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August FirstAugust First The long fingers pulled at the clerical collar as if they might tear it away. The alert figure swung across the room to the one window not wide open and the man pushed up the three inches possible. "Whee!" he brought out...
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Arthur Mervyn Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793Arthur Mervyn; Or, Memoirs of the Year 1793The evils of pestilence by which this city has lately been afflicted will probably form an era in its history. The schemes of reformation and improvement to which they will give birth, or, if no efforts of...
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The ChequersThe Chequers - Being the Natural History of a Public-House, Set Forth inIt is risky to go home with some of the company from the Chequers, for good-fellowship is by no means fostered in the atmosphere of a public-house. The creatures who write about...
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A Popular SchoolgirlA Popular Schoolgirl CHAPTER I. The End of the Holidays CHAPTER II. Opening Day CHAPTER III. Wynch-on-the-Wold CHAPTER IV. Intruder Bess CHAPTER V. The Fifth-form Fte CHAPTER VI. The School Parliament CHAPTER VII. Hockey CHAPTER VIII. An Unpleasant Experience CHAPTER IX. A Hostel Frolic...
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King John of Jingalo: The Story of a Monarch in DifficultiesKing John of Jingalo: The Story of a Monarch in Difficulties CHAPTER I. A Domestic Interior CHAPTER II. Accidents Will Happen CHAPTER III. Wild Oats and Widows' Weeds CHAPTER IV. Popular Monarchy CHAPTER V. Church and State CHAPTER VI. Of Things not Expected CHAPTER...
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Star SurgeonStar SurgeonThe shuttle plane from the port of Philadelphia to Hospital Seattle had already gone when Dal Timgar arrived at the loading platform, even though he had taken great pains to be at least thirty minutes early for the boarding. "But I can't wait,"...
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A Court of InquiryA Court of InquiryThere are four guest-rooms in my house. It is not a large house, and how there came to be so many rooms to spare for the entertaining of friends is not a story to be told here. It is only a...
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The Place Beyond the WindsThe Place Beyond the WindsThe In-Place cannot be found; you must happen upon it! Hidden behind its rugged red rocks and hemlock-covered hills, it lies waiting for something to happen. It has its Trading Station, to and from which the Canadian Indians paddle their...
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Yksinkertainen sydänYksinkertainen sydänRouva Aubain oli mennyt vaimoksi varattomalle kauniille nuorelle miehelle, joka kuoli vuoden 1809:n alussa, jtten hnelle kaksi aivan pient lasta ja joukon velkoja. Silloin leski myi kiinteimistns, paitsi Toucquesin ja Geffossesin tiloja, joiden tuottamat korot nousivat korkeintaan viiteentuhanteen frangiin, ja hn muutti pois...
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Nach Amerika! Ein Volksbuch. Erster BandNach Amerika! Ein Volksbuch. Erster BandWie man ein Bild, aus einem Werk heraus, vorn auf den Umschlag bringt, den Beschauer dadurch gewissermaen in den Charakter des Ganzen einzuweihen, so will auch ich hier den Anfang des einen Capitels, aus der Mitte des Bandes heraus,...
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The Second LatchkeyThe Second Latchkey CHAPTER I. A White Rose CHAPTER II. Smiths and Smiths CHAPTER III. Why She Came CHAPTER IV. The Great Moment CHAPTER V. The Second Latchkey CHAPTER VI. The Beginningor the End? CHAPTER VII. The Countess de Santiago CHAPTER VIII. The Blue...
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Captain Scraggs Or, The Green-Pea PiratesCaptain Scraggs; Or, The Green-Pea PiratesThey had seen the fog rolling down the coast shortly after the Maggie had rounded Pilar Point at sunset and headed north. Captain Scraggs has been steamboating too many unprofitable years on San Francisco Bay, the Suisun and San...
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Flight From TomorrowFlight From TomorrowThe Palace, where Hradzka, surrounded by his sycophants and guards, had lorded it over a solar system, was now an inferno. Those who had been too closely identified with the dictator's rule to hope for forgiveness were fighting to the last, seeking...
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Star BornStar BornThe travelers had sighted the cove from the seaa narrow bite into the land, the first break in the cliff wall which protected the interior of this continent from the pounding of the ocean. And, although it was still but midafternoon, Dalgard pointed...
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Hypnerotomachia: The Strife of Love in a DreameHypnerotomachia: The Strife of Loue in a Dreame When I had determined (Right honorable) to dedicate this Booke, to the euerlyuing vertues of that matchlesse Knight Syr Phillip Sydney; me thought that I could not finde out a more Noble personage then your selfe,...
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L'île de sableL'île de sableL'autre tait un jeune homme, vtu avec un got sobre et distingu. Quoique arm, comme son compagnon, il semblait revenir d'une fte ou aller quelque gente runion de chtelaines. Sa physionomie avait ce caractre d'intrpidit fminine qui distingue les rejetons de la...
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Scènes de la vie de BohèmeScènes de la vie de BohèmeLes bohmes dont il est question dans ce livre n'ont aucun rapport avec les bohmes dont les dramaturges du boulevard ont fait les synonymes de filous et d'assassins. Ils ne se recrutent pas davantage parmi les montreurs d'ours, les...
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The Treasure of Heaven: A Romance of RichesThe Treasure of Heaven: A Romance of RichesBy the special request of the Publishers, a portrait of myself, taken in the spring of this year, 1906, forms the Frontispiece to the present volume. I am somewhat reluctant to see it so placed, because it...
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Bland ödebygder och skär: Berättelser från FinlandBland ödebygder och skär: Berättelser från FinlandGamle Erkko uppe p Salmi grd kallades vanligen, eftersom han var den ldste husbonden i hela socknen, Salmen Ukko. ttiofyra vintrar hade snat in hans egor, dem han redan i vaggan rft af fadern, och den ttiofemte sommarens...
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