Public Domain
Satuja ja tarinoita VISatuja ja tarinoita VIAnna-Liisa oli kuin maito ja mansikka, nuori ja iloinen, kaunis katsella. Hampaat paistoivat niin valkoisina, silmt niin kirkkaina, jalka oli kevyt tanssissa ja mieli vielkin kevyempi! Mit siit seurasi? "Ilke vekara!" niin, kaunis hn ei ollut! Hnet annettiin ojankaivajan vaimon hoitoon,...
- HK$50.33
HK$1,194.30- HK$50.33
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The Iris: An Illuminated Souvenir for 1852The Iris: An Illuminated Souvenir for MDCCCLIICaptain Eastman, of the United States Topographical Corps, having been stationed for nine years on our northwestern frontier, among the Indian tribes, at and around Fort Snelling, made a series of drawings of some of the most striking...
- HK$50.33
HK$1,231.54- HK$50.33
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BeethovenBeethovenBy Edward Carpenter It is not very generally recognised that Beethoven was not only a great musician, but a great leader and teacher. He freed the human spirit from innumerable petty bonds and conventions, he recorded the profoundest experiences of life, and gave form...
- HK$50.33
HK$1,231.54- HK$50.33
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Theosophy and Life's Deeper ProblemsTheosophy and Life's Deeper Problems - Being the Four Convention Lectures Delivered in Bombay at the Fortieth Anniversary of the Theosophical Society, December, 1915Being the four Convention Lectures delivered in Bombay at the Fortieth Anniversary of the Theosophical Society, December, 1915. BY ANNIE BESANT...
- HK$50.33
HK$3,352.83- HK$50.33
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When I Was a Boy in JapanWhen I Was a Boy in JapanJapanese boys have not been introduced very much to their little American friends, and the purpose of this book is to provide an introduction by telling some of the experiences which are common to most Japanese boys of...
- HK$50.33
HK$1,231.54- HK$50.33
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Kiljusen herrasväkiKiljusen herrasväkiKiljusen herrasvki asui maalla, heill oli siell oma maatilansa. Heit oli nelj: is Kiljunen, lyhyt ja hyvin lihava mies, kaljupinen ja pulleasilminen, iti Kiljunen, laiha kuin tikku, pitkneninen ja tihrusilminen, ja sitten pojat Mk ja Luru, jotka olivat aivan yht vanhat. Mk oli...
- HK$50.33
HK$746.38- HK$50.33
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Satuja ja tarinoita VSatuja ja tarinoita V Eiliset pivlliset olivat erinomaiset! sanoi vanha naarasrotta toiselle, joka ei ollut mukana noissa kemuissa. Min istuin numerona kaksikymmentyksi vanhasta rottakuninkaasta; ei se ole niinkn vhn! Luettelenko teille nyt ruokalajit, ne olivat erittin hyvin valitut: homehtunutta leip, silavanlient, talikynttilit ja makkaroita,...
- HK$50.33
HK$1,194.30- HK$50.33
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Kotipellon kynnökseltä: KertomuksiaKotipellon kynnökseltä: KertomuksiaHn makasi kyynrpt pystyss, ristiinpantujen sormien yhdistmt kdet pn alla, ja mietti. Puhelu oli sken johtunut jollain tavalla niin, ett hnen oli ollut puolittain pakko kertoa yhdest elmns huomatuimmasta piirteest. Ja hn huomasi, ett nmtkin, jotka makasivat tss samassa huoneessa, olivat kuulleet...
- HK$50.33
HK$1,231.54- HK$50.33
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The Municipal and Sanitary Engineer's HandbookThe Municipal and Sanitary Engineer's HandbookIn carrying out the many duties devolving upon a Borough Surveyor, it has so often been my wish to turn to a practical book of reference upon the many subjects connected with these duties, that I have written the...
- HK$50.33
HK$746.38- HK$50.33
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A DamokosokA DamokosokLm megmondta j elre Kprili nagyvezr Rkczy Gyrgy nagyfejedelemnek: ne menj te Lengyelorszgba, kirlysgot keresni; mert bizony gy jrsz, mint a teve: a ki odament Allah el, azt kvetelve, hogy adjon neki szarvakat, s aztn Allah mg a fleit is levgta neki. Egszen...
- HK$50.33
HK$1,231.54- HK$50.33
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Peggy Lane Theater Stories, #1Peggy Finds the TheatreOf course, this is no surprise to us, Thomas Lane said to his daughter Peggy, who perched tensely on the edge of a kitchen stool. We could hardly have helped knowing that youve wanted to be an actress since you were...
- HK$50.33
HK$746.38- HK$50.33
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The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 01 (of 12)The Collected Works of William Hazlitt, Vol. 01 (of 12)Two previous editions of Hazlitts works have been published: the Templeman edition, edited by the authors son, and the seven volume edition in Bohns Library, edited by the authors grandson, Mr. W. Carew Hazlitt. Valuable...
- HK$50.33
HK$1,231.54- HK$50.33
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California Missions: A Guide to the Historic Trails of the PadresCalifornia Missions: A Guide to the Historic Trails of the PadresAlong the strand of the Pacific between San Diego and Sonoma, the intrepid monks of the Order of Saint Francis strung that cordon of missions that were to become, as time went on, the...
- HK$50.33
HK$746.38- HK$50.33
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Section-CuttingSection-Cutting - A Practical Guide to the Preparation and Mounting of Sections for the Microscope, Special Prominence Being given to the Subject of Animal SectionsDr. Marshs book cannot fail to promote the practical study of histology wherever the English language is spoken, and under...
- HK$50.33
HK$746.38- HK$50.33
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De complete werken van Joost van Vondel. Hymnus of Lofzang van de Kristelijke Ridder, [etc.]De complete werken van Joost van Vondel. Hymnus of Lofzang van de Kristelijke Ridder, [etc.]Wanneer de heilige Paulus den Kristengeloovigen vermaant te bidden voor koningen en alle, die in macht en [Pg 119a] hoogheid gesteld zijn, opdat wij een gerustig en stil leven mogen...
- HK$50.33
HK$746.38- HK$50.33
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The House of Dreams-Come-TrueThe House of Dreams-Come-True Its a strange road leads to the House of Dreams, To the House of Dreams-Come-True, Its hills are steep and its valleys deep, And salt with tears the Wayfarers weep, The WayfarersI and you. But theres sure a way to...
- HK$50.33
HK$746.38- HK$50.33
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DerelictsDerelicts The man thus addressed looked up from the steps, where he was sitting bareheaded, and nodded. Then, rather quickly, he put on his hat. It was the first Monday in August, and his beat was not a lively one. Curiosity had attracted him...
- HK$50.33
HK$746.38- HK$50.33
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The Commentaries of CaesarThe Commentaries of CæsarIt may perhaps be fairly said that the Commentaries of Csar are the beginning of modern history. He wrote, indeed, nearly two thousand years ago; but he wrote, not of times then long past, but of things which were done under...
- HK$50.33
HK$1,231.54- HK$50.33
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Kant's gesammelte Schriften. Band V. Kritik der UrtheilskraftKant's gesammelte Schriften. Band V. Kritik der Urtheilskraft.Zeilennummern der vorliegenden Ausgabe sind mit einem grauen Kasten gekennzeichnet, Seitennummern der 1. Auflage sind fett gedruckt. Inkonsistenzen in der Rechtschreibung sind nicht korrigiert, lediglich ein paar offensichtliche Schreibfehler, die nicht in dem Nachwort des Herausgebers aufgefhrt...
- HK$50.33
HK$3,352.83- HK$50.33
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Setä PitkäsääriSetä PitkäsääriJoka kuukauden ensiminen keskiviikko oli Ihan Kamala Piv se piv oli kauhea odottaa, tuima kest ja hyv unohtaa pian. Joka lattian piti olla tahraton, joka tuolin tomuton, joka vuoteen rypytn. Yhdeksnkymment seitsemn pient vikuroivaa orpolasta oli hangattava puhtaiksi, kammattava ja napitettava vastatrkttyihin puuvillamekkoihin,...
- HK$50.33
HK$746.38- HK$50.33
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