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Historia natural y moral de las Indias (vol 2 of 2)Historia natural y moral de las Indias (vol 2 of 2)Habiendo tratado lo que la historia natural de Indias pertenece, en lo que resta se tratar de la historia moral, esto es, de las costumbres y hechos de los Indios. Porque despues del Cielo,...
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The 9 Days' Queen, Lady Jane Grey, and Her TimesThe Nine Days' Queen, Lady Jane Grey, and Her TimesThe tragedy of Lady Jane Grey is unquestionably one of the most poignant episodes in English history, but its very dramatic completeness and compactness have almost invariably caused its wider significance to be obscured by...
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450 miles to freedom: the adventures of eight British officers in their escape from the TurksFour-Fifty Miles to Freedom"Il n'y a pas trois officiers." Such was the memorable epigram by which Sherif Bey, Turkish Captain of the Prisoners-of-War Guard at Kstamni, and a man regardless of detail, announced to us that four officers, whose escape has been described in...
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History of the 36th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. 1862-1865History of the Thirty-sixth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. 1862-1865Not long after the close of the war a plan was proposed, by some of the officers of the regiment, for the preparation of a history of the Thirty-sixth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers; but the plan was...
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Zachariah Chandler: An Outline Sketch of His Life and Public ServicesZachariah Chandler: An Outline Sketch of His Life and Public ServicesIt is stated elsewhere that this work is written "By The Detroit Post and Tribune." Unusual as this form of announcement is on the title-pages of books, there certainly may be an authorial as...
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History of the Beef Cattle Industry in IllinoisHistory of the Beef Cattle Industry in Illinois"As a whole, the surface of the State of Illinois is nearly level. The prairie regions which cover a large part of the state are only slightly rolling, except in those places where streams have worn valleys....
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The Americans in the Great War; v. 3. The Meuse-Argonne BattlefieldsThe Americans in the Great War; v. 3. The Meuse-Argonne Battlefields - (Montfaucon, Romagne, Saint-Menehould)The Touring Club de France (founded in 1890), is at the present time the largest Touring Association in the whole world. Its principal aim is to introduce Franceadmirable country and...
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The Romance of DollardThe Romance of DollardBY THE AUTHOR. THE province of Canada, or New France, under the reign of Louis XIV., presented the same panorama of lakes, mountains, rivers, rapids, that it does to-day; but it was then a background for heroes, and the French population...
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The Americans in the Great War; v. 2. The Battle of Saint MihielThe Americans in the Great War; v. 2. The Battle of Saint Mihiel - (St. Mihiel, Pont-à-Mousson, Metz)The Touring Club de France (founded in 1890), is at the present time the largest Touring Association in the whole world. Its principal aim is to introduce...
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Famous Discoverers and Explores of AmericaFamous Discoverers and Explores of America - Their Voyages, Battles, and Hardships in Traversing and Conquering the Unknown Territories of a New WorldMy Dear Boys: It has seemed fitting to include in the Famous Leaders Series this volume upon the discoverers and explorers, not...
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Herodotoksen historia-teos I-IIHerodotoksen historia-teos I-IIHalikarnassolainen Herodotos tarjoaa tss esityksen tutkimuksistaan, jotteivt ihmisten toimet aikojen kuluessa hlvenisi, eivtk ne suuret ja ihmeelliset teot, joita osaksi helleenit, osaksi barbarit, ovat suorittaneet, jisi maineettomiksi, ja ennen kaikkea, jotta selviisi, mist syyst he ovat joutuneet sotiin toistensa kanssa. 1. Persialaisten...
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Jews and Moors in SpainJews and Moors in SpainThis volume is a reprint of newspaper reports of a series of lectures delivered by the author from the pulpit of Congregation B'nai Jehudah, Kansas City, Mo., during the Fall and Winter of 1885-1886. The lectures were prepared to fulfill...
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With the Rank and FileWith the Rank and FileMy Dear Reader: Among the many publications which the late war has drawn forth, I present you with something which you have never read, nor which has ever been in print, until the issue of this little book. The sketches...
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Jüdische Flieger im Kriege, ein Blatt der ErinnerungJüdische Flieger im Kriege, ein Blatt der ErinnerungZur Geschichte der Juden und ber ihre Anteilnahme an den groen Kriegen des vorigen Jahrhunderts erschien zu Beginn des Weltkrieges eine eingehende Untersuchung von Professor Dr. Ludwig Geiger. Den Anteil an den napoleonischen Kmpfen leitet ein Jude...
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The Americans in the Great War; v 1. The Second Battle of the MarneThe Americans in the Great War; v 1. The Second Battle of the Marne - (Château-Thierry, Soissons, Fismes)The Touring Club de France (founded in 1890), is at the present time the largest Touring Association in the whole world. Its principal aim is to introduce...
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Autobiography of Samuel S. Hildebrand, the Renowned Missouri "Bushwacker" and Unconquerable Rob Roy of AmericaAutobiography of Samuel S. Hildebrand, the Renowned Missouri "Bushwacker" and Unconquerable Rob Roy of America - Being his Complete ConfessionBefore proceeding with the Autobiography of Samuel S. Hildebrand, we would call the attention of the reader to the fact, that since notoriety has been...
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Town Life in the 15th Century, Volume 1 (of 2)Town Life in the Fifteenth Century, Volume 1 (of 2)In the twenty years which have passed since Mr. Green drew his brilliant sketch of the early life of English towns, and of their influence on the history of English liberty, the study of the...
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A History of SinaiA History of SinaiIn the winter of 1905-6 Professor Flinders Petrie undertook the examination of the Egyptian remains in Sinai. After working at Wadi Maghara he removed into the Wadi Umm Agraf to copy the inscriptions and excavate the temple ruins at Serabit. His...
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My Lady Peggy Goes to TownMy Lady Peggy Goes to TownMinor errors in punctuation and formatting have been silently corrected. Please see the transcribers note at the end of this text for details regarding the handling of any textual issues encountered during its preparation. The full-page illustrations are referred...
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Charles Sumner: his complete works, volume 19 (of 20)Charles Sumner: his complete works, volume 19 (of 20)And no distinction, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, shall be made in the admission of pupils to any of the schools under the control of the Board of Education, or in...
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