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On the Wallaby Through VictoriaOn the Wallaby Through VictoriaThis is not supposed to be a national or political history of Victoria. When I was asked to write something about the country which has extended its hospitality to me, and given me bread and cheesesometimes no cheese, it is...
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The Story of Majorca and MinorcaThe Story of Majorca and MinorcaThe story of the Islands of Majorca and Minorca has never been told in our language in a condensed form, although the interest is great from an historical point of view, and the materials sufficient, though not perhaps abundant....
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Vida de Don Duarte de Meneses, tercero Conde de Viana, y sucessos notables de Portugal en su tiempoVida de Don Duarte de Meneses, tercero Conde de Viana, y sucessos notables de Portugal en su tiempoEM cumprimento do que V. Illutrisima me manda por eu depacho, li este livro, que tem por titulo, Vida de D. Duarte de Menees terceiro Conde de...
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Chronique de 1831 à 1862, Tome 3 (de 4)Chronique de 1831 à 1862, Tome 3 (de 4)Note sur la transcription: Les erreurs clairement introduites par le typographe ont t corriges. L'orthographe d'origine a t conserve et n'a pas t harmonise. Les numros des pages blanches n'ont pas t repris. Rochecotte, 1er janvier...
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The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 05, August 1, 1840The Irish Penny Journal, Vol. 1 No. 05, August 1, 1840If the citizens of our capital have to acknowledge, and perhaps lament, that they are unable to compete with some other cities of the empire in the extent of their commerce, the number of...
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El libro rojo, 1520-1867, Tomo IEl libro rojo, 1520-1867, Tomo IResumen: Prefacio histrico.Autobiografa.Captulo I. (1858-1860).I. Elsesser, cuado de Jecker.II. El Presidente Jurez.III. Morny y las minas de Sonora.Captulo II. (1861).I. Almonte Hidalgo.II. Los bonos de Jecker.III. Saligny.IV. Cmara Sindical de exportacin.Captulo III. (1862).I. El prncipe austriaco.II. Lorencez y Zaragoza.III....
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The Daily Newspaper: The History of Its Production and DistibutionThe Daily Newspaper: The History of Its Production and DistibutionIn addition to the smaller premiums which we offer and which every body may get, there is a prize of a Lady's or Gentleman's Gold Watch, a Sewing Machine, Silver Watch, and a Small Patent...
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History of a Six Weeks' Tour Through a Part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland:History of a Six Weeks' Tour Through a Part of France, Switzerland, Germany, and Holland: - With Letters Descriptive of a Sail Round the Lake of Geneva, and of the Glaciers of Chamouni.Nothing can be more unpresuming than this little volume. It contains the...
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Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore, Volume 2 (of 2)Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Montefiore, Volume 2 (of 2) - Comprising Their Life and Work as Recorded in Their Diaries, from 1812 to 1883COMPRISING THEIR LIFE AND WORK AS RECORDED IN THEIR DIARIES FROM 1812 TO 1883. WITH THE ADDRESSES AND SPEECHES...
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The Gases of the Atmosphere: The History of Their DiscoveryThe Gases of the Atmosphere: The History of Their DiscoveryThe discovery of new elementary gas in the atmosphere in 1894 aroused much interest, and public attention has again been directed to the air, which was, for many centuries, a fruitful field for speculation and...
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SevastopoliSevastopoliAamurusko alkaa juuri kullata taivaanrantaa Sapun-vuoren ylpuolella. Tummansininen merenpinta on jo heittnyt yltn yn hmrn ja odottaa vain auringon ensimmist sdett alottaakseen iloisen vrileikkins. Merenpoukamasta huokuu kylm ja sumua; lunta ei ole missn kaikki on mustana, mutta pureva aamupakkanen ky kasvoihin ja narskahtelee jalan...
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Wanderings in SpainWanderings in SpainA few weeks ago (April, 1840), I happened, in an off-hand manner, to give utterance to the following phrase:"I should like to go to Spain." Five or six days afterwards, my friends had suppressed the prudent "I should like," with which I...
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A History of the United StatesA History of the United StatesThe lamented death of President Adams entails on me the duty of writing the preface to our joint work,a duty which, had he lived, would naturally have fallen to him, since to his initiative and energy the volume owes...
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Campaign for PetersburgCampaign for PetersburgIn the final year of the Civil War in the East, the fighting focused upon Petersburg, an important transportation center for Richmond and Lees army. For 10 bloody months of combat, both from behind prepared positions and along the main routes of...
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The History of Korea (vol. 2 of 2)The History of Korea (vol. 2 of 2)Errors, when reasonably attributable to the printer, have been corrected. The corrections appear as words underlined with a light gray. The original text will be shown when the mouse is over the word. Please see the transcribers...
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England's StewardshipEngland's Stewardship - The Substance of a Sermon Preached on the Fast-Day, in Trinity Church, Tunbridge WellsAt no time in Englands history has she been called to humble herself before God under more harrowing circumstances than the present. We have not to deplore the...
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Observations on the Disturbances in the Madras Army in 1809Observations on the Disturbances in the Madras Army in 1809I have hitherto abstained from controversy regarding the late unhappy proceedings at Madras. The part which I had taken in these proceedings had placed me in possession of much information, and I had given a...
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Doing My Bit For IrelandDoing My Bit For IrelandWhen the revolt of a people that feels itself oppressed is successful, it is written down in history as a revolutionas in this country in 1776. When it fails, it is called an insurrectionas in Ireland in 1916. Those who...
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The Scourge of God: A Romance of Religious PersecutionThe Scourge of God: A Romance of Religious PersecutionIn this stirring romance of the seventeenth century the reader shares the adventures of an English officer who serves under Turenne in his German campaigns. The author has written an engrossing story of love and war....
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Muistelmia matkalta Venäjän Karjalassa kesällä 1879Muistelmia matkalta Venäjän Karjalassa kesällä 1879Sananen A. W. Ervastista ja hnen matkoistaan, kirj. Hj. Basilier Alkulause I. Oulusta rajalle II. Miinoasta Kemiin III. Katsaus Karjalan taloudellisiin oloihin IV. Pyh kaupunki V. Vienassa ja sielt Kierettiin VI. Kieretist Uhtuan kautta kotiin Loppulause Liite: Lyhykinen Solovetsin...
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