Health & Fitness
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In Due Time: 9 Practical Habits to Achieving SuccessAre you tired of trying to make positive changes in your life only to fail? Do you want to learn how to get the most out of your life, but don't know where to start? If you are looking to transform your life and...
- ¥7,788 JPY
- ¥7,788 JPY
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ФАНТАСТИЧЕСКОЕ РУКОВОД&#У всех нас есть инстинкт следовать чистому и здоровому образу жизни. Глубоко внутри мы знаем, что хорошо, а что плохо для нас, но иногда предпочитаем игнорировать тело и разум. Регулярная практика йоги помогает стимулировать эти естественные инстинкты. Йога меняет привычки и является процессом нормализации.Основная...
- ¥12,536 JPY
- ¥12,536 JPY
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Off the Chart: A Nurse's Journey of Heart and HumorOff the Chart is an account of what goes on behind the scenes in health care. Jennifer Tipton takes readers through the nearly thirty-year journey of her nursing career, where they will experience the laughter, tears, hopes, and heartaches, all through the eyes of...
- ¥6,214 JPY
- ¥6,214 JPY
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A Neighborhood Café: A Guide and Celebration of Healthy Food and Community Engagement, Color EditionColor Paperback EditionIn describing her vision of a neighborhood café, Fran Weber imagines an inspired public space where people can both enjoy healthy food and fashion collaborative solutions to our shared challenges. Her book provides practical guidance for constructing a commercial or communal space...
- ¥8,054 JPY
- ¥8,054 JPY
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No-Problem Parenting(TM): Raising Your Kiddos With More Confidence and Less FearWhen we decide to become a parent, we are excited and nervous, yet we often feel well-prepared, anxiously waiting for our baby or child to arrive.Some of us unexpectedly become a parent or accept the responsibility of caring for a child that needs a...
- ¥8,193 JPY
- ¥8,193 JPY
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KsiĄŻka Przygotowania Stolu KulturyNikt nie zwraca tyle uwagi na to, co jedzą, co kulturysta. Kalorie muszą byc prawidlowe, a makra muszą byc zbilansowane i nie możemy też zapomniec o mikro.Są też różne filozofie dietetyczne, które walczą o pozycję pole position - przerywany post, kolarstwo węglowodanowe, ketogeniczna i...
- ¥11,065 JPY
- ¥11,065 JPY
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Rimedi efficaci per smettere di Russare!: Soluzioni e Metodi Anti RussamentoIl rumore di un'autostrada trafficata: questo è il record mondiale di russamento. Ma anche il russatore medio conosce il tormento della notte: il partner fugge sul divano, la notte è agitata e la mattina inizia come se fosse stato spazzato via. Un adulto su...
- ¥5,271 JPY
- ¥5,271 JPY
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Balneotherapy: A Beginner's 3-Step Quick Start Guide, With Sample RecipesBalneotherapy, also known as water therapy, is a form of alternative medicine that involves the use of water for healing and rejuvenation. The word "balneotherapy" comes from the Latin word balneum meaning "bath."Balneotherapy can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as Greece, Rome,...
- ¥2,796 JPY
- ¥2,796 JPY
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Un monde fictif: Il est temps de conclureCette auto-analyse psychologique m'a permis de trouver des causes. La mise en oeuvre des solutions ne dépend que de moi. Je ne peux plus me cacher. Sois ton propre chien. Contente-toi de que tu as et dis merci. Tu es vivant.Author: François LavergnePublisher: BlurbPublished:...
- ¥3,819 JPY
- ¥3,819 JPY
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Nuts, Seeds, and Whole Grains in Your Diet: Eat a handful a day and keep major diseases at bayNuts, seeds, and whole grains are among the most nutrient-rich foods, but remain one of the most under-consumed. A handful of these super plant foods, eaten regularly, can lower the risk for major diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers, and...
- ¥2,609 JPY
- ¥2,609 JPY
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Flexibility: Fastest Scientific Flexibility Program for Middle Splits (Poses and Practices for Improving Full-body Mobility Over TiDiscover The Ultimate Guide To Flexibility Here!Flexibility is one the most UNDERRATED and OVERLOOKED activities in all of physical fitness! Don't make the same mistake that 95% of the population makes...At present, you may be suffering from problems such as postural deviations, pain, functional...
- ¥4,293 JPY
- ¥4,293 JPY
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Food for Braces: Recipes, Food Ideas and Tips for EATING with BracesEverything you need to know about Eating with Braces: Recipes and ideas for braces-friendly food. What to Eat in the First Week when your teeth and gums are sore. Lunch Box Solutions - easy grab and go food that is soft and easy to...
- ¥7,376 JPY
- ¥7,376 JPY
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100 Q&as about Lymphoma 3eWritten by oncology experts with over 20 years of experience, 100 Questions and Answers About Lymphoma, Third Edition provides authoritative answers to your questions on lymphoma. Featuring the information you need in one concise, easy-to-read volume, 100 Questions and Answers About Lymphoma, Third Edition...
- ¥7,154 JPY
- ¥7,154 JPY
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Habits: How Leaders Shape Stories That Drive Action (Rewire Your Brain to Build Better Habits and Unlock Your Full Potential)Are you tired of being unsuccessful in your personal or business life?Are you tired of not achieving your goals?Are you constantly feeling stressed out and overwhelmed, even by menial everyday tasks?Success is something that every person is streaming towards - it's in our blood...
- ¥4,905 JPY
- ¥4,905 JPY
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Love Yourself Like A ManLOVE YOURSELF LIKE A MANAre you a man in need of self-love? Do you want to raise your levels of self-esteem and self-worth? Are you worried that expressing your needs will make you less manly? Self-love can empower you to feel stronger, healthier, and...
- ¥3,931 JPY
- ¥3,931 JPY
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Finding the Psychic BeingThis book contains quotations from Sri Aurobindo and Mother which were used in an exhibition titled "Sri Aurobindo and Mother, Finding the Psychic Being". In the yoga of personal growth and transformation which Sri Aurobindo and the Mother brought to humanity, the first stage...
- ¥2,457 JPY
- ¥2,457 JPY
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From Fear To Faith: Surviving Cancer Six Times"You have cancer."When your doctor says these words, how do you react?Fear often overwhelms any other response to a cancer diagnosis. What if the treatments don't work? What does the future look like? Will I die? Questions like these can lead to a tailspin...
- ¥3,499 JPY
- ¥3,499 JPY
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Believe Me: My Battle with the Invisible Disability of Lyme DiseaseFrom the star of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills comes an emotional and eye opening behind-the-scenes look at her descent into uncovering the mystery of chronic Lyme disease. In early 2011, Yolanda was struck by mysterious symptoms including brain fog, severe exhaustion, migraines...
- ¥5,160 JPY
- ¥5,160 JPY
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Digiuno Intermittente: Il modo segreto per perdere grasso e costruire muscoli massimizzando il tuo potenziale per vivere più a lungo (La guidTi piacerebbe bruciare i grassi in eccesso con il metodo più veloce esistente? Vorresti avere il doppio dell'energia e una concentrazione tagliente?Negli anni infatti, i media ci hanno propinato qualsiasi tipo di dieta, da quella a zona, alla dieta del kiwi, dall'avocado al gelato....
- ¥2,210 JPY
- ¥2,210 JPY
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Stop Overthinking! 9 Steps to Eliminate Stress, Anxiety, Negativity and Focus your ProductivityDiscover proven, concrete techniques for overcoming stress and anxiety to stop overthinking once and for all. Are you tired of running through the same scenarios in your head over and over, wondering what you could have said or done differently?Do you have difficulty falling...
- ¥5,378 JPY
- ¥5,378 JPY
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