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Hélika: Memoire d'un vieux maître d'écoleHélika: Memoire d'un vieux maître d'écoleC'est en vain que nous chercherions nouer des liens plus forts: et plus durables que ceux qui nous unissent nos compagnons d'cole, et nos condisciples de collge. La vieille amiti d'autrefois a jet dans nos coeurs des racines si...
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Peter Simple and, The Three Cutters, Vol. 1-2Peter Simple; and, The Three Cutters, Vol. 1-2LIST OF MARRYAT'S WORKS, ETC ix BIOGRAPHICAL INTRODUCTION xi PREFATORY NOTE TO PETER SIMPLE AND THE THREE CUTTERS xxxiv This edition will include all the novels and tales, only omitting the three items marked in the above...
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The Beauty and the BolshevistThe Beauty and the Bolshevist The editor of that much-abused New York daily, Liberty, pushed back his editorial typewriter and opened one letter in the pile which the office-boyno respecter of personshad just laid upon the desk while whistling a piercing tune between his...
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The Princess Priscilla's FortnightThe Princess Priscilla's Fortnight "Oft habe ich die Welt durchwandert, und habe immer gesehen, wie das Grosse am Kleinlichen scheitert, und das Edle von dem tzenden Gift des Alltglichen zerfressen wird." Her Grand Ducal Highness the Princess Priscilla of Lothen-Kunitz was up to the...
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HannaHannaPikku Hanna oli nhnyt pahaa unta. Suuri, musta koira oli ajanut hnt takaa ja oli juuri tarttua hneen kiinni, mutta kaikeksi onneksi hn siihen hersi. Nyt ei Hanna tahtonut en nukkua, ettei tuota unta jatkuisi. Oli vhn kylm. Hanna veti peitteen aina kaulaan saakka...
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The Were-WolfThe Were-Wolf The great farm hall was ablaze with the fire-light, and noisy with laughter and talk and many-sounding work. None could be idle but the very young and the very old: little Rol, who was hugging a puppy, and old Trella, whose palsied...
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PardnersPardners"Most all the old quotations need fixing," said Joyce in tones forbidding dispute. "For instance, the guy that alluded to marriages germinating in heaven certainly got off on the wrong foot. He meant pardnerships. The same works ain't got capacity for both, no more'n...
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The Collectors: Being Cases mostly under the 9th and 10th CommandmentsThe Collectors: Being Cases mostly under the Ninth and Tenth CommandmentsComprising a Ballade, wherein the Wrongfulness of Art Collecting is conceded, and as well Certain Stories: Campbell Corot, which recounts the career of an able and candid Picture Forger. The del Puente Giorgione, which...
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The Decameron, Volume IIThe Decameron, Volume IINOVEL I. - Cimon, by loving, waxes wise, wins his wife Iphigenia by capture on the high seas, and is imprisoned at Rhodes. He is delivered by Lysimachus; and the twain capture Cassandra and recapture Iphigenia in the hour of their...
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Wild Western ScenesWild Western Scenes - A Narrative of Adventures in the Western Wilderness, Wherein the Exploits of Daniel Boone, the Great American Pioneer are Particularly Described When a work of fiction has reached its fortieth edition, one would suppose the author might congratulate himself upon...
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HelenaHelena 1919 "I don't care a hang about the Middle Classes!" said Lord Buntingford, resting his head on his hand, and slowly drawing a pen over a printed sheet that lay before him. The sheet was headed "Middle Class Defence League," and was an...
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The PhilanderersThe Philanderers 1897 Five Englishmen were watching a camp fire in the centre of a forest clearing in mid-Africa. They did not speak, but sat propped against logs, smoking. One of the five knocked out the ashes of his pipe upon the ground; a...
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Le Cap au Diable, Légende CanadienneLe Cap au Diable, Légende Canadienne"Quel est le Canadien, s'crie un savant gographe dont le nom sera toujours cher parmi nous, quel est le Canadien qui n'aimerait pas sa patrie, aprs l'avoir contempl quelque heures, du bord d'une de nos barques vapeur, sur la...
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The Teeth of the TigerThe Teeth of the Tiger 1914 It was half-past four; M. Desmalions, the Prefect of Police, was not yet back at the office. His private secretary laid on the desk a bundle of letters and reports which he had annotated for his chief, rang...
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Mary Minds Her BusinessMary Minds Her Business 1920 In the latter part of the seventeenth century, there was a young blacksmith in our part of the country named Josiah Spencer. He had a quick eye, a quick hand and a quicker temper. Because of his quick eye...
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La MarquiseLa MarquiseLa marquise de R... n'tait pas fort spirituelle, quoiqu'il soit reu en littrature que toutes les vieilles femmes doivent ptiller d'esprit. Son ignorance tait extrme sur toutes les choses que le frottement du monde ne lui avait point apprises. Elle n'avait pas non...
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Pieni elämäntarinaPieni elämäntarinaForstmestari Kalmin tytr ensimmisest avioliitosta. Muutaman vuorokauden vanhana hn oli jnyt idistn imettjn hoitoon, ja uuden forstmestarinnan taloon tullessa hnell oli pahimmoilleen ly vieroa vierasta, kirkuen kurkun tydelt, kun vhnkin lhemmksi vietiin. Ikns lisntyess ja pikku siskon saatuaan hn siirtyi toisen palvelijan huostasta...
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Raphael Or, Pages of the Book of Life at TwentyRaphael; Or, Pages of the Book of Life at TwentyIt is all very well for Lamartine to explain, in his original prologue, that the touching, fascinating and pathetic story of Raphael was the experience of another man. It is well known that these feeling...
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Frank Mildmay Or, The Naval OfficerFrank Mildmay; Or, The Naval OfficerWe do not intend to review our own work; if we did it justice we might be accused of partiality, and we are not such fools as to abuse it. We leave that to our literary friends who may...
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