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Rooman keisareita marmorihahmossaRooman keisareita marmorihahmossaJos nousette Kapitoliumille nhdksenne Julius Cesarin ja miss hnet kohtaisi, ellei siell? niin lk odottako saavanne katsella Sullan "huolettomasti vytetty poikaa", jonka olento on hillitn, eleet houkuttelevat, tukka kihara, silmt mustat ja vilkkaat ja jsenet kauniisti pyristyneet ja solakat! Se Cesar, Afroditen...
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I. Origen de los indios de América. II. Origen y civilizaciones de los indígenas del PerúI. Origen de los indios de América. II. Origen y civilizaciones de los indígenas del Perú.Antes de entrar en materia sobre la antropogenia del Hombre, es oportuno formarse una idea de las causas creadoras productoras del Universo, para lo cual precisa exponer algunas hiptesis...
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Following the Sun-Flag: A Vain Pursuit Through ManchuriaFollowing the Sun-Flag: A Vain Pursuit Through ManchuriaAfter a long still-hunt in Tokio, and a long pursuit through Manchuria, following that Sun-Flag of Japan, I gave up the chase at Liao-Yang. Not being a military expert, my purpose was simply to see under that...
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National Park Service Historical Handbook Series #9Gettysburg National Military Park, PennsylvaniaThis publication is one of a series of handbooks describing the historical and archeological areas in the National Park System, administered by the National Park Service of the United States Department of the Interior. It is printed by the Government...
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Comme quoi Napoléon n'a jamais existéComme quoi Napoléon n'a jamais existé - ou, Grand erratum source d'un nombre infini d'errata à noter dans l'histoire du XIXe siècleNapolon Bonaparte, dont on a dit et crit tant de choses, n'a pas mme exist. Ce n'est qu'un personnage allgorique. C'est le soleil...
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Recollections of Rifleman Harris, (Old 95th.)Recollections of Rifleman Harris, (Old 95th.) - with anecdotes of his officers and his comradesThe following pages, describing the chequered life of a private soldier, who served during the most glorious period of our military history, speak so plainly for themselves, as scarcely to...
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The Lincoln Country in PicturesThe Lincoln Country in PicturesThe story of Abraham Lincoln is ever fresh. It appeals to the imagination and grips the vision of many people in various ways. Perhaps that is why millions of visitors make pilgrimages to the humble abodes in which he lived...
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The Unspeakable ScotThe Unspeakable ScotThis book is for Anglo-Saxons. It is also in the nature of a broad hint for Scotchmen. My qualification to bestow broad hints upon the politest and most intellectual of the peoples is that I possess a large fund of contempt for...
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Shi Yi Ji Shi Yi Lu拾遺記 You provide, in accordance with paragraph 1.F.3, a full refund of any money paid for a work or a replacement copy, if a defect in the electronic work is discovered and reported to you within 90 days of receipt of the work. 1.F.3....
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Suomalaisia sankareita I: Historiallisia kertomuksiaSuomalaisia sankareita I: Historiallisia kertomuksiaNykyn, jolloin koko sivistysmaailma el Mars-jumalan merkeiss, on syyt palauttaa muistoomme niit omia urhojamme, jotka kuluneina aikoina ovat vertaan vuodattaneet synnyinmaansa puolesta, piirten miekankrjell nimens sen historian lehdille. Tasapuolisesti historian kulkua tarkastaessamme on meidn myntminen, ett sodilla ja miekkamiehillkin, erittinkin...
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Suomalaisia sankareita II: Historiallisia kertomuksiaSuomalaisia sankareita II: Historiallisia kertomuksiaNevajoen suulla, siell miss tm valtava vesivyl suuria kiemuroita tehtyn moniksi suuhaaroiksi jakautuen purkautuu Suomenlahteen, seisoi Kiveksten vanha talo. Noiden suuhaarojen vliss on joukko suurempia ja pienempi saaria, mutta kaikista vhptisimmlle niist oli Kiveksten kantais pirttins rakentanut. Saarta oli jo...
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Warren Commission (14 of 26): Hearings Vol. XIV (of 15)Warren Commission (14 of 26): Hearings Vol. XIV (of 15)The testimony of the following witnesses is contained in volume XIV: Curtis LaVerne Crafard, Wilbyrn Waldon (Robert) Litchfield II, Robert Carl Patterson, Alice Reaves Nichols, Ralph Paul, George Senator, Nancy Perrin Rich, Breck Wall (Billy...
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Erdély aranykora: RegényErdély aranykora: RegényA Drva mellkn vagyunk, egyikben azon vgtelen lankasgoknak, mikben a vad is eltved. Mindenfel erdk, szzados ihar- s gerfk, s az erdk tvben vz. Nagyszer mocsr, melybl vizi virgok s ss helyett risi szlfk nttek el, miknek lehajl galyairl gykereket hz az...
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The Abounding AmericanThe Abounding AmericanGuywhy Guy diced and drabbed and ruffled away his inheritance, and to save his neck took shipping for the tobacco plantations where, they say, he married a daughter of Lo, the poor Indian, and none hath since heard of him. This is...
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Bell's English History Source BooksYork and Lancaster, 1399-1485This series of English History Source Books is intended for use with any ordinary textbook of English History. Experience has conclusively shown that such apparatus is a valuablenay, an indispensableadjunct to the history lesson. It is capable of two main uses:...
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Théodore de Neuhoff, Roi de CorseThéodore de Neuhoff, Roi de CorseNote sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corrigs. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. Thodore de Neuhoff n'est pas un...
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The Viking Age. Volume 2 (of 2)The Viking Age. Volume 2 (of 2) - The early history, manners, and customs of the ancestors of the English-speaking nationsWAGGON OF THE VIKING AGE.One of two waggons found in the Deibjerg bog, Ringkjobing, West Jutland, ornamented all over with bronze; and on each...
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The Viking Age. Volume 1 (of 2)The Viking Age. Volume 1 (of 2) - The early history, manners, and customs of the ancestors of the English-speaking nationsWhile studying the progress made in the colonisation of different parts of the world by European nations, I have often asked myself the following...
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Nether LochaberNether Lochaber - The Natural History, Legends, and Folk-lore of the West HighlandsThe contents of this volume made their first appearance in the shape of a series of papers from Nether Lochaber in the Inverness Courier, a well-known Northern Journal, long and ably conducted...
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