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The Last ManThe Last Man I visited Naples in the year 1818. On the 8th of December of that year, my companion and I crossed the Bay, to visit the antiquities which are scattered on the shores of Bai. The translucent and shining waters of the...
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The Road to Mandalay: A Tale of BurmaThe Road to Mandalay: A Tale of Burma"What do you think, Mitty? All the blinds are down at 'Littlecote,'" announced Miss Jane Tebbs, bursting open the drawing-room door and disturbing her sister in a surreptitious game of patience. In well-ordered households the mistress is...
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Die LastDie LastNoch immer rieselte der Regen und troff an den kleinen Fenstern der Krankenstube herunter. Bleigraues Licht stahl sich zgernd durch die Gardinen und mischte sich mit dem Schein der Lampe, die auch jetzt noch vor dem Bette brannte. In dem weiten, zur ebenen...
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El MandarínEl MandarínCamarada; durante estos calores que embotan la imaginacin, descansemos del spero estudio de las Realidades humanas.... Partamos hacia los campos del Ensueo, a vagar por esas azuladas colinas donde se levanta la torre abandonada de lo Sobrenatural y frescos musgos cubren amorosamente las...
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Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves TownSomeone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves TownThis is my third novel, and as with my first, Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom and my second, Eastern Standard Tribe, I am releasing it for free on the Internet the very same day that it...
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The Shield of SilenceThe Shield of SilenceUnlike, and separated by every circumstance that, according to the expected, should have kept them apartthey still had the same problem to confront and the solution had its beginning in that pleasant home for Episcopal Sisters which clings so enchantingly along...
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A Cidade e as SerrasA Cidade e as SerrasCredits: Produced by Rita Farinha and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by National Library of Portugal (Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal).) NOTA: Este texto tem duas verses em lngua portuguesa...
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The Trumpeter SwanThe Trumpeter Swan There were only four passengers in the sleeper, men all of themtwo in adjoining sections in the middle of the car, a third in the drawing-room, a fourth an intermittent occupant of a berth at the end. They had gone to...
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Le marquis de Loc-RonanLe marquis de Loc-RonanDU MME AUTEUR dition in-18, 1 franc 25 (Franco par la poste) Mademoiselle la Ruine 2 vol. Les Colonnes d'Hercule 1 vol. Arthur Gaudinet 2 vol. Surcouf 1 vol. Marcof le Malouin 1 vol. Le Marquis de Loc-Ronan 1 vol. Le...
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Servitude et grandeur militairesServitude et grandeur militaires Alfred de Vigny Ave, Csar, morituri te salutant. Livre Premier S'il est vrai, selon le pote catholique, qu'il n'y ait pas de plus grande peine que de se rappeler un temps heureux, dans la misre, il est aussi vrai que...
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L'enfer et le paradis de l'autre mondeL'enfer et le paradis de l'autre mondeIl y a quelques mois, j'habitais une petite ville bourguignonne, renomme pour ses usines mtallurgiques. Un jour, il m'arriva d'assister une runion chez des forgerons, qui tmoignrent l'intention d'migrer au Canada, parce qu'on y parle la langue franaise....
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Coffee and ReparteeCoffee and ReparteeThe guests at Mrs. Smithers's high-class boarding-house for gentlemen had assembled as usual for breakfast, and in a few moments Mary, the dainty waitress, entered with the steaming coffee, the mush, and the rolls. The School-master, who, by-the-way, was suspected by Mrs....
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Le Collier de la Reine, Tome IILe Collier de la Reine, Tome IIMatresse d'un pareil secret, riche d'un pareil avenir, taye de deux appuis si considrables, Jeanne se sentit forte lever le monde. Elle se donna quinze jours de dlai pour commencer de mordre pleinement la grappe savoureuse que la...
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David Copperfield IIDavid Copperfield II - David Copperfield nuoremman elämäkerta ja kokemukset 1. Pitkn matkan alku. 2. Autuaana. 3. Ttini kummastuttaa minua. 4. Alakuloisuutta. 5. Innostusta. 6. Vhn kylm vett. 7. Ers kumppani-kunta hajoo. 8. Wickfield ja Heep. 9. Matkamies. 10. Doran tdit. 11. Ilkeytt. 12....
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Le Collier de la Reine, Tome ILe Collier de la Reine, Tome IEt d'abord, propos mme du titre que nous venons d'crire, qu'on nous permette d'avoir une courte explication avec nos lecteurs. Il y a dj vingt ans que nous causons ensemble, et les quelques lignes qui vont suivre, au...
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Els camins del paradís perdutEls camins del paradís perdut-I plant Jahv Du un hort a Edem, a l'Orient, i all pos l'home que havia format. I Jahv Du va fer brotar de la terra tota llei d'arbres, goig dels ulls, delcia de la boca, i al mig del...
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David Copperfield IDavid Copperfield I - David Copperfield nuoremman elämäkertomus ja kokemukset 1. Min synnyn. 2. Min huomaan. 3. Minulle tapahtuu muutos. 4. Min joudun epsuosioon. 5. Min lhetetn pois kotoa. 6. Tuttavieni luku laajenee. 7. Ensiminen lukukauteni Salem House'ssa. 8. Lupa-aikani. Varsinkin ers onnellinen iltapuoli....
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The Danger MarkThe Danger MarkAll day Sunday they had raised the devil from attic to cellar; Mrs. Farren was in tears, Howker desperate. Not one out of the fifteen servants considered necessary to embellish the Seagrave establishment could do anything with them after Kathleen Severn's sudden...
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Heralds of EmpireHeralds of Empire - Being the Story of One Ramsay Stanhope, Lieutenant to Pierre Radisson in the Northern Fur Trade Now I learned how the man must have felt when he set about conquering the elements, subduing land and sea and savagery. And in...
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The Path of Duty, and Other StoriesThe Path of Duty, and Other Stories"Awake, my dear child, awake!" These were the words I heard: I started up, gazing in a bewildered manner into the face of my mother, who had, with some difficulty, succeeded in arousing me from the sweet, healthful...
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