Business & Economics
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Unbridled Spirit Volume 2: Lessons in Life and Business from Kentucky's Most Successful EntrepreneursFamous for its horse racing, bourbon, coal, and college basketball, Kentucky is also home to business leaders from many industries. This book highlights the stories of a handful of brave Kentuckians who have blazed their own trail in the Bluegrass State. In this inspiring...
- ¥3,945 JPY
- ¥3,945 JPY
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RICH DAD POOR DAD 20th Anniversary editionरिच डैड पुअर डैडव्यक्तिगत वित्त-प्रबंधन #1 पुस्तक! - यह मिथक तोड़ती है कि अमीर बनने के लिए ज़्यादा कमाना ज़रूरी है - ख़ासकर ऐसी दुनिया में जहाँ तकनीक, रोबोट और एक वैश्विक अर्थव्यवस्था से नियम बदल रहे हैं - यह सिखाती है कि क्यों...
- ¥6,908 JPY
- ¥6,908 JPY
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Medicines from the SeasMan has always been on a quest for answers and the search for molecules suitable to target ailments or their causes such as pathogens has intensified with the COVID-19 epidemic. The marine environment is home to 32 of the 33 animal phyla that are...
- ¥68,404 JPY
- ¥68,404 JPY
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Sociology of Chinese YouthIn China, a process of compressed socialization of youth is characterized by multiple spatial, professional and social mobilities. Young skilled Chinese move and circulate to improve their qualification and education levels in order to develop upward social mobility's trajectories. Young low-skilled migrants' biographic pathways...
- ¥34,809 JPY
- ¥34,809 JPY
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Affiliate Marketing: A Step-By-Step Plan To Create And Expand Your Own Business That Generates Affiliate Marketing (Learn How To Start A PrThe main reason behind this growing popularity of affiliate marketing is the fact that it is thought to be some kind of business in which you don't need to create your own product and you can earn huge amounts of money very fast.You will...
- ¥4,193 JPY
- ¥4,193 JPY
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Solve It!: The Mindset and Tools of Smart Problem SolversApply the strategies and tools of smart problem solving-and succeed in work and life!What do Albert Einstein, Elon Musk, Sherlock Holmes and Mahatma Gandhiʼs six-year-old granddaughter have in common? They are all masters of the art of smart problem solving-a highly sought-after skill that...
- ¥3,207 JPY
- ¥3,207 JPY
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As a Man Thinketh: Self-control is strength, Right Thought is mastery, Calmness is powerEminently quotable and full of practical advice for individuals who want to better themselves, As a Man Thinketh is an essential little volume published in 1902 which explains and promotes the direct connection between our thoughts and our happiness. Do you believe in the...
- ¥3,202 JPY
- ¥3,202 JPY
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Blockchain et CryptomonnaiesBlockchain et cryptomonnaies 2 livres en 1: Guide du débutant pour découvrir la blockchain, le bitcoin, l'altcoin, le NFT et les cryptomonnaies émergentes.Tout le monde en parle et vous n'avez pas encore compris ce que sont les cryptomonnaies ? Aimeriez-vous en savoir plus et...
- ¥8,883 JPY
- ¥8,883 JPY
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Turn Your Town Around: How to Make It a Great Destination CommunityIn TURN YOUR TOWN AROUND, the former mayor of the popular and award-winning town of Berlin, Maryland explains how to chart a course of rediscovery and renewal for your town. You will learn how your town can flourish and find new ways to build...
- ¥6,052 JPY
- ¥6,052 JPY
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EQ Killed the Radio Star: How Emotional Intelligence Can Crush or Crash Your OrganizationYour major project at work should have been a success. You had the strategy, the right people in the room, and support from upper-level management. So why did it fail? It's the same reason why many of your favorite rock bands break up. Drama,...
- ¥2,455 JPY
- ¥2,455 JPY
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Libertad Financiera Automática: El Secreto de las Finanzas PersonalesNO TIENES QUE ESPERAR MÁS.La libertad financiera no es un mito, es una gran realidad! Una que necesitas construir, y puedes construir si conoces los pasos y cómo aprovechar las oportunidades que ya están frente a ti.Este libro te ayudará a conocer esos pasos,...
- ¥2,959 JPY
- ¥2,959 JPY
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Tartalom Marketing (Content Marketing)Ön is keresi a tartalommarketing egyszerű integrálásának módját a vállalatába? Tisztában van azzal, hogy a professzionális tartalommarketing milyen számtalan előnnyel járhat az Ön cége számára? Vagy talán még nem tudja pontosan, hogy mit érhet el a professzionális tartalomkészítéssel? A közösségi média manapság sokat használt...
- ¥3,615 JPY
- ¥3,615 JPY
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Why Knot: A Personal QuestI don't think outside the box. There is no box. The box is an illusion that limits the range of what we consider, squashing curiosity and creativity, ruling out possible solutions.Many of these short essays derive from my belief that, as individuals and as...
- ¥7,016 JPY
- ¥7,016 JPY
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Budgeting: Learn Practical and Simple Budgeting Strategies (The Limitless Wealth Building Power of the Compound Effect)Inside you will find a detailed description of the different methods to budget and manage your money.Somebody once said that failing to plan is planning to fail. And failing to manage is managing to fail. Just like an untended garden, many important areas of...
- ¥4,924 JPY
- ¥4,924 JPY
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How to Start and Run Your Own Food Truck Business in TennesseeWith good jobs so hard to find, especially in rapidly expanding Tennessee, owning your own food truck could be the best option. It's the least-expensive start-up, and you can be fully operational in mere months. The rules and regulations can be a bit complex,...
- ¥7,795 JPY
- ¥7,795 JPY
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CliffsNotes Accounting Principles II: Quick ReviewAuthor: Elizabeth A. MinbiolePublisher: CliffsnotesPublished: 01/02/2023Pages: 306Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.73lbsSize: 8.25h x 5.25w x 0.64dISBN: 9781957671390
- ¥4,686 JPY
- ¥4,686 JPY
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Psychological Harms and Treatment of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment in Adults: Systematic and Scoping Reviews to Inform Improved Care for MilitaAuthor: Julia Rollison, Joachim O. Hero, Katie FeistelPublisher: RAND CorporationPublished: 02/28/2023Pages: 193Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 1.04lbsSize: 11.00h x 8.50w x 0.42dISBN: 9781977408051This title is not returnable
- ¥18,371 JPY
- ¥18,371 JPY
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Bookkeeping: Advance Accounting Principles To Build A Successful Business (Accounting Made Simple For Non Accountants)Author: Winston SelwayPublisher: Chris DavidPublished: 01/02/2023Pages: 162Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.37lbsSize: 8.00h x 5.00w x 0.35dISBN: 9781998901104This title is not returnable
- ¥4,924 JPY
- ¥4,924 JPY
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The Software Engineering Career: The workforce from a millennial's perspectiveAuthor: Erick J. DuartePublisher: Erick DuartePublished: 01/16/2023Pages: 164Binding Type: PaperbackWeight: 0.39lbsSize: 8.00h x 5.25w x 0.35dISBN: 9798218135164This title is not returnable
- ¥3,452 JPY
- ¥3,452 JPY
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The Savage Truth on MoneySmart strategies for taking control of your money from bestselling author and personal finance expert Terry Savage--the new, fully updated third edition. The Savage Truths on Money are time-tested, but new technologies and techniques make it easier and more profitable to make your money...
- ¥4,880 JPY
- ¥4,880 JPY
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