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AtmâAtmâ - A Romance"When tman (nom. sing. Atm) occurs in philosophical treatises ... it has generally been translated by soul, mind, or spirit. I tried myself to use one or other of these words, but the oftener I employed them the more I felt...
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RosalyndeRosalynde - or, Euphues' Golden LegacyBirth and Education. Of the life of Thomas Lodge comparatively little is definitely known. Yet, though even the year of his birth is uncertain, we are able from the meager facts that have come down to us to see...
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The Riddle of the Frozen FlameThe Riddle of the Frozen Flame CHAPTER I. The Law CHAPTER II. The Frozen Flames CHAPTER III. Sunshine and Shadow CHAPTER IV. An Evil Genius CHAPTER V. The Spectre at the Feast CHAPTER VI. A Shot in the Dark CHAPTER VII. The Watcher in...
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WesterfeltWesterfelt They had had a quilting at the house of the two sisters that day. Six or seven women of the neighborhood, of middle age or older, had been in to sew on the glaring, varicolored square. All day long they had thrust their...
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The Ghost: A Modern FantasyThe Ghost: A Modern FantasyI am eight years older now. It had never occurred to me that I am advancing in life and experience until, in setting myself to recall the various details of the affair, I suddenly remembered my timid confusion before the...
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The Bow of Orange Ribbon: A Romance of New YorkThe Bow of Orange Ribbon: A Romance of New YorkIt was one of those beautiful, lengthening days, when May was pressing back with both hands the shades of the morning and the evening; May in New York one hundred and twenty-one years ago, and...
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Der Fall DerugaDer Fall DerugaWenn der Betreffende ein Anwalt wre, liebes Kind, wrde er einen Talar tragen, antwortete der Gefragte vorwurfsvoll. Aber wer es ist, kann ich dir auch nicht sagen. Ein vor dem Ehepaar sitzender Herr drehte sich um und erklrte, der fragliche Herr sei...
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The Soldier of the ValleyThe Soldier of the Valley I was a soldier. I was a hero. You notice my tenses are past. I am a simple school-teacher now, a prisoner in Black Log. There are no bars to my keep, only the wall of mountains that make...
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Gulliver's Travels into Several Remote Regions of the WorldGulliver's Travels into Several Remote Regions of the WorldGulliver's Travels was published in 1726; and, although it was by no means intended for them, the book was soon appropriated by the children, who have ever since continued to regard it as one of the...
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The House of the VampireThe House of the VampireThe freakish little leader of the orchestra, newly imported from Sicily to New York, tossed his conductor's wand excitedly through the air, drowning with musical thunders the hum of conversation and the clatter of plates. Yet neither his apish demeanour...
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Niegeküsste Mund: Drei ErzählungenDer niegeküßte Mund: Drei ErzählungenSchon von ferne sieht man den gelben, alten, fnfeckigen Turm mit seinem dunklen Ziegeldach, das einer Nachthaube gleicht. Er schliet eine breite, stille Strae mit seltsam regelmigen Husern ab, die sich wie Zierrat ausnehmen. Mit seinem Torbogen scheint er auf...
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DestinyDestinyOUTSIDE the subtle clarion of autumn's dying glory flamed in the torches of the maples and smoldered in the burgundy of the oaks. It trailed a veil of rose-ash and mystery along the slopes of the White Mountains, and inside the crumbling school-house the...
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The Colonel of the Red HuzzarsThe Colonel of the Red Huzzars It was raining heavily and I fastened my overcoat to the neck as I came down the steps of the Government Building. Pushing through the crowds and clanging electric cars, at the Smithfield Street corner, I turned toward...
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Das blaue Fenster: NovellenDas blaue Fenster: Novellen Ein einsames Kirchlein mitten im Walde hat immer etwas Vertrumtes; es ist so, als htten die Huser der Menschen, deren Heiligtum es war, das Kirchlein verlassen, so da es nun ganz allein zurckgeblieben ist, bis die Bume des Waldes an...
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The Missing LinkThe Missing LinkHIS Christian name was Nicholas but his familiars called him Nickie the Kid. The title did not imply that Nicholas possessed the artless gaiety, the nimbleness, or any of the simple virtues of the young of the common goat. Kid was short...
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The House of the Misty StarThe House of the Misty Star - A Romance of Youth and Hope and Love in Old JapanIt must have been the name that made me take that little house on the hilltop. It was mostly view, but the titlesupplemented by the very low...
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Histoire fantastique du célèbre PierrotHistoire fantastique du célèbre Pierrot - Écrite par le magicien Alcofribas; traduite du sogdien par Alfred AssollantAurore tait la plus charmante fe du monde: elle avait les cheveux noirs, le front de moyenne grandeur, mais droit et arrondi, un nez retrouss, fin et charmant,...
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Beatrix of ClareBeatrix of Clare "My thanks, my lord, my deepest thanks." He unstrung his bow and leaned upon the stave; a fine figure in forest green and velvet bonnet, a black mask over eyes and nose, a generous mouth and strong chin below it. "Will...
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The Iron FurrowThe Iron FurrowThe Ventisquero Range stretches across the circumference of one's vision in a procession of mountains that come tall and blue out of the distant north and seemingly march past to vanish in the remote south like azure phantoms. The mountains wall the...
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Adventures of a Sixpence in Guernsey by A NativeAdventures of a Sixpence in Guernsey by A NativeThe breakfast was ready laid on the table, and a gentleman was standing by the fire waiting for the rest of the family, when the door burst open, and two little girls ran in. "A happy...
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