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Der Weg ohne Heimkehr: Ein Martyrium in BriefenDer Weg ohne Heimkehr: Ein Martyrium in Briefen Diese Briefe reden vom Tode, manche sind an Tote gerichtet. Als ich sie schrieb, wute ich nicht, da ich sie einmal zu einem Buche vereinen wrde. Aber im Angesicht der Vernichtung, unter dem fahlen Horizont einer...
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Famous Frosts and Frost Fairs in Great BritainFamous Frosts and Frost Fairs in Great Britain - Chronicled from the Earliest to the Present TimeThe aim of this book is to furnish a reliable account of remarkable frosts occurring in this country from the earliest period in our Annals to the present...
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Life and Times of Her Majesty Caroline Matilda, Vol. 3 (of 3)Life and Times of Her Majesty Caroline Matilda, Vol. 3 (of 3) - Queen of Denmark and Norway, and Sister of H. M. George III. of EnglandThe IndictmentBrandt at CourtThe Assault on the KingThe King's DepositionThe Queen and StruenseeDuty of a Good CitizenThe ConfidantThe...
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Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume 01 (of 11)Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume 01 (of 11)On the 2d day of May 1945, President Truman signed Executive Order 9547 appointing Justice Robert H. Jackson as Representative of the United States and as its Chief of Counsel in the preparation and prosecution of the...
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Under King Henry's Banners: A story of the days of AgincourtUnder King Henry's Banners: A story of the days of AgincourtHe was dressed in a leathern suit, much soiled and frayed by the frequent wearing of armour, while on his head was a close-fitting cap, quilted and padded to ease the weight of a...
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FlemingtonFlemingtonTHIS book has no claim to be considered an historical novel, none of the principal people in it being historic characters; but the taking of the ship, as also the manner of its accomplishment, is true. MR. DUTHIE walked up the hill with the...
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The Gallery of Portraits: with Memoirs. Volume 5 (of 7)The Gallery of Portraits: with Memoirs. Volume 5 (of 7)Engraved by W. Holl.JEREMY TAYLOR.From the original Picture in the Hall of All Souls College, Oxford.Under the Superintendance of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge.London, Published by Charles Knight, Ludgate Street. If this...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 46, May 15, 1841The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 46, May 15, 1841The ruins of Dangan Castle, situated about two miles of the village of Summerhill, in the county of Meath, stand in the centre of an extensive demesne, once richly wooded, and within which, formerly...
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Leo Mechelinin elämäLeo Mechelinin elämäKun Leo Mechelin viime vuoden alussa kuoli, tunnustettiin yleisesti, ett Suomi hness oli menettnyt parhaita poikiaan, miehen, joka ansaitsee maamme hartaimmat kiitokset siit, ett hn pitkn ja monivaiheisen elmns aikana omisti suuren kykyns, harvinaisen tarmonsa sen hyvksi sek koettelemuksen pivin rohkeasti asettui...
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Boys Who Became Famous MenBoys Who Became Famous Men - Stories of the Childhood of Poets, Artists, and MusiciansOne summer morning, long ago, a small boy guarded his father's sheep on a hillside in the Apennines. Up and down the stony pasture he trod, driving back the lambs...
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Bolshevismi ja olot VenäjälläBolshevismi ja olot VenäjälläVenjn vallankumouksesta ja olojen kehityksest Venjll on nyt jo tavallaan tullut yleismaailmallinen kysymys, joka liikuttaa ei ainoastaan politikkojen, vaan suorastaan kansojen mieli Amerikaa ja Japania myten. Mik olisi sen vuoksi luonnollisempaa, kuin ett me, jotka elmme suorastaan tmn vallankumouksen niin sanoakseni...
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Schneeberger Schützenmittwoch vor fünfizig JahrenSchneeberger Schützenmittwoch vor fünfizig JahrenNur wenige alte Schneeberger werden sich noch auf die ehemalige Kommunalgarde entsinnen knnen. Schreiber dieser Bltter war zur Zeit ihrer Auflsung, im Jahre 1853, noch Einjhriger beim Regiment Milch und Zwieback und so kann er nur vom Hrensagen berichten, da...
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What Does History Teach?What Does History Teach? - Two Edinburgh Lectures The following Lectures were prepared for the Philosophical Institution of Edinburgh, and were delivered, with the exception of a few passages, before audiences consisting of Members of that Institution on the evenings of 8th and 11th...
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Reminiscences of Prince Talleyrand, Volume 1 (of 2)Reminiscences of Prince Talleyrand, Volume 1 (of 2)Prince Talleyrand has left a name in Europe perhaps the greatest ever achieved by any man in France who has devoted himself exclusively to the civil offices of the state. In the present century, he has become...
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Ambassador Morgenthau's StoryAmbassador Morgenthau's StoryBY THIS time the American people have probably become convinced that the Germans deliberately planned the conquest of the world. Yet they hesitate to convict on circumstantial evidence and for this reason all eye witnesses to this, the greatest crime in modern...
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Aristipp in Hamburg und Altona: Ein Sitten-Gemälde neuester ZeitAristipp in Hamburg und Altona: Ein Sitten-Gemälde neuester ZeitDer vorliegende Text wurde anhand der 1840 erschienenen Buchausgabe so weit wie mglich originalgetreu wiedergegeben. Ungewhnliche und altertmliche Schreibweisen sowie Zeichensetzung, welche nicht mehr dem heutigen Standard entspricht, wurden nicht korrigiert, insbesondere wenn diese im Text...
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The History Teacher's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 4, December, 1909The History Teacher's Magazine, Vol. I, No. 4, December, 1909These Outlines in History aid the teacher in bringing out the subject as a whole, and in so focusing it as to make the picture clear-cut and vivid in the pupils mind. By their use...
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The Republic of Ragusa: An Episode of the Turkish ConquestThe Republic of Ragusa: An Episode of the Turkish ConquestTHE eastern shore of the Adriatic from the Quarnero to the Bocche di Cattaro is a series of deep inlets and bays, with rocky mountains rising up behind, while countless islands, forming a veritable archipelago,...
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In Spite of All: A NovelIn Spite of All: A Novel There had been a heavy fall of snow in Hereford during the night, but the south walk in Dr. Harfords garden had been swept, and the still, frosty air and mid-day sunshine made the place as pleasant a...
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Over the Border: A RomanceOver the Border: A Romance The end of October had been more than usually fine, and now the beginning of November was following the good example set by its predecessor. In the Home Park, the only part of the extensive grounds surrounding Hampton Court...
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