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The Truth About German AtrocitiesThe Truth About German Atrocities - Founded on the Report of the Committee on Alleged German OutragesPrussia joined in a Guarantee of Belgian Neutrality. The neutrality of Belgium was guaranteed by a treaty signed in 1839 to which France, Prussia and Great Britain were...
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William of Malmesbury's Chronicle of the Kings of EnglandWilliam of Malmesbury's Chronicle of the Kings of England - From the earliest period to the reign of King StephenThe history of the English, from their arrival in Britain to his own times, has been written by Bede, a man of singular learning and...
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The New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol. 1, No. 3, July 1847The New England Historical & Genealogical Register, Vol. 1, No. 3, July 1847It is now upwards of two centuries and a quarter since the despotic sway of the English Sovereigns over the consciences of their subjects, induced all who entertained different sentiments from those...
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Anthropological Survey in AlaskaAnthropological Survey in AlaskaAlaska and the opposite parts of Asia hold, in all probability, the key to the problem of the peopling of America. It is here, and here alone, where a land of another continent approaches so near to America that a passage...
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A British Rifle ManA British Rifle Man - The Journals and Correspondence of Major George Simmons, Rifle Brigade, During the Peninsular War and the Campaign of WaterlooGeorge Simmons, the writer of the following letters and journals, was born on 2nd May 1785. His parents resided at Beverley,...
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Report of Mr. Wood's Visit to the Choctaw and Cherokee Missions. 1855Report of Mr. Wood's Visit to the Choctaw and Cherokee Missions. 1855At the meeting of the Board held in Utica, New York, September, 1855, the Prudential Committee submitted a special communication in reference to the Choctaw and Cherokee missions, in which they say: "Since...
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The Story of NelsonThe Boys' NelsonThe career of the little one-eyed, one-armed man who frustrated Napoleons ambitious maritime plans for the subjugation of England, who is to sailors what Napoleon is to soldiers, who represented in his person all that sea power meant when the very existence...
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The Fleet: Its Rivers, Prison, and MarriagesThe Fleet: Its Rivers, Prison, and MarriagesTHIS book requires none, except a mere statement of its scheme. Time has wrought such changes in this land of ours, and especially in its vast Metropolis, "The Modern Babylon," that the old land-marks are gradually being effacedand...
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Transhimalaja: Löytöjä ja seikkailuja Tibetissä. 2 (of 2)Transhimalaja: Löytöjä ja seikkailuja Tibetissä. 2 (of 2)18. Pyhss kaupungissa. 19. Oleskeluni Shigatsessa. 20. Raga-tsangpoa pitkin. 21. Erakkomunkkeja. 22. Targo-gangri ja Shuru-tso. 23. Muhamed Isan kuolema. 24. Kiertoteit Tradumiin ja pikimltn Nepaliin. 25. Brahmaputran lhteill. Ero. 26. Manasarovar. 27. Sotledshin lhde ja Pyh vuori....
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Transhimalaja: Löytöjä ja seikkailuja Tibetissä. 1 (of 2)Transhimalaja: Löytöjä ja seikkailuja Tibetissä. 1 (of 2)Alkulause. 1. Simla. 2. Lehin tie. 3. Lht Tibetiin. 4. Tibetilisen sismaan reunalle. 5. Lake Lightenilla. 6. Suoraan susien suuhun tai haaksirikkoon! 7. Suuria tappioita. 8. Tuntemattomassa maassa. 9. Kovanonnen pivi. 10. Kuumesairaana villin jakin maassa. 11....
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Spain, v. 2 (of 2)Spain, v. 2 (of 2)As on arriving at Madrid by way of the north, so on leaving it by way of the south, one must pass through a desolate country that resembles the poorest provinces of Arragon and Old Castile. There are vast plains,...
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Aasian erämaissa: Kuvauksia matkoilta Keski-Aasiassa ja KiinassaAasian erämaissa: Kuvauksia matkoilta Keski-Aasiassa ja Kiinassa1. Pekingiin. 2. Kirgiisien aron yli. 3. Pamirin poikki. 4. Jakin selss Mus-tag-ataa yls. 5. Vesill phkinnkuoressa. 6. Aavikolle lht. 7. Kuolonhiljaisuuden koti. 8. Vedetnn. 9. Vett. 10. Kaksi viikkoa lehtimajassa. 11. Viimeiset kameelit. 12. Vaarallisia kulkupaikkoja. 13....
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La Grande Mademoiselle, 1627-1652La Grande Mademoiselle, 1627-1652La Grande Mademoiselle was one of the most original persons of her epoch, though it cannot be said that she was ever of the first order. Hers was but a small genius; there was nothing extraordinary in her character; and she...
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The German Terror in Belgium: An Historical RecordThe German Terror in Belgium: An Historical RecordThe subject of this book is the treatment of the civil population in the countries overrun by the German Armies during the first three months of the European War. The form of it is a connected narrative,...
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Cassell's History of England, Vol. 2 (of 8)Cassell's History of England, Vol. 2 (of 8) - From the Wars of the Roses to the Great RebellionCade's RebellionYork comes over from IrelandHis Claims and the Unpopularity of the Reigning LineHis First Appearance in ArmsBirth of the Prince of WalesYork made ProtectorRecovery of...
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Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. VII, Part IThe Social Life of the Blackfoot IndiansIn this third paper on the ethnology of the Blackfoot Indians full recognition should again be given Mr. D. C. Duvall, with whose assistance the data were collected by the writer on a Museum expedition in 1906. Later,...
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Lettres du prince de Metternich à la comtesse de Lieven, 1818-1819Lettres du prince de Metternich à la comtesse de Lieven, 1818-18191o LA PRINCESSE DE LIEVEN ......Buy Now (To Read More)Product details Ebook Number: 50708 Author: Metternich, Clemens Wenzel Lothar Release Date: Dec 17, 2015 Format: eBook Language: French Contributors Editor: Hanoteau, Jean, 1869-1939
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