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Sondheim & Me: Revealing a Musical GeniusFOR TEN YEARS, they exchanged notes, letters, faxes, and phone calls. Stephen Sondheim would contact him, and Paul Salsini, the founder and editor of The Sondheim Review, would respond. And vice versa. Now, Salsini, a Milwaukee journalist, has described his unlikely long-distance relationship with...
- ¥5,811 JPY
- ¥5,811 JPY
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Bruce Andrews and Charles Bernstein's L=a=n=g=u=a=g=e: The Complete FacsimileIn February 1978, the L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E newsletter, founded and edited by Charles Bernstein and Bruce Andrews, established the first public venue for the thriving correspondence of an emerging set of ambitious young poets. It circulated fresh perspectives on writing, politics, and the arts. Instead of...
- ¥34,147 JPY
- ¥34,147 JPY
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Reappraisal and Deaccessioning in Archives and Special CollectionsArchivists and archival institutions are reappraising and deaccessioning now more than ever before. Archival reappraisal and deaccessioning have become vital tools for managing archival collections. Reappraisal and Deaccessioning in Archives and Special Collections is the first book dedicated entirely to the topic of reappraising...
- ¥15,096 JPY
- ¥15,096 JPY
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McSweeney's Issue 66 (McSweeney's Quarterly Concern)McSweeney's three-time National Magazine Award-winning quarterly returns with our 66th issue. A beautiful back-to-basics paperback, Issue 66 features brand new work from Stephen King, T. C. Boyle, and Hernan Diaz, new translations of the poet Anna Akhmatova, and so much more. Ever changing, each...
- ¥4,313 JPY
- ¥4,313 JPY
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Sondheim & Me: Revealing a Musical GeniusFOR TEN YEARS, they exchanged notes, letters, faxes, and phone calls. Stephen Sondheim would contact him, and Paul Salsini, the founder and editor of The Sondheim Review, would respond. And vice versa. Now, Salsini, a Milwaukee journalist, has described his unlikely long-distance relationship with...
- ¥5,811 JPY
- ¥5,811 JPY
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Christian Writers Market Guide - 2023 EditionAn Essential Resource for Getting Published Foreword by Jerry B. Jenkins The 2023 Christian Writers Market Guide is the most comprehensive and recommended resource on the market for finding an agent, an editor, a publisher, a writing coach, a podcast, or a writing course....
- ¥7,546 JPY
- ¥7,546 JPY
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Christian Writers Market Guide - 2022 Edition: Your Comprehensive Resource for Getting PublishedAn Essential Resource for Getting Published Foreword by Jerry B. Jenkins The Christian Writers Market Guide - 2022 Edition is the most comprehensive and recommended resource on the market for finding an agent, an editor, a publisher, a writing coach, a podcast, a writing...
- ¥7,546 JPY
- ¥7,546 JPY
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Lord Lister No. 0376: De moord in Short GardensLord Lister No. 0376: De moord in Short GardensVan dergelijke rechtbanken vindt men tegenwoordig een groot aantal in de Engelsche hoofdstad en ze hebben tot taak, kleine delicten, zooals straatschenderij, buurtgetwist, kleine diefstallen en andere zaken op staanden voet te berechten. Deze rechters moeten...
- ¥951 JPY
¥1,903 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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New Nick Carter weekly No. 28. July 10, 1897 Nick Carter at the track or, How he became a dead game sportNew Nick Carter weekly; No. 28. July 10, 1897; Nick Carter at the track; or, How he became a dead game sport.I have always made it a point, said the detective, rising to his feet, not to engage in any case which is not...
- ¥951 JPY
¥1,903 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XI, Heft 7-9: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und DenkmalpflegeLandesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XI, Heft 7-9: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und DenkmalpflegeInhalt: Kriegerehrungen aus Porzellan Schradenwanderung Tierschutz Hexenabend Wolftitz Werbekunst in Dorf und Stadt Die Osterblume am Wachtelberg bei Wurzen Ein altes Patrizierhaus Gefhrdete heimische Pflanzenwelt Zur Geschichte des Bibers in Sachsen...
- ¥951 JPY
¥1,903 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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The Ohio naturalist, Vol. 1, No. 4, February 1901The Ohio naturalist, Vol. 1, No. 4, February 1901A journal devoted more especially to the natural history of Ohio. The official organ of The Biological Club of the Ohio State University. Published monthly during the academic year, from November to June (8 numbers). Price...
- ¥951 JPY
¥1,903 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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The Review, Vol. 1, No. 6, June 1911The Review, Vol. 1, No. 6, June 1911The national conference of charities and correction was held in Boston from June 7 to June 14. The committee on lawbreakers had the opening session, on Wednesday. Three section meetings were held by the committee during conference...
- ¥951 JPY
¥1,903 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Lord Lister No. 0375: Amor en MercuriusLord Lister No. 0375: Amor en MercuriusIn de Cromwellstreet, een der voornaamste zijstraten van de Oxfordstreet, bevindt zich, niet ver van laatstgenoemde straat verwijderd, een vrij groote winkel, niet lang geleden gebouwd, en volgens de laatste eischen ingericht. Hij had zich nimmer opgehouden met...
- ¥951 JPY
¥1,903 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Nick Carter weekly No. 186, July 21, 1900: Nick Carter rescues a daughter or, The junior partner's strange behaviorNick Carter weekly No. 186, July 21, 1900: Nick Carter rescues a daughter; or, The junior partner's strange behavior.Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1900 by Street & Smith, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. C. Entered...
- ¥951 JPY
¥1,903 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Lord Lister No. 0373: De krankzinnigeLord Lister No. 0373: De krankzinnigeDe vroege herfst had zich op ruwe wijze ingezet, en een gure wind deed de Londenaren, die niet voor hun vermaak of om een andere reden de straat moesten opzoeken, snel huiswaarts gaan. Het asphalt glom in het schijnsel...
- ¥951 JPY
¥1,903 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Landesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XI, Heft 4-6: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und DenkmalpflegeLandesverein Sächsischer Heimatschutz — Mitteilungen Band XI, Heft 4-6: Monatsschrift für Heimatschutz und DenkmalpflegeInhalt: Die kurschsischen Postmeilensulen beim 200jhrigen Bestehen Heimatschutzgedanken in Gottfried Kellers Dichtungen Die Kirche zu den Vierzehn Nothelfern auf der Kahlenhhe bei Reichstdt Um Juchhh und Windberg Wanderbilder aus den Grenzgebieten...
- ¥951 JPY
¥1,903 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. II., No. 6, May, 1836The Southern Literary Messenger, Vol. II., No. 6, May, 1836CRITICAL NOTICES SPAIN REVISITED: by Lieutenant Slidell SALLUST'S JUGURTHINE WAR, AND CONSPIRACY OF CATILINE: by Charles Anthon PARIS AND THE PARISIANS IN 1835: by Frances Trollope A LIFE OF WASHINGTON: by James K. Paulding DIDACTICSSOCIAL,...
- ¥951 JPY
¥1,903 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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Weird Tales, Volume 1, Number 1, March 1923: The unique magazineWeird Tales, Volume 1, Number 1, March 1923: The unique magazineTales of horroror goose-flesh storiesare commonly shunned by magazine editors. Few, if any, will consider such a story, no matter how interesting it may be. They believe that the public doesnt want this sort...
- ¥951 JPY
¥3,045 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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The Black Cat, Vol. I, No. 6, March 1896The Black Cat, Vol. I, No. 6, March 1896This popular dentifrice is always delightful and effective. Used every day, the powder twice a week, it insures better teeth, firmer gums and sweeter breath. SOZODONT is known the world over, having stood the test of...
- ¥951 JPY
¥1,903 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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The Black Cat, Vol. I, No. 5, February 1896The Black Cat, Vol. I, No. 5, February 1896The Mason and Hamlin Pianos are the only pianos manufactured containing the patented Screw Stringer, by virtue of which they do not require one quarter as much tuning as any other piano made: thus reducing expense...
- ¥951 JPY
¥1,903 JPY- ¥951 JPY
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