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Une vieUne vieL'averse, toute la nuit, avait sonn contre les carreaux et les toits. Le ciel, bas et charg d'eau, semblait crev, se vidant sur la terre, la dlayant en bouillie, la fondant comme du sucre. Des rafales passaient, pleines d'une chaleur lourde. Le ronflement...
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Bisha BrikshaThe Poison Tree: A Tale of Hindu Life in Bengalhad been asked by the accomplished lady who has translated the subjoined story to introduce it with a few words of comment to the English public. For that purpose I commenced the perusal of the...
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Up in ArdmuirlandUp in ArdmuirlandVal and I, being twins, have always been looked upon as inseparables. True, we have been often forced apart during life's course; yet, somehow, we have always managed to drift back again into the old companionship which Nature seems to have intended...
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The Second HoneymoonThe Second HoneymoonJames Challoner, known to his friends and intimates as Jimmy, brushed an imaginary speck of dust from the shoulder of his dinner jacket, and momentarily stopped his cheery whistling to stare at himself in the glass with critical eyes. Jimmy was feeling...
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Pikakuvia 1867 katovuodesta ja sen seurauksistaPikakuvia 1867 katovuodesta ja sen seurauksistaOli vuoden 1867 talvi noin puolivliss. Ankara talvi se oli, jopa niin ankara, ettei se mene koskaan pois mielestni. Ei muuta kuin pyry ja pakkasta, pakkasta ja pyry. Parikin viikkoa kesti jrkhtmtt yhtmittaista neljnkymmenen asteen pakkasta, ja tavasta tuli...
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Un faccioso más y algunos frailes menosUn faccioso más y algunos frailes menosEl 16 de Octubre de aquel ao (y los lectores del libro precedente saben muy bien qu ao era) fue un da que la historia no puede clasificar entre los desgraciados ni tampoco entre los felices, por haber...
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The Guinea Stamp: A Tale of Modern GlasgowThe Guinea Stamp: A Tale of Modern Glasgowt was an artist's studio, a poor, shabby little place, with a latticed window facing the north. There was nothing in the furnishing or arrangement of the room to suggest successful work, or even artistic taste. A...
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The Days of MohammedThe Days of MohammedIn "The Days of Mohammed," one aim of the author has been to bring out the fact that it is possible to begin the heaven-life on earth. It is hoped that a few helpful thoughts as to the means of attaining...
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The Thin Red Line and Blue BloodThe Thin Red Line; and Blue BloodIn the Paris of the first half of this century there was no darker, dingier, or more forbidding quarter than that which lay north of the Rue de Rivoli, round about the great central market, commonly called the...
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Pembroke: A NovelPembroke: A NovelPembroke was originally intended as a study of the human will in several New England characters, in different phases of disease and abnormal development, and to prove, especially in the most marked case, the truth of a theory that its cure depended...
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The Black PearlThe Black PearlIt was just at sunset that the train which had crawled across the desert drew up, puffing and panting, before the village of Paloma, not many miles from the Salton Sea. After a moment's delay, one lone passenger descended. Paloma was not...
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The Blood ShipThe Blood ShipIt was the writing guy who drew this story out of Captain Shreve. He talked so much I think the Old Man spun the yarn just to shut him up. He had talked ever since his arrival on board, early that morning,...
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Ànimes atuïdesÀnimes atuïdesA cada respir, un raig de sol moria en l'aire que s'omplia de porpra. L'or volava pel cel. Els ceps, que havien passat l'agonia tardoral, tenien la saba aturada dintre ses rels fredes. En tot se sentia la son misteriosa de l'hivern que...
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The Adventures of KathlynThe Adventures of Kathlyn Under a canopied platform stood a young girl, modeling in clay. The glare of the California sunshine, filtering through the canvas, became mellowed, warm and golden. Above the girl's headyellow like the stalk of wheatthere hovered a kind of aureola,...
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The Time MachineThe Time Machine ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 17401 Author: Wells, H. G. (Herbert George) Release Date: Dec 26, 2005 Format: eBook Language: English
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The Princess ElopesThe Princess Elopes It is rather difficult in these days for a man who takes such scant interest in foreign affairstrust a whilom diplomat for that!to follow the continual geographical disturbances of European surfaces. Thus, I can not distinctly recall the exact location of...
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Mr. Bamboo and the Honorable Little GodMr. Bamboo and the Honorable Little God - A Christmas Story During sundry long and lonely evenings in a Japanese mission school, a young native teacher sought to while away the hours for a homesick exile. She was girlish and fair, with the soft...
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Hearts and MasksHearts and Masks It all depends upon the manner of your entrance to the Castle of Adventure. One does not have to scale its beetling parapets or assault its scarps and frowning bastions; neither is one obliged to force with clamor and blaring trumpets...
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What Timmy DidWhat Timmy DidThe bell tinkled on and on insistently, perhaps because it was now no one's special duty to attend to it. But at last the mistress of the house came running from the garden and, stripping off her gardening gloves, took up the...
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Marcof le MalouinMarcof le MalouinDans les derniers jours de juin 1791, au moment o le soleil couchant dorait de ses rayonnements splendides la surface moutonneuse de l'Ocan, embrasant l'occident des flots d'une lumire pourpre, comparable, par l'clat, des mtaux en fusion, un petit lougre, fin de...
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