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Gerald Eversley's Friendship: A Study in Real LifeGerald Eversley's Friendship: A Study in Real LifeIt was a day in September 186-. It was between five and six oclock in the afternoon. The railway station of St. Anselms seemed to be asleep save for the movement of four people, or, more strictly,...
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Uhkea markiisiUhkea markiisiI. Vedonlynti II. Kuninkaan toivomukset III. Ren de Lespiron IV. Tytt kuutamossa V. Varakreivi de Lavdan VI. Toipuvana VII. Eustachen vihamielisyys VIII. Valokuva IX. inen hlytys X. Kuolleistanoussut XI. Kuninkaan kskynhaltija XII. Toulousen tuomioistuin XIII. Yhdennelltoista hetkell XIV. Salaa kuuntelemassa XV. Herra de...
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SunSun The ship sailed at midnight. And for two hours her husband stayed with her, while the child was put to bed, and the passengers came on board. It was a black night, the Hudson swayed with heavy blackness, shaken over with spilled dribbles...
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My Northern Exposure: The Kawa at the PoleMy Northern Exposure: The Kawa at the PoleFor hundreds of years men have struggled amid snow and ice to reach one or the other of the earth's poles. Why? What has attracted them? What has been the lure which has led them from warm...
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Luolaihmiset: Kertomus ihmissuvun alkuajoiltaLuolaihmiset: Kertomus ihmissuvun alkuajoiltaJohdanto. I. Lapsi metsss. II. Ihminen ja hyeena. III. Ers ateria. IV. Ab ja Tammi. V. Muuan rohkea yritys. VI. Vaarallinen vieras. VII. Odottamaton tapaus. VIII. Sapelihammas ja sarvikuono. IX. Kotosalla. X. Rampa-ukko, opettaja. XI. Kotiaskareita. XII. Rampa-ukon tarinoita. XIII. Abin...
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In the Dead of NightIn the Dead of NightWith a smile, he lay back in his chair and watched the tide ebbing along. It was a November night and the pulse of Broadway beat heavily: the stream of life that flowed through the great artery was as flippant...
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The 13th LetterThe Thirteenth LetterThe white-capped nurse dropped the curtains in place so that they completely shut out the night and equally prevented any ray of artificial light penetrating the outer darkness. Her eyes, blinded by her steadfast gaze into the whirling snow storm, were slow...
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A lángban álló szigettengerA lángban álló szigettengerE kikt, Homr rgi Oetylosa, azon hrom mly beszgells egyikben fekszik, melyek az iniai s az gei tengerben ama platnfa-levelet kpezik, melyhez oly tallan hasonltottk Grgorszg dli rszt. E platnfa-levlen terjeszkedik szt a rgi Peloponnesus, az ujkori fldrajz Moreja. E beszgellsek...
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Hilda Strafford: A California StoryHilda Strafford: A California StoryProduced by: Carlos Colon, David E. Brown, the University of California, and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This book was produced from images made available by the HathiTrust Digital Library.) Scores of times he had tried to put...
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Peculiar: A Tale of the Great TransitionPeculiar: A Tale of the Great TransitionIt is a small and somewhat faded room in an unpretending brick house in one of the streets that intersect Broadway, somewhere between Canal Street and the Park. A woman sits at a writing-table, with the fingers of...
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Love Conquers Pride or, Where Peace DweltLove Conquers Pride; or, Where Peace DweltThere is such a profusion of good books in this list, that it is an impossibility to urge you to select any particular title or authors work. All that we can say is that any line that contains...
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The Wolf-Men: A Tale of Amazing Adventure in the Under-WorldThe Wolf-Men: A Tale of Amazing Adventure in the Under-WorldProfessor James Mervyns voice quivered with eagerness as he put this question to his companion, Sir William Seymour, in a private room of a large London hotel. The baronet, a man in the prime of...
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The Samovar GirlThe Samovar GirlIt was the music of chains. A column of unfortunates from the big prison on the hill swung down the road and turned into the wide street between the log houses. They were on their way out into the taiga to cut...
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LuolatyttöLuolatyttöJo neljnnen kerran otus oli pimen tullessa hiipinyt metsn reunaan jo neljtt kertaa niiden kolmen hirvittvn viikon aikana, jotka hn aaltojen maalle heittmn oli viettnyt tll autiolla rannalla, hn kauhuissaan tarkkaili metsn laidassa vijyv varjomaista hahmoa. Vain vaivoin hn sai hillityksi melkein ylivoimaisen halun...
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Kuningattaren lähettiKuningattaren lähettiHnen tekotukkansa jota hn kytti pakosta eik muodin vuoksi virui pydll tomuisten paperien seassa. Hnen pienell lihavalla nenlln, jonka nipukka oli punainen ja pyre kuin kirsikka, olivat sarvisankaiset silmlasit. Hnen silmns olivat kiinni ja suu auki, ja joko suusta tai nenst tai kenties...
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Godsend to a LadyGodsend to a LadyCasey waved good-by to the men from Tonopah, squinted up at the sun, and got a coal-oil can of water and filled the radiator of his Ford. He rolled his bed in the tarp and tied it securely, put flour, bacon,...
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Venti anni dopoVenti anni dopo In una stanza del cos detto palazzo Cardinal, a noi gi noto, accanto a un tavolino intarsiato su gli angoli dargento dorato ed ingombro di fogli e libri, sedeva un uomo, posatasi su le due mani la testa. E dietro ad...
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El papa del marEl papa del marEsto fu en el Select Hotel de Avin, las ocho de la noche. Claudio Borja, que la haba observado de lejos durante la comida, abandon su mesa para apostarse junto al hall, y al verla llegar pregunt en espaol: Los dos...
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Better days or, A Millionaire of To-morrowBetter days; or, A Millionaire of To-morrowChicago, said Professor John Thornton, Chicago, my dear doctor, is the typical American city. New York and San Francisco may be classed as metropolitan. Philadelphia, St. Louis, and New Orleans are local to their surroundings; Boston isBoston, but...
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The Adam ChaserThe Adam ChaserHalfway up a long caon that cut a six-mile gash through rugged mountains thinly pock-marked with prospect holes, the radiator cap of John Abingtons car blew off with a pop like amateur home-brew. For a matter of a minute, perhaps, that particular...
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