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Alfred Kihlman: Elämän kuvaus. 1 (of 2)Alfred Kihlman: Elämän kuvaus. 1 (of 2)Esipuhe. I. Suku ja vanhemmat. II. Lukiolainen 1840-43. III. Ylioppilas 1843-45. IV. Apulaispappi 1846-51. V. Ulkomaanmatka 1851-52: Lhtvalmistukset; Ruotsissa. VI. Ulkomaanmatka 1851-52 (jatko): Matka Stuttgartiin ja olo siell VII. Ulkomaanmatka 1851-52 (jatko): Tbingeniss; paluumatka. VIII. Viel apulaispappina 1852-55....
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Greece and the Ægean IslandsGreece and the Ægean IslandsMinor errors in punctuation and formatting have been silently corrected. Please see the transcribers note at the end of this text for details regarding the handling of any textual issues encountered during its preparation. What follows makes no pretense whatever...
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The War History of the 4th Battalion, the London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers), 1914-1919The War History of the 4th Battalion, the London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers), 1914-1919It was considered by the past and present members of the 4th Battalion, The London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers), that some permanent record of the part taken by the Regiment in the European...
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The Age of StonehengeThe Age of StonehengeThe first thought which is almost sure to present itself to the mind of a visitor to Stonehenge is thiscan we reasonably fix its age? The author of the accompanying little pamphlet has endeavoured to answer this question as far as,...
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Round about Bar-le-DucRound about Bar-le-DucTO CAROL Dear, you asked me to write for you the story of my work and adventures in France, and through all the agonising hours of incubation and parturition you have given me your unfailing sympathy, encouragement and help. You have even...
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Pictures of the old French courtPictures of the old French court - Jeanne de Bourbon, Isabeau de Bavière, Anne de BretagneIn a former book I endeavoured, from information gathered out of the records of the first half of the fourteenth century, to give some idea of the court and...
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The Diary of a TurkThe Diary of a TurkAlthough no Western Power has ever played a greater part in the problems of the Ottoman Empire than Great Britain, yet in no other country in Western Europe is Turkey more grossly misunderstood. I have been many times asked by...
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