Public Domain
Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 3Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 3 - With a Memoir and Index CONTENTS BURLEIGH AND HIS TIMES. MIRABEAU. WAR OF THE SUCCESSION IN SPAIN. HORACE WALPOLE. WILLIAM PITT, EARL OF CHATHAM. SIR JAMES MACKINTOSH. LORD BACON. The 1work of Dr. Nares has filled...
- HK$50.13
HK$743.41- HK$50.13
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- HK$50.13
HK$743.41- HK$50.13
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Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 1Critical, Historical, and Miscellaneous Essays; Vol. 1 - With a Memoir and Index SOME ACCOUNT OF THE GREAT LAWSUIT BETWEEN THE PARISHES OF ST. DENNIS AND ST. GEORGE IN THE WATER.ST. GEORGE IN THE WATER. A CONVERSATION BETWEEN MR. ABRAHAM COWLEY AND MR. JOHN...
- HK$50.13
HK$743.41- HK$50.13
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Gids bij de studie der Nederlandsche letterkundeGids bij de studie der Nederlandsche letterkunde - Voor leerlingen der gymnasia, H. B. scholen en studeerenden voor de hoofdacteDe voornaamste aangebrachte wijziging is het opnemen van Gorters Mei, waardoor tevens t verplaatsen van De Roos van Dekama uit het tweede deel naar t...
- HK$50.13
HK$743.41- HK$50.13
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Kew GardensKew Gardens - With 24 full-page Illustrations in ColourKew Gardens contain what seems the completest botanical collection in the world, handicapped as it is by a climate at the antipodes of Eden, and by a soil that owes less to Nature than to patient...
- HK$50.13
HK$743.41- HK$50.13
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SolitudeSolitude - With the Life of the Author. In Two PartsWeak and delicate minds may, perhaps, be alarmed by the title of this work. The word solitude, may possibly engender melancholy ideas; but they have only to read a few pages to be undeceived....
- HK$50.13
HK$3,339.49- HK$50.13
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Spices and How to Know ThemSpices and How to Know ThemIt is with a certain feeling of helplessness and loneliness that I am venturing upon the attempt to trace out the history of spices, as I have not a spice grove or garden to step into for my information;...
- HK$50.13
HK$743.41- HK$50.13
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With Mask and MittWith Mask and MittThe author has but a word to say in offering "With Mask and Mitt" to his boy readers. The book follows "In the Line" and precedes "The Great Year" in the sequence of the series. While it repeats no incidents of...
- HK$50.13
HK$743.41- HK$50.13
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Erinnerungen eines AchtundvierzigersErinnerungen eines AchtundvierzigersDas Original wurde in Frakturschrift gesetzt; diese wird hier in Normalschrift dargestellt. Antiquaschrift wird in der vorliegenden Ausgabe kursiv dargestellt. Abhngig von der im jeweiligen Lesegert installierten Schriftart knnen die im Original gesperrt gedruckten Passagen gesperrt, in serifenloser Schrift, oder aber sowohl...
- HK$50.13
HK$743.41- HK$50.13
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The Pleasures of CollectingThe Pleasures of CollectingYour true collector does not apologize for his hobbies; he exalts their virtues. Necessity may occasionally compel him to resort to the camouflage of mid-interest, as when his family is not in sympathy with his pursuits; or, again, as when fate...
- HK$50.13
HK$743.41- HK$50.13
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Peeps at Many Lands: PortugalPeeps at Many Lands: PortugalAll illustrations have been placed near to the text to which they refer. Obvious typographical errors have been corrected, however variant spellings and variable hyphenation have been retained. Hyphens have also been added to the music to reflect where syllable...
- HK$50.13
HK$743.41- HK$50.13
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Die Anfänge der Naturbeherrschung. 1. Frühformen der MechanikDie Anfänge der Naturbeherrschung. 1. Frühformen der MechanikDie Gesellschaft Kosmos bezweckt, die Kenntnis der Naturwissenschaften und damit die Freude an der Natur und das Verstndnis ihrer Erscheinungen in den weitesten Kreisen unseres Volkes zu verbreiten. Dieses Ziel sucht die Gesellschaft durch Verbreitung guter naturwissenschaftlicher...
- HK$50.13
HK$1,226.64- HK$50.13
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The Family on WheelsThe Family on WheelsIt was early morning of a midsummer day, and a dozen or more boys, between the ages of ten and fifteen, marched out of the market town of Morainville, some armed with wooden swords, and others with broom-handles which did service...
- HK$50.13
HK$743.41- HK$50.13
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Mies ja nainen: NovellejaMies ja nainen: NovellejaHn on seitsemntoista-vuotias, vaalea, hento ja vilkas. Hn tiet olevansa siev ja toivoo, ett muutkin sen huomaisivat. Ja se huomataan kyll. Sill hnest steilee vrentmtn nuoruus ja vljhtymtn elmn harrastus. Ja hn steilee kaikille, mutta erittinkin kaikille miehille. Koko hnen olemuksessaan,...
- HK$50.13
HK$1,226.64- HK$50.13
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Tjuvbandet i Dägerö skärgårdTjuvbandet i Dägerö skärgårdMen i detsamma kom Olle, drngen, lngsamt vankande genom hagen, och Maja gick in i stugan fr att sjlv vrma upp kaffet. Olle stannade ute p backen och hgg upp ett fng ved, som han tog med sig in. Utan att...
- HK$50.13
HK$743.41- HK$50.13
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Pennsylvania Dutch Rip Van Winkle: A romantic drama in two actsPennsylvania Dutch Rip Van Winkle: A romantic drama in two actsL. Means First Entrance, Left. R. First Entrance, Right. S. E. L. Second Entrance, Left. S. E. R. Second Entrance, Right. U. E. L. Upper Entrance, Left. U. E. R. Upper Entrance, Right. C....
- HK$50.13
HK$743.41- HK$50.13
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Manual of Library CataloguingManual of Library CataloguingThis little book does not claim to be a comprehensive treatise on the art of cataloguing books, nor is it intended for the use of the expert in bibliography. The rules embodied are those generally recognized as necessary for the proper...
- HK$50.13
HK$743.41- HK$50.13
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On Molecular and Microscopic Science, Volume 1 (of 2)On Molecular and Microscopic Science, Volume 1 (of 2)Microscopic investigation of organic and inorganic matter is so peculiarly characteristic of the actual state of science, that the Author has ventured to give a sketch of some of the most prominent discoveries in the life...
- HK$50.13
HK$743.41- HK$50.13
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John GalsworthyJohn GalsworthyA characteristic of every age is its group of popular writers. These writers at once concentrate and give out the spirit of their agethey are representative. Literature has many names of pioneers and apostles, who were ahead of or out of sympathy with...
- HK$50.13
HK$743.41- HK$50.13
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Kustaa II Aadolf ja hänen aikalaisensa I: Kuningas Jumalan armostaKustaa II Aadolf ja hänen aikalaisensa I: Kuningas Jumalan armosta - Historiallis-romanttinen kuvaus1. Uusi aika. 2. Kuningas. 3. Kun vkivalta raivoaa. 4. Kuinka kahdesta tuli yksi. 5. Ht. 6. Nuoruudenunelma. 7. Itrajoilla. 8. Krme. 9. Pahan voitto. 10. Kuningaskruunu. 11. Selkkauksia. 12. Sen tytyi...
- HK$50.13
HK$743.41- HK$50.13
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