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Wrong AnalogyWrong AnalogyRuth was standing at the vast window of the spaceport, her body taut and eager, the luggage piled high around her. When Harvey Flanders came out of the ship carrying the last two suitcases, she darted to him. Harvey's eyes followed the sweep...
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Der Sohn einer MagdDer Sohn einer MagdAutor. Das steht auf dem Titel: Die Entwicklung einer Seele, 1849-67. Ich gebe zu, da mte noch stehen: Im mittleren Schweden und unter den im Buche angegebenen Voraussetzungen: die Erblichkeit von Mutter, Vater und Amme; die Verhltnisse whrend der Schwangerschaft; die...
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Project Hi-PsiProject Hi-PsiHe ignored the door that offered "Information", passed up office after office until he came to the glass paneled door which informed him that behind it functioned the Director of FBI operations in the Los Angeles area. Lucifer Brill rubbed the knuckles of...
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Berels Berta: Eine Bauerngeschichte aus dem LuxemburgischenBerels Berta: Eine Bauerngeschichte aus dem LuxemburgischenDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1915 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Typographische Fehler wurden stillschweigend korrigiert. Ungewhnliche und inkonsistente Schreibweisen bleiben gegenber dem Original unverndert. Passagen in luxemburgischer Sprache wurden dem Original entsprechend bernommen....
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All But Lost: A Novel. Vol. 3 of 3All But Lost: A Novel. Vol. 3 of 3Fred Bingham was now rather an important person in his way. He had a large number of works in hand; he was contractor for miles of sewers in and around London. He was building a noblemans...
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The ScamperersThe ScamperersThe Earthman, Wellesley, came to Ophir in the season of aphelion, when the binary suns of that remote planet were cold serpent's eyes, dimly seen above the chill mists that shrouded its fern forests and craggy, young mountains, its silent oceans and magnificent...
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ZZTime reversal exists at the sub-atomic level according to Feynman's Theoryand according to that same theory any entity can exist in three places at one time.... Does this explain, the strange co-existence of Summer, Mark and Wyn? What scientific or supernatural principle is behind...
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After Some TomorrowAfter Some TomorrowBefore the first shots rang out, Alan had been sitting with some twenty young people of the Wolf clan in a grove of aspen approximately half way between the fields and the citadel on the hill-top. He had been teaching them myth-legend...
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Sales ResistanceSales ResistanceOn his way home from the concert, Perry Mansfield whistled a pleasant melody from an old Stravinsky classic. But then, troubled by his conscience and that of his psychiatrist, he stopped to study the program again. What was that modern symphony? Oh yes,...
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A Matter of OrderA Matter of Order"I don't like it at all," the tall thin man said. His name was Tharn, and he was known throughout the sprawling colony for the high-strung nervousness that was understandable enough in a youth of fifty, but hardly normal for a...
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The Blind MusicianThe Blind MusicianIt affords me great pleasure to link my name with that of Vladimir Korolenko by writing a few words in the form of an introduction to the translation of that gifted young authors Blind Musician, which is now to appear for the...
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The Gaspards of Pine Croft: A Romance of the WindermereThe Gaspards of Pine Croft: A Romance of the WindermereOf all British Columbia valleys none has a finer sweep than the spacious Windermere. The valley rolls itself on both sides of the Columbia River in wide stretches of grass lands, varied with great reaches...
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RejectReject"Look at him," he stormed, turning to Martha. "Just look at him. Every damn time I try to reason with him, he starts to snivel like an animal, instead of acting like a normal human being." Mr. Ames flicked his cigar ashes toward a...
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The psychotechnic league bk. 15What Shall It Profit?Radek shrugged and gave the slot a two-credit piece. It slid the whisky out on a tray with his change. He stuck the coins in his pouch and took another careful sip of beer. There was an Asian whine to the...
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Night CourtNight CourtThe old courthouse was in the unreconstructed part of town. No buses ran out here, and the only way that Stan and Julie could reach the court was on foot, threading their way through the debris of neglect and vandalism that littered the...
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Ely's Automatic HousemaidEly's Automatic HousemaidIN order for a man to have faith in such an invention, he would have to know Harrison Ely. For Harrison Ely was a genius. I had known him in college, a man amazingly dull in Latin and Greek and even in...
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More E. K. MeansMore E. K. Means - Is This a Title? It Is Not. It Is the Name of a Writer of Negro Stories, Who Has Made Himself So Completely the Writer of Negro Stories That This Second Book, Like the First, Needs No TitleThe stories...
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The Adventures of Dr. ThorndykeThe Adventures of Dr. Thorndyke - (The Singing Bone)The peculiar construction of the first four stories in the present collection will probably strike both reader and critic and seem to call for some explanation, which I accordingly proceed to supply. In the conventional detective...
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LaboratoryLaboratoryPud looked up from the tiny thig-field he had been shaping in his tentacles. "Of course they are," he thought-snapped. "You practically invited them down, didn't you? If you'd only kept a few eyes on the Detector, instead of day-dreaming" "I'm sorry," Gop said...
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HaaksirikkoHaaksirikkoDzhogendra, Annada Babun poika, oli Rameshin opintotoveri ja naapuri. Annada Babu kuului Brahma Samadzhiin, ja hnen tyttrens Hemnalini oli hiljattain ilmoittautunut yliopistolliseen kypsyystutkintoon. Ramesh vieraili alinomaa heidn luonansa. Hn ilmaantui snnllisesti teenjuonnin aikaan, mutta tee ei nhtvsti ollut ainoa houkutus, koska hnet nhtiin siell...
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