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Eastern Shame GirlEastern Shame Girl[Transcriber's Note: This book was published as Chinese Love Tales in 1935 (translated from the original of George Souile De Morant - a variation in the spelling of the middle name). It was attacked and acquitted in the courts, winning judicial recognition...
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Trois contesTrois contesPour cent francs par an, elle faisait la cuisine et le mnage, cousait, lavait, repassait, savait brider un cheval, engraisser les volailles, battre le beurre, et resta fidle sa matresse,qui cependant n'tait pas une personne agrable. Elle avait pous un beau garon sans...
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Yolanda: Maid of BurgundyYolanda: Maid of BurgundyLike the Israelites of old, mankind is prone to worship false gods, and persistently sets up the brazen image of a sham hero, as its idol. I should like to write the history of the world, if for no other reason...
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Gladius Dei Schwere StundeGladius Dei; Schwere Stunde * * * * * Mnchen leuchtete. ber den festlichen Pltzen und weien Sulentempeln, den antikisierenden Monumenten und Barockkirchen, den springenden Brunnen, Palsten und Gartenanlagen der Residenz spannte sich strahlend ein Himmel von blauer Seide, und ihre breiten und lichten,...
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Dick Sand: A Captain at FifteenDick Sand: A Captain at Fifteen[Redactor's Note: Dick Sand; or, a Captain at Fifteen, number V018 in the T&M listing of the works of Jules Verne, is a translation of Un capitaine de quinze ans (1878). This translation was first published by George Munro...
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The Shadow of the CathedralThe Shadow of the CathedralThere are three cathedrals which I think will remain chief of the Spanish cathedrals in the remembrance of the traveller, namely the Cathedral at Burgos, the Cathedral at Toledo, and the Cathedral at Seville; and first of these for reasons...
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The Uttermost Farthing: A Savant's VendettaThe Uttermost Farthing: A Savant's VendettaIt is not without some misgivings that I at length make public the strange history communicated to me by my lamented friend Humphrey Challoner. The outlook of the narrator is so evidently abnormal, his ethical standards are so remote...
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Adopting an Abandoned FarmAdopting an Abandoned Farm I have now come to the farmers life, with which I am exceedingly delighted, and which seems to me to belong especially to the life of a wise man. Weary of boarding at seashore and mountain, tired of traveling in...
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Queen Hortense: A Life Picture of the Napoleonic EraQueen Hortense: A Life Picture of the Napoleonic Era"One moment of bliss is not too dearly bought with death," says our great German poet, and he may be right; but a moment of bliss purchased with a long lifetime full of trial and suffering...
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The Merchant of Berlin: An Historical NovelThe Merchant of Berlin: An Historical Novel * * * * * * * * * * The sufferings of the long war still continued; still stood Frederick the Great with his army in the field; the tremendous struggle between Prussia and Austria was...
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Love under FireLove under FireI had drifted slowly across the river, clinging with one arm thrown over a log, expecting each moment the musket of some startled picket would spit red through the dark, and scarcely daring to guide my unwieldy support by the slightest movement...
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Geerten BasseGeerten BasseMet regelmatig klotsen vloeide de Schelde immer voort, immer voort, stuwend de eeuwige wiegeling harer donkere baren, waarop met grillige trillingen en zotte wentelingen dansten de blauwe en groene of felroode vuurstrepen der kadelichten ... In de langzaam-onzichtbaar wordende masten stegen sterrekens, zacht-pinkelend...
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Extaze: Een Boek van GelukExtaze: Een Boek van GelukDolf van Attema was op zijne wandeling na den eten aangegaan bij de zuster zijner vrouw, Cecile van Even, op den Scheveningschen weg, en hij wachtte in den kleinen voor-salon, wandelend tusschen de rozenhouten meubeltjes en de vieux roze moir...
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Dialstone Lane, CompleteDialstone Lane, CompleteMr. Edward Tredgold sat in the private office of Tredgold and Son, land and estate agents, gazing through the prim wire blinds at the peaceful High Street of Binchester. Tredgold senior, who believed in work for the young, had left early. Tredgold...
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Dialstone Lane, Part 4Dialstone Lane, Part 4. Mrs. Chalk watched the schooner until it was a mere white speck on the horizon, a faint idea that it might yet see the error of its ways and return for her chaining her to the spot. Compelled at last...
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Dialstone Lane, Part 5Dialstone Lane, Part 5. Month by month the Fair Emily crept down south. The Great Bear and other constellations gave way to the stars of the southern skies, and Mr. Chalk tried hard not to feel disappointed with the arrangement of those in the...
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Dialstone Lane, Part 2Dialstone Lane, Part 2. Mr. Chalk's expedition to the Southern Seas became a standing joke with the captain, and he waylaid him on several occasions to inquire into the progress he was making, and to give him advice suitable for all known emergencies at...
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Dialstone Lane, Part 3Dialstone Lane, Part 3. The church bells were ringing for morning service as Mr. Vickers, who had been for a stroll with Mr. William Russell and a couple of ferrets, returned home to breakfast. Contrary to custom, the small front room and the kitchen...
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Dialstone Lane, Part 1Dialstone Lane, Part 1. Mr. Edward Tredgold sat in the private office of Tredgold and Son, land and estate agents, gazing through the prim wire blinds at the peaceful High Street of Binchester. Tredgold senior, who believed in work for the young, had left...
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