Discover the best-selling art books and insightful artist biographies at our online bookstore, featuring a curated selection of must-read books about art and artwork. Explore our collection to find the best books to read, from captivating artist biographies to beautifully illustrated artwork books.
VasarelyEnter a universe of shimmering color and pure abstraction. Pioneer of the Op Art movement, Victor Vasarely developed his own geometric visual language, exploring the relationship between color and form in bold, eye-popping paintings. Spanning his first experimentation with optical effects in the '40s...
- ¥4,283 JPY
- ¥4,283 JPY
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Diego Rivera. Toutes Les Oeuvres MuralesVéritable héros populaire en Amérique Latine et plus important artiste du Mexique, aux côtés de son épouse peintre Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera (1886-1957) mena une vie passionnée consacrée à l'art et au communisme. Après avoir passé les années 1910 en Europe, où il s'entoura...
- ¥17,133 JPY
- ¥17,133 JPY
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Vienne 1900Poètes et intellectuels jouaient des coudes dans les cafés bondés, la jeune avant-garde prônait l'avènement d'une nouvelle ère de libéralisme social et sexuel, les valses résonnaient d'un bout à l'autre de la Ringstrasse, la Sécession viennoise prenait pour devise: À chaque époque son art...
- ¥4,283 JPY
- ¥4,283 JPY
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ImpressionnismeC'est la vue d'un port, une scène expérimentale aux touches imprécises, qui donna son nom à l'impressionnisme. Quand Impression, soleil levant de Claude Monet fut exposé en avril 1874, les critiques se sont emparés du nom de l'oeuvre et de son rendu esthétique en...
- ¥5,354 JPY
- ¥5,354 JPY
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Les Dessous Des Chefs-d'OeuvreCette importante contribution à notre compréhension des chefs-d'oeuvre de l'histoire de l'art passe à la loupe quelques-uns des plus célèbres tableaux du monde, pour nous aider à dévoiler leurs plus petits et plus subtils éléments et tout ce qu'ils révèlent d'une époque, d'une culture...
- ¥5,354 JPY
- ¥5,354 JPY
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Yang Liu. Hier/Aujourd'hui. Mode d'EmploiDans ce troisième opus de sa série réalisée pour TASCHEN, la célèbre designer graphique Yang Liu confronte nos modes de vie d'autrefois avec ceux d'aujourd'hui. Sur le modèle de ses précédents livres qui ont connu un immense succès, Hier/aujourd'hui, mode d'emploi utilise le principe...
- ¥3,213 JPY
- ¥3,213 JPY
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L'Art Au Xxe SiècleQui aurait donc bien pu prévoir, au soir du 31 décembre 1899, que 100 ans plus tard la peinture et la sculpture ne seraient plus des supports incontournables, mais seulement possibles. Le mot art a été défini et redéfini tant de fois ces 100...
- ¥14,991 JPY
- ¥14,991 JPY
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BrückeIn the German city of Dresden on June 7, 1905, the foundation of the Die Brücke artists' group (1905-1913) is widely regarded as the birth of Expressionism. Led by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Fritz Bleyl, Erich Heckel, and Karl Schmidt-Rottluff, the group sought to reject...
- ¥4,283 JPY
- ¥4,283 JPY
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MarcPrintmaker, landscape painter, and cofounder of Der Blaue Reiter ("The Blue Rider"), Franz Marc (1880-1916) left an exceptional legacy in German Expressionism. His work absorbed influences including Paul Gauguin, van Gogh, Picasso, Henri Matisse, and Robert Delaunay to galvanize a new vocabulary of form...
- ¥4,283 JPY
- ¥4,283 JPY
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Pop ArtParvenu à son apogée dans les années 1960, le Pop Art débuta comme une révolte contre l'approche majoritaire de l'art et de la culture, et se mua en une interrogation globale sur la société moderne, la culture consumériste et le rôle de l'artiste et...
- ¥6,425 JPY
- ¥6,425 JPY
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KleeFort de ses théories minutieuses et de milliers de tableaux, dessins et aquarelles, Paul Klee (1879-1940) est considéré comme l'un des chefs de file les plus cérébraux et les plus prolifiques de l'art européen au XXe siècle. Même s'il a souvent créé des petits...
- ¥4,283 JPY
- ¥4,283 JPY
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Emil Nolde: The SeaExpressionist painter Emil Nolde (1867-1956) was a trailblazing virtuoso of watercolor painting. Applying paint to paper with incomparable intensity, he created richly luminous paintings of brooding, romantic landscapes and alienating modern city scenes. The sea occupies a singularly important place in his oeuvre; Nolde...
- ¥5,342 JPY
- ¥5,342 JPY
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Emil Nolde: FlowersThough Emil Nolde (1867-1956) began to paint flower watercolors fairly late in his career--around 1918--they became nonetheless central to his oeuvre. These works range from depictions of single blooms and carefully arranged still lifes to full bouquets and fields of flowers captured in flowing...
- ¥5,342 JPY
- ¥5,342 JPY
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Emil Nolde: My Garden Full of FlowersThis new title in DuMont's themed Emil Nolde series is devoted to the painter's garden and flower pictures. Wherever he settled, Nolde always planted a flower garden. Nolde's garden at Seeb ll is a particular focus of this volume, and one of the artist's...
- ¥9,638 JPY
- ¥9,638 JPY
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The Unnatural History MuseumViktor Wynd, master of the contemporary Wunderkabinett, is back with a collection of artifacts and curiosities that are more bizarre and wonderful than ever. For over a decade, from a tiny storefront in east London, the artist Viktor Wynd has been reinventing the cabinet...
- ¥11,245 JPY
- ¥11,245 JPY
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50 Art Movements You Should Know: From Impressionism to Performance ArtThe latest volume in this beautifully produced and affordable series introduces readers to the major developments in the history of modern art--from Realism to the New Leipzig School. The story of modern art begins with a revolution--when the realists started rejecting romanticism in favor...
- ¥4,983 JPY
- ¥4,983 JPY
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Schönheit and Revolution: Klassizismus 1770-1820From Jacques-Louis David to Antonio Canova, from Bertel Thorvaldsen to Karl Friedrich Schinkel - the great masters of neo-classicis were united by their shared interest in antiquity. Their paintings and sculptures evidence a variety of forms of expression, ranging from austerity and rationality to...
- ¥21,416 JPY
- ¥21,416 JPY
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Max Pechstein: Pionier Der Moderne / Pioneer of ModernismMax Pechstein was a protagonist of the artistic avant-garde in Germany before the First World War. He was one of the founders of Expressionism within the circle of the "Brücke" painters, creating pictures and graphic works of ingenious and impulsively demonstrated expressiveness in an...
- ¥17,133 JPY
- ¥17,133 JPY
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American Patriotism and Corporate Identity in Automobile Advertising: «What's Good for General Motors Is Good for the Country and Vice Versa?»The triumphal march of the automobile and its connection with American culture have often been acknowledged in scholarship. By contrast, the culture-specific, value-oriented advertising strategies of the most important US carmaker General Motors (GM) in its home market have received less attention, especially in...
- ¥31,552 JPY
- ¥31,552 JPY
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Bonsai Penjing: The Collections of the Montréal Botanitcal GardenThe beauty and evolution of an intriguing art form.The Montréal Botanical Garden's collections of bonsai and penjing are among the best in North America, including more than 350 trees, some dating from the 17th century. For the first time, these stylized horticultural creations have...
- ¥17,977 JPY
- ¥17,977 JPY
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