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Runnymede and Lincoln Fair: A Story of the Great CharterRunnymede and Lincoln Fair: A Story of the Great CharterRunnymede and Lincoln Fair was the last story drawing upon the wars and great affairs of English history which its author was destined to write. Like Cressy and Poictiers, which is already included in Everymans...
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Greater Greece and Greater Britain; and, George Washington, the Expander of EnglandGreater Greece and Greater Britain; and, George Washington, the Expander of England. - Two Lectures with an AppendixThese two lectures were given quite independently, the former to the Students Association at Edinburgh on December 22nd, 1885, and the latter as a public lecture in...
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English Men of ActionSir Charles NapierTen miles west of Dublin, on the north bank of the Liffey, stands a village of a single street, called Celbridge. In times so remote that their record only survives in a name, some Christian hermit built here himself a cell for...
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Novelleja DecameronestaNovelleja DecameronestaBoccaccio on luonut taiteellisen kertomakirjallisuuden, on ensimisen antanut elvlle elmlle sijan kirjallisuudessa, ollut tienraivaajana renessanssin elmnhalun ja ihmistuntemisen ilmaisemiselle sek ensimisen asettanut realismin, luonnonmukaisuuden, kertomarunouden varsinaiseksi pohjaksi; hn on sen lisksi ensimisen antanut italialaiselle proosatyylille sen taiteellisen varmuuden. Siin lyhyesti hnen merkityksens ja...
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German Society at the Close of the Middle AgesGerman Society at the Close of the Middle AgesThe close of the fifteenth century had left the whole structure of medival Europe to all appearance intact. Statesmen and writers like Philip de Commines had apparently as little suspicion that the state of things they...
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Chapter of AutobiographyChapter of AutobiographyAt a time when the Established Church of Ireland is on her trial, it is not unfair that her assailants should be placed upon their trial too: most of all, if they have at one time been her sanguine defenders. But if...
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The Islets of the ChannelThe Islets of the ChannelWine, per doz.:Port, 18s. to 40s. Sherry, 18s. to 36s. Madeira, 50s. Marsala, 15s. Claret, 16s. to 75s. Burgundy, 30s. to 55s. Champagne, 30s. to 60s. Mountain, 20s. Hock and Moselle, 35s. to 55s. Muscat, 25s. Chablis and Barsac, 20s....
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What the "Boys" Did Over ThereWhat the "Boys" Did Over There - By "Themselves"IN ASSEMBLING the stories contained in this book we have endeavored to put in realistic and readable form some of the actual, and authentic, experiences of soldiers and officers of the Allied Forces, who have returned...
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Notes on the History of Argentine IndependenceNotes on the History of Argentine IndependenceIn a former paper read before this Club, effort was made to show how settlements in the Argentine came east and south from Per, step by step, until Buenos Aires was eventually founded by Juan de Garay in...
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Onni KalpaOnni KalpaKirjallani ja sen sankarilla oli aikaisemmin toinen nimi, todellisuudesta lainattu. Se oli harhaisku, sill kirja on ensimmisest rivist viimeiseen asti pelkk runoilua. Mutta en tahtonut olla mainitsematta, kenen nimi ja kohtalo mieltni oli innoittanut, olisi mielestni ollut vrin salata, kehen kirjallinen kunnianosoitukseni kohdistui....
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Perpetua. A Tale of Nimes in A.D. 213Perpetua. A Tale of Nimes in A.D. 213A brilliant day in the town of Nemaususthe modern Nmesin the Province of Gallia Narbonensis, that arrogated to itself the title of being the province, a title that has continued in use to the present day, as...
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Archaeological Essays, Vol. 2Archæological Essays, Vol. 2Printed as a Pamphlet, at Edinburgh, 1856 (Sutherland and Knox), and Inscribed to James Pillans, Esq., F.R.S.E., Professor of Humanity in the University of Edinburgh, etc. etc., as a Small Tribute of sincere Esteem from an Old and Attached Pupil. Few...
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Darkness and Dawn Or, Scenes in the Days of Nero. An Historic TaleDarkness and Dawn; Or, Scenes in the Days of Nero. An Historic Tale I have endeavoured to choose a title for this book which shall truly describe its contents. The Darkness of which I speak is the darkness of a decadent Paganism; the Dawn...
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The Gladiators. A Tale of Rome and JudæaThe Gladiators. A Tale of Rome and Judæa Of this Edition of Whyte-Melvilles Works One Thousand and Fifty Copies only have been printed by Morrison and Gibb Limited, Edinburgh, who have distributed the type THE WORKS OF G. J. WHYTE-MELVILLE EDITED BY Sir HERBERT...
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Francisco the FilipinoFrancisco the FilipinoAt the close of the Spanish-American War in 1898, Spain withdrew from the Philippine Islands after more than three centuries of residence, and turned over the responsibilities of Philippine control to the people of the United States. A number of years have...
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NormandyNormandyPen and brush are both necessary in the attempt to give an impression of a country; word-painting for the brain, colour for the eye. Yet even then there must be gaps and a sad lack of completeness, which is felt by no one more...
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A Diary Kept by Mrs. R. C. Germon, at Lucknow, Between the Months of May and December, 1857A Diary Kept by Mrs. R. C. Germon, at Lucknow, Between the Months of May and December, 1857The Writer of the following Diary has frequently been requested to have a few copies printed for circulation amongst her friends; she has now acceded to their...
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Montreal, 1535-1914. Vol. 1. Under the French Régime, 1535-1760Montreal, 1535-1914. Vol. 1. Under the French Régime, 1535-1760"QUI MANET IN PATRIA ET PATRIAM COGNOSCERE TEMNIT IS MIHI NON CIVIS, SED PEREGRINUS ERIT" In placing before the public the first volume of the History of Montreal, under the title of "Under the French Rgime,"...
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"Abe" Lincoln's Anecdotes and Stories"Abe" Lincoln's Anecdotes and Stories - A Collection of the Best Stories Told by Lincoln Which Made Him Famous as America's Best Story TellerIt was once said of Shakespeare that the great mind that conceived the tragedies of "Hamlet," "Macbeth," etc., would have lost...
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Under Cæsars' ShadowUnder Cæsars' ShadowLike ruler, like people! Kings and emperors are conspicuous specimens of the character of their times. They are centers around which revolve the prevailing tastes and passions of men. They also influence and control the minds of their subjects. If we would...
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