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The Viking's SkullThe Viking's SkullOn one of the granitic peninsulas of Western Brittany stands the little town of Quilaix, situated in a hollow facing the sea. To the ordinary tourist the place presents few features of interest beyond its ivy-mantled church, whose doors bear the counterfeit...
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The Stars InclineThe Stars InclineOne can be nineteen and still know a great deal of the world. Ruth Mayfield felt that she knew a great deal of the world. She could judge character, and taking care of Mothers business affairs had helped a lot, and like...
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RxRxThey didn't realize they were in trouble until it was too late to stop it. The call from Morua II came in quite innocently, relayed to the ship from HQ in Standard GPP Contract code for crash priority, which meant Top Grade Planetary Emergency,...
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Kolme miestä matkallaKolme miestä matkalla - Kertomus Juhanin, Tuomaan ja Simeonin pikaretkestä pyramiideilleI. Lht Helsingist. Pikku huomioita ravintolavaunussa. Kotimaalle hyvsti ja kiitos. II. Mieluinen hmmstys. Huolestunut ruotsalainen ja huoleton englantilainen. Harun al Rashid, Giajar ja Mesrur. III. Ruusu ja kukkanen. Skandinaavista ruokakulttuuria. Silmys jiselle ulapalle. Ahvenanmaan...
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Westover of Wanalah: A story of love and life in Old VirginiaWestover of Wanalah: A story of love and life in Old Virginia I. Peril and Passion 1 II. A Song without Words 14 III. The Best Laid Plans 31 IV. A Woman's Word 27 V. Pleasant Dreams and an Ugly Awakening 40 VI. Out...
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Game PreserveGame PreserveThe first of the morons, as they were popularly called, though they were totally lacking in intelligence, were born in 1971, eleven years after the Mutual Retaliation phase of the big war-that-no-one-started, the majority of them near the big, bombed-out cities. By 1973,...
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The PoorsThe PoorsThe world newspapers had heralded the event for months. "The First Personal Visit from Outer Space" was the most important headline of the decade. Now there were perhaps sixty thousand people crowding behind ropes and guards at the Earth Interspace Airport, waiting patiently...
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Le Diable au Corps: RomanLe Diable au Corps: RomanJe vais encourir bien des reproches. Mais qu'y puis-je? Est-ce ma faute si j'eus douze ans quelques mois avant la dclaration de la guerre? Sans doute, les troubles qui me vinrent de cette priode extraordinaire furent d'une sorte qu'on n'prouve...
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The Clockwork ManThe Clockwork ManIt was just as Doctor Allingham had congratulated himself upon the fact that the bowling was broken, and that he had only to hit now and save the trouble of running, just as he was scanning the boundaries with one eye and...
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The White Chief of the OttawaThe White Chief of the Ottawa Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year one thousand nine hundred and three, by BERTHA WRIGHT CARR-HARRIS, at the Department of Agriculture. "The White Chief of the Ottawa" is not fiction. It is...
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The heir: A love storyThe heir: A love storyMiss Chase lay on her immense red silk four-poster that reached as high as the ceiling. Her face was covered over by a sheet, but as she had a high, aristocratic nose, it raised the sheet into a ridge, ending...
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Shibusawa or, The passing of old JapanShibusawa; or, The passing of old JapanTO hope to understand in a few short years or even in a lifetime the development of the humane, refined, and notably progressive people of Japan would be presumptuous; yet, if I can in these pages contribute in...
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Dark WindowsDark WindowsI was suddenly wide awake and listening. A gray light the color of wet charcoal lay over the chilled room. There it was again. Plain and sharp through the thin wall separating my room from that of old man Donnicker, the shoe-maker. Maybe...
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Millionen Der Tod des Iwan Lande: Zwei NovellenMillionen; Der Tod des Iwan Lande: Zwei Novellen Zwischen dem dunklen Himmel und dem Meer schwebte der Schein des Mondes. Rund und klar stand er, gleichmig wie ein Rauchschleier, ber dem Horizont. In den sten der Gartenbume schwankten und hpften kleine bunte Lampions, als...
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I PoseI PoseSometimes I pose, but sometimes I pose as posing. There was once a gardener. Not only was, but in all probability is, for as far as I know you may meet him to this day. There are no death-bed scenes in this book....
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Robinson Crusoe's Reisen, wunderbare Abenteuer und ErlebnisseRobinson Crusoe's Reisen, wunderbare Abenteuer und ErlebnisseRobinsons Herkunft. Hang zum Seeleben. Unterredung mit seinem Vater. Besuch in Hull. Er geht zur See. Sturm. Des Schiffes Untergang auf der Reede zu Yarmouth. Robinsons Unschlssigkeit. Reise nach London. Im Jahre 1632 erblickte ich in der Stadt...
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Sämtliche Werke 3-4: Der IdiotSämtliche Werke 3-4: Der Idiot Die russische Mystik ist ein Od, das den russischen Menschen umgibt. Die russische Mystik ist der Atem, der dem Leib und dem Leben des russischen Volkes entstrmt. Die russische Mystik ist die Stimmung, die der russischen Erde entsteigt, dmmernd...
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The Man on the Other SideThe Man on the Other SideRuth Courthope Seer stood on her own doorstep and was content. She looked across the garden and the four-acre field with the white may hedge boundary. It was all hers. Her eyes slowly followed the way of the sun....
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Land at Last: A NovelLand at Last: A NovelIt was between nine and ten oclock on a January night, and the London streets were in a state of slush. During the previous night snow had fallen heavily, and the respectable portion of the community, which, according to regular...
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