrive and Succeed is reprinted from the pages of Young Israel, a New York juvenile magazine, to which it was contributed as a serial. It is complete in itself, and can be read independently; but those...
- HK$50.46
HK$453.51- HK$50.46
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My Book of Ten FishesMy Book of Ten Fishes My five large, thick arms point in different directions. On the end of each one is a red spot. Those are my eyes. My body is covered with little spine-like prickles. On the under side of my body, near...
- HK$50.46
HK$453.51- HK$50.46
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Voyager 1 Encounters SaturnVoyager 1 Encounters SaturnNo other generation has had the opportunity or the technology to reach beyond our worldto see, to touch, to hear the forces that shape our universe. In slightly over two decades, man has ingeniously explored five distant planetsand two dozen moons....
- HK$50.46
HK$453.51- HK$50.46
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The Unspeakable ScotThe Unspeakable ScotThis book is for Anglo-Saxons. It is also in the nature of a broad hint for Scotchmen. My qualification to bestow broad hints upon the politest and most intellectual of the peoples is that I possess a large fund of contempt for...
- HK$50.46
HK$453.51- HK$50.46
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