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The Attic Guest: A NovelThe Attic Guest: A Novel This story, which the authoress herself entitled "The Attic Guest," would probably have never been given to the world but for an incidental visit which I paid to a certain manse. It was then and there that the following...
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Our Lady of the PillarOur Lady of the PillarBeing in Lisbon in October last, I sauntered one evening into the Livraria Bertrand, a recognised meeting-place of men of letters in the Chiado, still the principal street of the Capital, and now known officially as the Rua Garrett, though,...
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Pelikello: SalapoliisikertomusPelikello: Salapoliisikertomus"Kaikki", vastasi poliisipllikk, "kaikki osaston kytettvt voimat, mutta erityisesti Harald Brede, joka juoksee ymprins ja hiostuu ponnistuksista aina koleina syyspivin. Mutta hn ei ole lytnyt hiukkaakaan. Hn on senthden kerrassaan toivoton. Milloin alatte toimia tmn asian kanssa?" "Kyll, heti sen Kristianiaan saapumisen jlkeen....
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Rukousnauha: RomaaniRukousnauha: RomaaniI luku. Herttuatar astuu nyttmlle. II luku. Jalosukuinen Jane neiti esitetn. III luku. "Ylltys". IV luku. Jane tarjoutuu sijaiseksi. V luku. Uskoutumista. VI luku. Verho kohoaa. VII luku. Garth lyt rukousnauhansa. VIII luku. Lis helmi. IX luku. Lady Inglebyn luona. X luku. Ihmeellisi...
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Honeycomb: Pilgrimage, Volume 3Honeycomb: Pilgrimage, Volume 3 When Miriam got out of the train into the darkness she knew that there were woods all about her. The moist air was rich with the smell of treeswet bark and branchesmoss and lichen, damp dead leaves. She stood on...
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His Excellency [Son Exc. Eugène Rougon]His Excellency [Son Exc. Eugène Rougon]We live at such high speed nowadays, and the Second French Empire is already so far behind us, that I am inclined to place Son Excellence Eugne Rougon in the category of historical novels. In some degree it certainly...
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Kitty of the RosesKitty of the RosesThrough the wide-open window floated in the fragrance of dew-dripping flowers. On the edge of the table a smouldering cigarette sent up a thin, wavering filament of gray smoke that lost itself in the upper gloom of the darkened room, leaving...
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Kostajan kourissa: SalapoliisikertomusKostajan kourissa: SalapoliisikertomusMuuanna talvi iltana noin kolme vuotta sitten istui Asbjrn Krag kamiinan vieress tyhuoneessaan selaillen paksua asiapaperikr, jonka ers salapoliisin apua tarvitseva oli hnelle hiljattain jttnyt. Voimakkaasti valaiseva lamppu seisoi typydll, jolle oli asetettu erilaatuisia asiakirjoja, muutamia kellastuneita kirjeit, tilej ja erikoinen osasto...
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La Guerre des Boutons: Roman de ma douzième annéeLa Guerre des Boutons: Roman de ma douzième annéeTel qui sesjouit lire Rabelais, ce grand et vrai gnie franais, accueillera, je crois, avec plaisir, ce livre qui, malgr son titre, ne sadresse ni aux petits enfants, ni aux jeunes pucelles. Foin des pudeurs (toutes...
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Johnny NelsonJohnny Nelson - How a one-time pupil of Hopalong Cassidy of the famous Bar-20 ranch in the Pecos Valley performed an act of knight-errantry and what came of itTranscriber's Notes: Blank pages have been eliminated. Variations in spelling and hyphenation have been left as...
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Ruby Roland, the Girl Spy or, Simon Kenton's ProtegeRuby Roland, the Girl Spy; or, Simon Kenton's Protege Chapter I. The Rangers Ruse. Chapter II. The Island. Chapter III. The Meeting. Chapter IV. Ruby Roland. Chapter V. The Journey. Chapter VI. Danger All Round. Chapter VII. On the Line. Chapter VIII. The Backwoods...
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Hänen ylhäisyytensä seikkailu: SalapoliisiromaaniHänen ylhäisyytensä seikkailu: SalapoliisiromaaniMies oli, kuten sanottu, jokseenkin hyvin puettu puhtaine kauluksineen ja kalvosimineen. Hnen karkeista ksistn ptteli Asbjrn Krag kuitenkin hnen kuuluvan tylisluokkaan. Hnen kasvonsa olivat levehkt ja tyteliset, ja hiukan lammasmaiset silmt eivt ilmaisseet mitn erikoista lykkyytt. Hn oli parraton ja aivan...
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Harry Coverdale's Courtship, and All That Came of ItHarry Coverdale's Courtship, and All That Came of It If our readers, gentle or simple, will obligingly stretch their imaginations sufficiently to depict for themselves the happiness of Alice and Harry during the first month of their married life, popularly denominated the honeymoon, and...
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The Fortunes of the Colville Family or, A Cloud with its Silver LiningThe Fortunes of the Colville Family; or, A Cloud with its Silver Lining Words, of course, in themselves good and well-chosen, and embodying a wish which all who love their neighbour should feel and communicate;God in his mercy grant there may be very many...
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Head of the Lower SchoolHead of the Lower SchoolThere is in England a large and interesting county, mostly green on maps. We call it Lincolnshire. There is a part of that same county where you see the gleaming silver of the Washso fatal to King John of unpleasing...
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The Rush for the Spoil (La Curée): A Realistic NovelThe Rush for the Spoil (La Curée): A Realistic NovelThe public and the press have agreed that "L'Assommoir" is M. Zola's chef d'uvre. Against this verdict I have no objection to offer. I believe it will meet with posterity's endorsement. But although "L'Assommoir" may...
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Oliver TwistOliver TwistUnter den groen Humoristen des vorigen Jahrhunderts, die zugleich Tendenzschriftsteller im besten Sinne waren, nimmt Charles Dickens einen hervorragenden Platz ein, den er trotz des schnellen Wandels des literarischen Geschmacks und der Kunstanschauung in der Weltliteratur behaupten wird. Dickens ist nicht nur der...
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Adrian Savage: A NovelAdrian Savage: A Novel TO GABRIELLE FRANCESCA LILIAN MARY THIS BOOK IS DEDICATED. UPON HER BIRTHDAY. AS A LOVE-TOKEN BY LUCAS MALET THE ORCHARD, EVERSLEY AUGUST 28, 1911 I will ask my readers kindly to understand that this book is altogether a work of...
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First Love: A Novel. Vol. 2 of 3First Love: A Novel. Vol. 2 of 3During the day, Lord Borrowdales attentions to Julia were public and unremitting, while the infatuated, unhappy Edmund witnessed it all in growing sorrow of heart. Had he then, he asked himself, already yielded to a passion so...
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